>Portable Gamecube
>Rumored Dark Souls trilogy
>Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, Skyrim, Sonic, DQXI, etc.
My dick is so hard
>Portable Gamecube
>Rumored Dark Souls trilogy
>Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, Skyrim, Sonic, DQXI, etc.
My dick is so hard
Other urls found in this thread:
I love this meme
I heard a rumor that your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>ports of old games you can play on a modded wii
>ports of third party games everyone has already played before
>mario rehash number 86, pokemon rehash number 95, zelda rehash number 41
why do nintendrones have such low standardS?
>all games that we've already played before
Based Nintendo!!!! xD #nostalgia
I hope you like the launch 3rd party games because it's all you'll ever get
3rd parties always abandon Nintendo because no one buys Nintendo hardware for 3rd party games
Our standards are higher than yours. you idiots can keep the Soulsborne games, thanks. Don't want that trash clogging up the Switch library.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but sony
>portable gamecube
does that mean we're getting gamecube graphics?
Soulsborne is one series, madam, and the "dark" ones are on PC. I didn't say anything about Sony. Project harder.
You do realize that video games exist outside of the Nintendo/Sony dichotomy?
reborted :-DD
Nintendo's games are always more expensive than they're worth, the prices barely drop, and their sales are shit. Online will be terrible, and the hardware will probably be shit until they redesign a better one a year or 2 later.
That said, I'll probably buy this on launch just for Smash, Pokemon, and Zelda. Nintendo knows they have me by the balls, and they have no incentive to change for the better.
really all I want out of a nintendo console is a good zelda and mario. Any 3rd party stuff is just a bonus, but I play multiplat elsewhere
>that shit tier deflection
>they have no incentive to change for the better.
Have you tried not buying their crap?
Western 3rd parties will abandon ship after throwing a bit of half-assed shovelware. Nintendo is incredibly fucking lucky that Sony is abandoning the handheld scene.
Now, all those JRPGs on the vita and their sequels will end up on the Switch. Trails of Cold Steel, Tokyo Xanadue, Sword Art Online, God Eater, Freedom Wars, the Atelier series, Tales series, Akiba's Beat, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, etc.
Those companies will still keep making games for the handheld Japanese market, and the likes of 8-4 and XSeed will port them over to the western market.
It's just another example of Nintendo failing upwards. It's not like they gave a fuck about jRPG fans, but they accidentally made the perfect system for them.
source your ass
These threads have become so frequent and are written so shamelessly that they are starting to have a negative effect on me.
>Rumoured Dark Souls trilogy
No one cares about a bunch of old games that are going to run like shit
A 3D Mario that might be good but after 3D World I'm not getting my hopes up.
A port of a game I already played.
A Wii U game that I am not buying another system for when I already have the one it was SUPPOSED to release on 2 years ago.
A port
Three ports of games that will run better on other systems, this will not sell the Switch.
What Nintendo needs is new IP that will make them relevant again, all they have is Pokemon which they are the success 3 ways with the rest of TPC and they are not in control of it. Mario isn't quite as popular as he used to be based on the sales of the last two entries and I don't see anything yet reversing that trend.
The Switch NEEDS FULLY NEW EXCLUSIVE SOFTWARE for example, the rabbis mario game however that sounds gay and I don't want it so they need to come up with it
People didn't buy a Wii U for those games so they won't buy a switch for them
But then how will I play my favorite video game series?
They always make an offer I can't refuse. I bought a $300 WiiU just to play Smash4 and Mario Kart with my friends, and bought a 3DS just to play Pokemon X/Y. There are some exclusives I just have to have, like Bloodborne and Nioh on the PS4.
Now there's gonna be a Pokemon with console graphics soon, on a handheld. And when Smash5 comes out, I'll have to get the Switch.
>Make new IPs all the time
22 BC pottery
>this post
Sure whatever makes you happy my boy
>>Make new IPs all the time
It's going to get all the JRPGs that would've been on the Vita2, had Sony not decided to give up on handhelds.
Do they really need anything else? Are there any examples of amazing handheld 3rd party games from Western developers? All I can think of is Burnout for PSP, but that's just a port. It was always the JRPG devs that carried handhelds, not counting Nintendo's exclusives.
Now they get to have a handheld that's a fusion of a 3DS and Vita's library.
Don't be so hard on yourself, it was only bad-tier.
regie fils Amie is on jimmy Fallon right now showing the Switch
>It's the give examples of games so I can call them all shit post
With a 2 hour battery life
stay mad nintendrone
My dick is going to be harder when they announce FO4 for it.
its basically a tablet that can play actual video games
normies will gobble that shit up
Ever since fallon got that talkshow there's something really unsettling about him. His eyes look fucking dead and it looks like someone has a gun to his head and is forcing him to smile.
It activates a primal fear response in me
Quite a few, actually. Most of them are relatively small properties, but they're new nonetheless. I'd list them, but you'd accuse me of padding it with non-entities. 3DS especially got a lot of new IPs.
Well if they can get the normies back like they did with the Wii, isn't that a good thing? Pokemon SM became their best-selling game of all time in the US due to the promotion from Pokemon Go.
>b-b-but Sony!
Portable Souls without the expense and bother of carrying around a dedicated gaming laptop? Yeah, that would do it for me.
>BotW runs at a higher framerate on the Switch than the Wii U
Haven't bought a nintendo console in like 15 years so I haven't played any of that shit. This is probably ore appealing to people like me than "nintendrones".
I'm finally kind of sold, was planning on a new 3DS for moon, but I guess I might as well wait at this point for the switch if it's any good and has smash bros day one
>only plays games that already have come out ten times over
Honestly i cant wait to get it
>game can run at higher frame rate
>still couldn't save it from being a shitty open world game anyway
I heard a rumour, but I won't tell you about it.
