Which is better?
For PC gaming, but I don't mind using 3rd party software to make the DS4 work.
Which is better?
For PC gaming, but I don't mind using 3rd party software to make the DS4 work.
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>using PS4 controller on PC
Enjoy your input lag.
You can map the ds4 touchpad to be usable so it offers more utility
Overall I would say xbox elite > ds4 > xbox normal
Xbone, dpad is too good to pass up
this but Xbone controller is more comfy desu
>xbox elite
What. The. Fuck.
the new ones operate via cable
>dpad is too good to pass up
Is it? Isn't the PS d-pad considered god-tier, like people have won fightan tournaments with it already?
A 360 controller.
Out of those two, the DS4.
either is fine
I prefer the bone
Are the dpads on the bone controllers still an abortion?
I haven't used a current gen one to know.
Why would someone post such a blatant lie
From the moment I picked up an Xbox one controller I knew something was wrong
The PS4 controller was a godsend and the Xbox one controller was a step down from the 360 controller in my opinion
I own and use both but the triggers and shoulder buttons on the Xbox one controller feel very awkward for me and I still don't like the fact that both of the analog sticks aren't together
It also didn't have a headphone jack on launch, another reason the Xbox lost to the PS4 in sales for a while
Sony pretty much had it figured out with the ps1 dual analog controller except for the triggers
Ahead of its time
Better than dreamcast, n64, GameCube, and original Xbox
Artist rant over
I own both and both are fine. It comes down to your own preference. I use the DS4 more with InputMapper, never tested the new native support on steam.
Xbone had some problems. I discovered that there was a firmware update for the controller which fixed it. Just a bit stupid needing to boot up the extra Xbox Accessories App just for that. So keep that in mind if you want to go with that and bought some older stock.
Alternatively you can find cheap 360/PS3 controllers that work fine too. Played last gen mostly with a PS3 controller on PC with BetterDS3. Just stay away from MotioninJoy you only need the driver part from that for BetterDS3.
DS4Windows is better.
Its the best controller. Slimmer than the fat 360, better d pad, and the analog placement is far better, sonys analong stick placement is awful.
Bluetooth Xbone.
no theyre actually very good now
The analog stick should be seperated yiu fucking idiot.
Ps4 controllers feel like cheap plastic shit, Xbone are more comfy to hold and use.
It's hard to pick up by one of the handles thanks to awful design
The 360 and PS4 controllers are much easier
Such a blatant design flaw that slipped through the cracks
How many controllers do you think were dropped on hard floors and broken?
The d pad is too loud and clicky
There is no reason
Listening to controller noises is one of the worst parts of console gaming
Sony stick placement makes sense and only idiots have trouble with it
I am proficient with both and prefer Sony
Explain why you think that
Why shouldn't they be together which makes logical sense and is better for left handed people
luckily they're not though and hold up very well to extended use
Also how small are your hands that you think the 360 controller is too fat
Can you even lift an original Xbox controller or does it fall to the floor and crush your fragile hands
i would have become a PC gamer almost ten fucking years ago if you autistic dipshits didnt act like it was anything but a waste of time to try any controller but one for an xbox
holy fuck what is wrong with everybody
>muh dpads
fuck off and die, no games rely on that that heavily except weeb trash and nigger fighting games, and if you like that shit, you have no right to exist
What's better about it? Used IM since forever and never felt the need to change it. It does the job well. Some advantages on DS4Windows?
The PS4 d-pad isn't that great honestly. The vita had an almost perfect one. I think luffy, some european SFV player uses a playstation 1 pad to play SFV.
>holds up very well to extended use
I got a PS4 on Black Friday and one of the sticks is already fucking up. Look at the right one... it looks like it's a totally different material than the other. Piece of shit sticks, but the rest is good.
i would say the xbox handle is better cuz the drivers are already installed on the windows os. but the touch pad on the ds4 can be used like a track pad on a laptop which i think is super handy
>tl;dr get the xbone for ease of use or the ds4 for the track pad
I just use a 360 controller. I was using a DS4 but then you have to download a app to trick games into thinking it's a xbox controller and even then all the button prompts are xbox buttons not to mention it doesn't even work on all games.
I got the a ds4 pc kit on black friday and I don't really like it. It has native support now and I didn't have to install any drivers manually but it's just not as comfortable as the xbox controller.
