Are we avoiding talking about this because it proved /v wrong and is nearly a perfect game?

Are we avoiding talking about this because it proved /v wrong and is nearly a perfect game?
(before you start posting fat pc neckbeard scores that haven't played the game, play it for yourself)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut up and go suck off Aaron Greenberg, you faggot!

>ten years

It's average, we already talked about it, shit fps, pretty good art style by the kid looks like the model they would have use during the ps2 days so it sticks out in the art style. It's your basic puzzle platformer, who cares

It's a solid 7/10.
Nothing noteworthy aside from the artstyle.
Boggled my mind think how this took a decade to make.

It's a great game desu!


I'm unironically enjoying it so much that I can't even share why I like it because I'll be called a shill or a hipster.
So yeah it's pretty great. Calling it perfect is just asking for a shitposting war though.

It's clear they only started developing it around when they reannounced it for ps4, the platforming is sloppier than Uncharted.

Waited over 10 years for this? I'm glad I didn't buy a Ps4 for this or XV.

This has to be bait. I refuse to believe anyone would put SotC on the bottom when it's the only one that has actual gameplay.

Switch Shadow with ICO, and you might have something.

I finished it yesterday, sat down and played it in one sitting. It's the worst game i've played since the order: 1886. if anybody has any questions i'll answer

I know, team ICO games are really known for their deep combat system it's a shame the last guardian didn't have that!

>Uncharted had sloppy platforming

Literally what?

I was spoiled on the game and the blue pot twist but I am just amazed by every aspect of the game so far. The animations especially are blowing my mind.

>I can't play this game but I'm convinced it's shit, ask me questions pls

Game is disappointing

>the AI is shit!
>the framerate is shit!
>the camera is shit!
yeah yeah we've heard all the meme opinions.

Looks great from what I've seen. It'll probably be the first game I pick up when I get a PS4

Didn't this game come out like 5 years ago?


That cat/dog/bird thing is fucking adorable.

>gamebreaking flaws
>hurr just a meme opinion

Shill harder please

it's a good "art" game but it's nowhere near as good of a game as Shadow was

Great game!

The game literally doesn't have any breaking bugs.

The game has so much potential.

Why couldn't they just make it look good or have great gameplay? Didn't have to be both, just one or the other. They did an AMAZING job with the beast but everything else is just... bad.

What were you expecting?

>actual facts that literally countless people, both professional and shitposter, have mentioned are memes
Nothing is fucking more delicious that retards and their post purchase rationalization.

>b-b-b-but all opinions are wrong! This choppy and ugly as fuck walking sim that took 10 years to make but 5 hours to beat sure is a 10/10 GOTY! It doesn't matter the game virtually plays itself and everyone knew both the boy and Trico would die before they played the game because the story is so cliched. It's the EXPERIENCE, you problematic shitlords!

It's actually pretty similar to ICO though.

The automated guards are intentionally supposed to be clumsy, slow robots

Is this supposed to be damning?

>it's a newfag that has never played a Ueda game pretends like he knows what hes talking about episode

You are literally retarded if you thought this game was going to be anything different than what it is now.

>ps4 still only has one game

Finished FFXV
>its flawed but great

Two hours into The Last Guardian
>its shitty as fuck and I don't know if I'll be able to stomach it

I always thought this would go the other way.

>everyone knew both the boy and Trico would die befo

Yep. Looks like someone didn't play the game. Get saged faggot.

That looks good to me ? ?


ICO's gameplay was better. The enemies actually mattered and provided a change of pace with simple combat. TLG enemies are nothing but another element of puzzle solving with zero consequences attached to them.

ICO also has a good soundtrack. TLG is pretty much silent.

ICO has cutscenes, which again, change of pace. But TLG is hours of repetitive environmental puzzle solving. If it wasn't for the fantastic relationship between the beast and the PC being constantly developed this game would be completely boring after an hour.

>the game virtually plays itself
>everyone knew both the boy and Trico would die
So you didn't play the game? Good to know your opinion is worthless.

>The automated guards are intentionally supposed to be clumsy, slow robots

>Is this supposed to be damning?
>the AI is suppose to be stupid, user!
Silly me.

Yes. That's great enemy mechanics.

>proved Sup Forums wrong
Well, in the sense that it actually came out, yes, it did.

In the sense that Sup Forums expected it to be good, but it turned out to be cinematic garbage, that is also true.

nu/v/ has no appreciation for games that push the envelope on design and narrative delivery. Most of the people here grew up with shitty console games, stuff with roots in quarter garbling arcade shit, so naturally anything that isn't flashy, addictive, and simple triggers their autism.

>he spent $60 on a 5 hour walking sim!
I get it. If I was also duped like a retard into buying an obviously shitty game after waiting a literal decade, I'd also fight and defend it.

>it's a "PCfat tries to pretend gameplay is bad" episode

That's a nice unopened copy you have there. I'm sure you have a lot of experience with the game. You bought it after all.

Not even him, but obviously he took that picture before he played it retard.

>refunds don't exist
If didn't like the game I would simply return it. Now what is puzzling here is you thinking your opinions about a game you didn't play are worth anything.

