ITT: Some of the finest vidya booty


there's already a thread

>widowmaker will never be real
>bayonetta will never be real
>you will never be smothered to death by two inhuman asses

Don't remind me.

>>you will never be smothered to death by two inhuman asses

you will never be smothered to death by a single human ass anyway


So fine it got Blizzard into trouble.

>the way her hair lays exposing her neck

A boner to pierce the heavens. If only the small of her back was exposed.


Never noticed that Widowmaker has a tattoo on her arm.


You know what bothers me the most about this pic? It's not Tracer has a penis, it's that in order for the dick to be free like that the suit would have to have been made with DICK SOCK. That makes no damn sense!

Fucking fags ruin everything

I bet having pants that specifically cradle your dick and balls would feel great.

lmao, why are their asses eating each other?

Well not really.
Either it's fitted for when you're erect and it's baggy the other times when you're not.
Or it's fitted for when you flaccid, I don't think I need to say what'll happen when you get erect

>people like things I don't like!

Maybe it's stretchy material.
Depending on how much resistance it had against you getting a boner, it might feel amazing.




>Tracer having fatter butt than Widow

Shit picture.





Nice girl (boy)

What are you trying to say?




>dog murderer
I'm okay with this.



She's going to be my christmas present.

>Liking ass
You guys realize that's where poop comes from right?

And you do know that's what you are going to hold on to while she rides you, right?


The buttocks, not the anus. This is not difficult to comprehend.

>Not liking ass
Fucking faggot bet you wouldn't eat a girls pussy either, you bring great dishonor to your famiry.

more Thicc Fighter

Kelly and