...while everyone else is playing FO5
that framerate is great, even when he takes it off
You're in for a treat, user. Lot of good stuff on the Wii and Wii U that you missed out on.
>>>then noose
Ports, ports, and more ports
> cyberpunk Zelda
> Master Sword is a transforming gun that can go from dual pistols all the way up to sniper
> Epona is a wall running motorcycle called EP-0NA
> Navi is an AI hologram
>Link is a High School student in dystopian Neo-Hylia
Nintendo will be making this for the switch after BotW, and it's going to look amazing. You heard it here first.
Really hoping their VC catalog is stocked regularly.
Fucking annoying having to wait 4 months for 6 game boy color games.
>m-muh bootiful cartoony art direction (still looks like crap and makes it look like a 2010 game)
>m-muh huge interactive (and empty) open world meme
>m-muh mash-the-controller combat and QTEs
>m-muh nostalgia for this long dead and irrelevant franchise
Nintendrones sure love getting ass-fucked by a company who doesn't give a shit about its fagboys and improving itself.
Here (you) go user, just want you to know this is some weak-ass shitposting you got here.
Smash Switch can suck a dick unless Ridley is on the roster.
looking forward to it
>Nintendrones sure love getting ass-fucked by a company who doesn't give a shit about its fagboys and improving itself.
I willingly spent money on a Wii U user. More than that, the other two systems were already out and I could've also upgraded my PC. Not only that, I don't even regret my decision and still have no interest in either of the other consoles! I also unironically enjoy Wii Party, prefer Brawl over Melee, and have several amiibo.
How does that make you feel, user? Melting like a witch taking a shower or burning like a gremlin touching sunlight? Or perhaps angrily confused like a Trump supporter seeing an act of kindness?
Oh fuck here we go again.
>there are more pokemon rehashes than Mario
The thing that will get me to buy a Switch even quicker than I already plan to would be a Xenoblade Chronicles X port that runs at 60FPS.
Never beat the game on the Wii U. Want to get back into it, but If a better version is on the way (and I think it probably is), then I'd rather wait.
>Portable Gamecube
Ports of primordial literally who games
>Rumored Dark Souls trilogy
I love playing a-year-old multi-plat at 10 fps on a meme console
>Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, Skyrim, Sonic, DQXI, etc.
I love me some SMB #226, Pokémon Philistine Version and Jew Version, TLoZ #350, and more literally who first party vidyas
Whoa, this is the power of Nintendon't!
It dosen't have Crash, WipEout, Uncharted, TLOU, Killzone, inFamous, PaRappa, third party support, 4K @ 60FPS, VR, an amazing company like Sony, or an heartwarming gaming community like Playstation. I won't be buying a Switch, and neither will anyone who has any sense of self-respect. Fuck off with your shilling.
Don't get me wrong, it ain't happening. I'm just not buying another Smash unless he's added. Meaning I'm not buying any more Smash.
WTF? I hate Nintendo now!
It's a long shot, but between Zelda (still hoping it might be decent), hopefully a NIS game they hinted and a SSB Switch, this could be the first Nintendo console I might be enjoying almost immediately in a long time.
>rumored multiplats
You can still mod Brawl/Project M to play as him, user. Some of the most fun I've had in Smash.
Honestly all I want is portable mainline Final Fantasy.
A Wii U game that I am not buying another system for when I already have the one it was SUPPOSED to release on 2 years ago.
No it wasnt. It was announced 2 years ago. I expected it this year. Its a 1 year delay thought they never announced a date.
If it's at least as powerful as an Xbone, then portable FFXV should be possible. I doubt it, however.
XV isn't a demanding game so it wouldn't be too hard to run, FFVII remake is probably likely with the Cloud Amiibo and hopefully Tifa in the future
>Portable Gamecube
>Portable Dark Souls trilogy
>Portable Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, Skyrim, Sonic, etc.
i can already do these on my computer though
You're computer is portable?
What did he mean by this?
You that guy from that old picture who carried his whole set up around?
i guess?
Not what I was talking about pleb, I was talking about that man who carried around his tower, monitor, and keyboard/mouse.
That's not a computer, that's a laptop.
why would he do that when laptops exist?
laptops are just a specialized computer case with a monitor and keyboard built in
>old gc games
>old multiplat games
>old Wii U rehash exclusives
>another Mario game
They killed Wii U two years ago for THIS? Jesus.
To play games at reasonable framerate and temps
>laptops are just a specialized computer case with a monitor and keyboard built in
Jesus that game was bad, like Devils Third bad.
my laptop easily plays modern games at 1080p 60 fps without noticeably overheating
you think?
I thought it was a lot better than sticker star for sure, although I would have preferred a traditional paper mario sequel or even a super paper mario sequel
mediocre maybe but not bad, the boss battles were fun
Actually, Nintendrones keep looking over the word "rehash" and they see Nintendo's library through nostalgia glasses. They really think this lineup is impressive and unique.
Being better than sticker star isn't hard, I can't think of many games worse than it.
Rehash is a meaningless word these days, it's just used to describe any game with more than one game in the series like Final Fantasy, Gravity Rush, Mario, and Street Fighter
>admitting you reported something
wew lad
regardless, i wouldn't call color splash bad
it was a pretty solid game and did a pretty good job considering the mediocre framework it was working with
Yeah for the first three months. Try using it to play games extensively and you'll start seeing how quickly performance degrades.
I know because It has happened to me before. Laptops are terrible to play anything that is intensive.