Why did this take a decade? The Ai is hot garbage and there's even less reason to replay it than the other 2.
I liked it overall, but I don't really understand what took so long

Actually looks pretty fun tbqh

No, I'm just saying your a moron that doesn't have the attention span to play something that doesn't flash anime tiddies in your face every five seconds.

I bet if Thief TDP came out today nu/v/ would call it shit. This place is disgusting now. There needs to be a containment board for nintoddlers. Any sort of discussion has become impossible.

No, what's puzzling is how fucking ardently you are defending your purchase against an anonymous person. Clearly my post was meant to make people assmad, yet you still keep falling for my obvious bait. Just fucking let it go man and enjoy your shit game.

It's mediocre as fuck, which in context of this game means its shit

No. It just has soft physics based triggers that don't always activate, making you think you've done somethig wrong when the game just hasn't activated the correct line of code.

Thief is shit. deal with it.

I'm fine with games that do that. The gameplay just has to feel responsive. Unfortunately for TLG, that isn't the case.

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Could've fooled me. I'm so assmad right now.

>Unfortunately for TLG, that isn't the case.
It controls better than Ico and SotC. What's the problem?

fuck off back to neofag liberal assclown

Yes user. The AI for the enemies is supposed to be stupid enough for you, the defenceless child, to avoid them.
It's the AI for Trico that's the real problem.

Trico being a chore of patience is the problem.

>implying autistic sonypony is better than some greasy neckbeard
>play it for yourself
sorry i do not play shit

We all play shit. Don't pretend you're some untainted princess.

Granted I'm only 3 hours in but I really haven't had too many problems. Trico fucking about has wasted maybe about 5 minutes of my time so far.

It gets worse the deeper you get into the game, and you rely on riding him much more. If it wasn't such a problem, I probably would have liked this game a lot more. Instead I'm just reluctant to do another playthrough to get the barrels I missed

It controls like ass and im glad i rented it from redbox. Its a ps2 game with ps4 graphics. In the pond area near the beginning Trico doesnt fucking listen when id call him, and just constantly wanted to move on.

10 years for ico with a cat baka

The dog creeature isn't suppose to respond to you at first. The more you pet him throughout the game, the more he becomes fond of you.

> Its a ps2 game with ps4 graphics.

Is that a bad thing? Since everyone in Sup Forums gushes over retro games anyways.

Trying to get the hidden crate in the pond area, the second you get in its back it wants to move on.

I like SOTC, do I get this game? I can't even tell from the mixed reviews and shitposting from both sides. All I know is FFXV is definitely shit but there are both people in denial and SQEX shills posting here

I rather save my money for gravity rush 2

I'm halfway through and it's wonderful. Mostly been avoiding Sup Forums because this is a game I want to experience fresh.

Also, to every reviewer who said it was 'frustrating,' I haven't encountered this yet. There are clear miniature puzzles that will prod Trico in the right direction to progress the game. Some of these fuckwits made it act like you have to stare at home and hope he or she will do what you want. I'll chalk that up as a testament to its convincing AI and animation and the reviewers being retarded.

So far it's right there with Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Also--it's fucking gorgeous. I wasn't sure how nice it would look given the stuff on Youtube, but up close? God damn. Art design and individual rustling feathers and leaves go a long way.

Wait for a price drop. Gorgeous as it is, it's tough to justify the price for such a small and frustrating title.

Well, I will have to finish playing to evaluate it fully, but consider this:

A perfectly responsive Trico would have felt gamey, which is always a trope that Team ICO has tried to avoid like the plague. Obviously there are situations that weren't handled well, but overall there is a lot to appreciate game design-wise. Whether or not it is worth the price is certainly debatable, but it isn't a bad game. I am sure many issues will be fixed in the remaster.

I would much prefer gamey over unclear.
Besides, if they wanted to avoid gamey, they should have allowed me to turn off hints, prompts, and narration/subtitles.

The ai for trico is great though??

Unresponsive is not great.

>I would much prefer gamey over unclear.
Don't play Team ICO games then.
>Besides, if they wanted to avoid gamey, they should have allowed me to turn off hints, prompts, and narration/subtitles.
You are right about that. The control prompts are cancer.

The issue is that most of the reviewers expect "instant gratification"

They expect the big dumb cat dog to do exactly what they want, exactly when they want it. They missed the entire point that it's supposed to be a god damn big dumb cat dog that you've got to either coerce or get lucky when it does the right thing.

I loved ICO and SotC. Dealing with the vague guide controls for Trico was shit. Loved everything else about the game but that mess.

They prefered to control a videogame instead of waiting to see if a command might work in spite of doing it 5 times in a row? What artless Bohemians. Can't they see that wrestling with ai is the height of realism and therefore the most engaging game?

Why does he run like his body has a surplus of grease and chromosomes?


He's an Asian child with bare feet.

Im glad that Ueda finally is free from this project to create something new


this thread is obviously plagued with only mustards and sonyncompoops

Thief TDP is good taste though, mang

Nigger you actually convinced me its a good game and im about to buy it

People haven't even realized you can translate the runes in the game yet

>What is missing the point?

All these years for this disaster

just fuck my guardian up senpai

You might just be retarded senpai :(