Depends on the era of games your emulating
Pre N64 Era, Sony controllers are dpad centric, post n64, i'd go with the xboner controllers
For N64/Gamecube you may as well just get a GC controller adapter. PS3/4 controllers are better for everything else.
... and everyone already has a Wii remote laying around to use with Wii emulator.
how can i check ds4windows latency?
The Xboner has literally the worst bumpers and D-pad I've ever had the displeasure of using.
Alternatively just use a 360 pad, they're still great.
i like ds4 better
I've used both and I prefer the Xbone controller
The dual shock is nice and the touchpad is really cool but it has some ergonomic issues for me
That's odd. I've used mine for thousands of hours with no issues except for one the triggers becoming squeeky when I spammed it in destiny and then going back to normal
It might just be a defect.. it wasn't like that when I got it and I only played like 40-50 hours so far. I kind of like it, though, because it has a lot more grip. I just wish the other side would do the same.
i dont know if its just me but my xbone controllers seem to malfunction after a month or two. i went back to a 360 controller. I hear steam is going to provide support for ds4 soon
>I hear steam is going to provide support for ds4 soon
That means that the client supports it but games themselves don't.
Don't expect anything out of this, your best bet is using DS4Windows.
What software do you use? DS4Windows freezes the fuck up every time I open it.
Gonna be the odd man out and say Wii U Pro Controller.
well i just looked up an article that said that it will basically uses the same exact api the steam controller uses
Why not both?
DS4 feels too cramped
The absolute best thing this console gen is the headphone jacks on the controllers.
Are you using the correct DS4Windows?
There's an older version that's shit and there's the newer open source edition that's really great.
I've never had any input lag with mine, and I'm the kind of person that refuses to use vsync in anything because of its input lag.
Not him, but I prefer DS4Windows because it's much more intuitive for rebinding the touchpad. DS4Windows offers me individual inputs for clicking the left side of the touchpad, the right side of the touchpad, both sides at once, and the top part that curves over, which are useful for things like push-to-talk. I tried doing the same with InputMapper but it would only let me bind touchpad inputs through macros, and I had such a hard time figuring out how to make those work that I just fucking gave up.
As for the topic at hand, try them both and decide which one you prefer OP. They're both very good controllers, both are compatible with all modern games and can be used either wired or wirelessly, so it really does come down to your personal preference. For me, the DS4 wins, due to the aforementioned touchpad inputs as well as the triggers & shoulder buttons (I can't stand the Xbone triggers & shoulders), general controller shape, and the DS4's range of analog movement and accuracy (I'm seriously impressed at how accurate they are when I look at their readings in DS4Windows - I had to increase their deadzones because they will register the smallest possible input in any direction). I did however swap the analog sticks for Xbone sticks. I never encountered and mine is the controller that came with my launch model PS4, but I just found the Xbone sticks more comfortable.
To reiterate, though - try them both for yourself, and pick whichever one you find more comfortable.
Are you using exclusive mode? Trying to launch DS4Windows in exclusive mode when you're running programs that detect your controller (Steam, Discord, TeamSpeak, Uplay, etc) will cause that kind of freezing.
This one. I can install it and it works fine, but when I restart my computer it goes to shit.
Xbox 360 wired controller. The greatest controller of all time.
except for the dpad
If you want actual software that works 100%, get this
No bullshit like DS3 and DS4tool.
It also starts when you log in.
My understanding is that it's just a bloated adware version of DS4W, which is lightweight and has all the features you could ever want.
Also, it automatically configures the controller's inputs.
I prefer ps controllers. Xbox too heavy and collects dirt more easily.
The xbone controller. I love the way the controller feels, and its light too. Meanwhile the ps4 feels cheap and ugly as shit like a 10 dollar hooker
This thing feels so good in my hands
I prefer DS4Windows which uses that but has more features. To each his own.
This 100%
Great dpad, ideal size/layout for analogs, and most importantly, 70+ hours of battery life
it shits on every other controllers battery
that's the best way to describe it
.t person with average size hands
What the fuck is this thread? Why settle for that cancer. DS4 literally has a share button and it's fucking ugly. They're both fucking ugly but DS4 really takes the cake and it's all the more insulting after a 3-generation legacy of god tier controllers.
The DS3 is already the perfect controller, especially now that MotioninJoy chinese cancer has gotten replaced with Better DS3. 360 wired for muh ergonomics with long sessions but shit d-pad. Have one of both, handy to have two when you're emulating a co-op game. You don't need anything else, besides specialized peripherals: steering wheels, joysticks, fight pads etc.
why are you fucks still talking about ds4windows you don't need that chink crap now. steam supports it as a steam controller and windows installs drivers automatically now.
its still in beta though
I need DS4Windows to play Forza Horizon 3. Fuck Steam.
