Should we be hyped?

Should we be hyped?

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>no Golden Axe

Into the trash it goes!

probly not, just to be safe

I remember this game vaguely somehow. Like, my godmother was babysitting me and her son was playing this shit. I must've been 5. Just looked up the game and it came out in 88 - year I was born.

All I remember if "rise from yo grave"

In b4 cool story

No because the majority of films based off games are shit. Although there has been a couple of good ones here and there the odds are it won't be good.

>has never played altered fucking beast

he's not missing much

Man Bloody Roar would make a better movie or tv show than Altered Beast

Altered Beast should have a video game reboot. I think it could make for a really good Metroidvania style game where you progress as a character and can reach new areas using your different beast forms, which you use some kind of mana pool / AP meter to activate. Shit would be tight.

Who cares

as long as their campy as fuck and don't take themselves too seriously

Give Streets of Rage a proper atmosphere and I'm all in

>Keep the tone dark and serious
>main character dies during final fight
>about to land the final hit
>camera zooms out to show characters in front of a green screen or in a movie lot

Then end it, blueballing people who have never played it. But its going to suck regardless so whatever.

Altered Beast is a bad fucking game.




>You will see in your lifetime "GRANDPA UPPAH!"
>You will see in your lifetime "OH MAH FEET"
>You will see in your lifetime huge hill billy twins with giant Freddy Kreuger claws murder civilians
>You will see in your lifetime Buffet and Gourmet
>You will see in your lifetime the tens of thousands of Mr. X cosplays
>You will see in your lifetime Kangaroo Jack mop the floor with Garcias
>You will see in your lifetime Shiva lay down a fierce molly-wopping



Fuck off and die

>he wants a gritty remake
these are silly ass games and they deserve silly ass shows

>should we

fuck off little faggot

Wasn't there a PS2 game like that?

They've been talking about doing this for the last two or threee years. Nothing new.

I knew I was thinking of a better property to use. They should totally go with a Bloody Roar film. Although animated feature showings in American cinemas are now dead. Sadly it'd have to be live action.

Livid means mad, dumbass.

No, unless they are movies made on a super budget and look like they were made back when the games came out, or are super gritty reboots that star Nicholas Cage, and John Travolta with guest stars of Megan Fox, and Will Smith.

its decent and 10/10 for its time

>i am autistic mahchild the post

>altered beast
>make a film based on a game
>that's about a film


>he thinks campy sells anymore

There was a PS2 game but I don't think it was really a Metroidvania, and by most accounts it was kind of shitty. It never came out in America because Sega didn't think it was up to our standards, and that says something.

>live-action fursonas
Sign me the fuck up


>implying this wasn't the best Batman movie of the year, while also having to compete against TKJ with Hammil and Conroy

it's not about it selling it's about it being a well made show you fucking stupid idiot
i know it doesn't sell but that's the only way i'll watch those shows
a gritty remake of a video game where you kick enemies called chicken stingers and fight anthropomorphic unicorns is going to be fucking stupid
no one will even watch those shows except people who like video games so making those shows in the first place is a terrible idea
they might as well make it campy to honor the absurd subject matter
maybe make it kinda army of darkness with over the top gore

Maybe he's turning blue

So the only thing it would have in common with the original is the name and the fact your character transforms?

Killing joke was a dumpster fire though

I'm aware, that was half the point.

>Box office: 57,343 USD


That's what you get for making some low effort cash in on nostalgia.

>A direct to DVD launch that only shows in a few cinemas makes little at the box office
shocking, user

It had a one day release in a few theatres, user.

Same day it was released on Blu Ray


No, it would still have the same look and tone of the original. It would just be a huge map that you are free to explore like in Castlevania rather than putting you on a linear path with the straightforward objective of punching everything.

>persona 5
>sonic mania
>doesnt censor their games
>new daytona
>finally localizing games like yakuza 6 and pso2


Feels bad man. The problem was that they had the chance to show the Joker as sympathetic, and instead it just felt rushed. I also hate to say that Mark's heart didn't really seem in it this time.

No. Cinema is dead.

l just want to see some good looking bimbo turning into a sexy bat

Altered Beast is just furbait, and Streets of Rage will just be a Agents of Shield/Law and Order clone

there was but it was cancelled last min

Fuck yeah, has there even a game more manly than Altered Beast?

Maybe Duke 3D and Saturday Night Slam Masters, but that's about it.