>chink shit
fuck off steam shill
ScpToolkit is better, faggot.
It just werks.
I use a DS4 with Xbone analogs. I like the concave bits of the Xbone better. Cost about 6 bucks so whatevs.
DS4Windows uses ScpToolkit, son.
I don't have any issues with DS4Windows.
My mistake. Carry on.
I use a 360 for the majority of games, the sticks are more comfortable and the grip size is nice.
ps4/3 is better for emulation though in my opinion, the d-pad feels a lot better when playing something that doesnt have analogue directions.
I have a ps4 as well though, and just have the 360 and ps3 controllers perpetually plugged into the computer and switch between the two when needed.
As long as it's less than 16ms it doesn't matter, if playing 60 fps games.
It's got a lot of attachments and stuff. Go to gamestop to look at their demo version so you can see it for yourself.
It's pretty neat. I'd get one for the PS4 if it was available.
Go for the 360 controller if you have that option. Other than the D-Pad, it's leagues above the One controller.
>paid 20 dollars at Walmart for Logitech PC controller
>works with steam, GOG and pretty much every PC game flawless
Kek at fools using a console controller for their PC games, or giving their bux for an overpriced steam controller
also it has no vibration and uses USB but I don't go autist over it like most Sup Forumstards would
>calls me poorfag
kek, moar vidya for me. Why spend a lot on accessories.
I prefer the DS4 because I hate the XBone's bumpers, but that's about it. The DPad is better on the PS4, IMO, but I don't hate the boner's either. They're both pretty good. Get w/e idk.
I like the ds4, but the ps3 controller still feels way better.
>The DPad is better on the PS4
Xbone Dpad is much better, Sony needs to ditch that segmented crap.
I use a DS4 on PC because I don't own an Xbone and I lent my 360 to a nog who broke it and was like, "Oh well". It works well once set up properly, but get ready for every prompt to be for the Xbox buttons and sometimes during QTE's it can be annoying doing the translation on the fly. If I had a 360 controller I would use it. My friend has an Xbone controller and wasn't able to set it up to work on his win8 box after much effort.
I don't like the way the XBone's feels. I don't like the clicky-ness.
>to a nog who broke it and was like, "Oh well"
Why didn't you kick his ass to get the money for a new controller?
Have both, prefer using the DS4 because it's not as loud/clicky and fits my hands better. It would be perfect if I could put a longer lasting battery in it.
Bought pic related for $40 new from microcenter. Bought 2 because I have a feeling they're going to start becoming rarer and rarer to find. Works flawlessly.
Was looking at the Xbox One Elite controller and wireless adapter. Would run me about $160 shipped. How is the XBONE controller overall? How is the Elite? Does anyone own one?
Money isn't an issue. My ONLY gripe with the 360 controller is no matter how well I take care of the controller, the left stick always starts making my characters "drift" left on their own.
xb1 controller is ok, but the battery life is shit compared to the steam controller.
not sure how long batteries last in ds4.
Xbone is objectively better but enjoy stick drift after 3 months of constant use
I don't like the joystick placement on the Xbone and since I'm extremely resistant to change I just use the dualshock.
I'm using a Wii U Pro Controller for Dark Souls and I dig it.
Xbone purely because of the first party drivers
The Xbone controller is better. Smoother grip, and much better triggers, especially for shooters. PS4 d-pad is a bit better, but I rarely use it and neither should you.
I sold my xbone for a PS4, but the xbone controller was miles better. It's not even a competition.
It's just preference dude. I prefer the dualshock to the xbox controllers and I always have. I wear large gloves so I don't get the complaints about them being too small.
>X1 Elite
As someone who has one, don't bother, just get a normal X1 pad, the Elite *is* better, but it's not $150 better, even if money isn't an issue it just doesn't make sense to get it when for $50/$40 on sale, you can get a shit ton of normal X1 pads which feel pretty much the same as an elite pad
So do the old ones, just not on the PS4 itself.
DS4 with Xbone sticks > all
>these plebs don't repair their equipment
I have in the past. Used to make custom painted controller for the people in my high school for $100 a piece. Just shouldn't have to crack open a brand new controller every 2 months. Dunno why the stick starts to drift.