Silky smooth 20fps

Cute console


Hey Sonyfriends:


>already have Jimmy Fallon on board
It's over, Nintendo wins.

Sonyfriend here.
Ain't apologizing for shit because I never said shit.
Buying day one for Atlus games.

Super Mario Run looks more fun than Zelda.

it just works

The only excuse sonybronies had to shitpost this game is gone
this game is P E R F E C T

It looks like garbage

The game honestly looks pretty boring.

This shit right here. Etrian and DQ and tons of other cool shit on the go with more capable hardware will be godly.

who /gladIdidn'tbuyawiiu/ here?

Looks great!

I am

>play eroge on the bus
>come back home
>connect console
>tv turns on with some tentacle gangbang
>are you winning son?

The salt is real.

>don't like thing

damn all the outfits in BotW look good

But that can't be! Jimmy Fallon conspired with Nintendo and played the footage at x3 the speed at which it was recorded for the broadcast because this contradicts my preconception that Zelda BOTW would run like shit. I don't like my thoughts challenged!

The mobile mario game looked pretty fun desu


>this damage control
>this fucking salt

I really hope it does, but when has a company ever been honest about their upcoming product's performance?

good thing I don't give a shit about framerates because I'm still not getting a switch yet

I don't even like nintendo or consoles in general but Jimmy Fallon sperging out like makes me smile for some reason.

>game runs at acceptable framerate
>causing salt
u wot m8

there is a light shining on it you imbecile.

spot what looks like the usb c on the bottom.

So is BotW gonna be a lunch title or not? I hear conflicting things about that.


fallon is usually such a ridiculous fucking spaz for literally everything but I got the impression that he was genuinely really excited for this

>Shiggy will die in your lifetime


So I can't play this game in a lighted area?
I don't want to have to turn off all my lights and close the curtains every time I want to play a game :/

I need that Miyamoto thumbs up as a webm. Stat.

and nintendo comes out on top once again. next contestants please.

Fallon is legitimately excited. That isn't late night personality you're seeing.

Fallon is the worst host.

Yeah I really don't like that fucker but this video was really endearing

This console is so beautiful, seriously once I get it I'll spend a moment looking at it with shock until I come back to sense and start playing

Nah, it's probably going to be closer to supper.

PCfag here.

Looks way better. Good to know the RGB issue is the only reason it looked so shitty like in pic related.

Looks pretty crisp and the framerate isn't that bad.

Thankful that Sonyfags getting BTFO as always. They've been super annoying lately.


Miyamoto is cute!

>When you have to go to rehearsal, you can just take it on the go.

What did Reggie mean by this?

The last 3 console Zeldas have been bad, what's the deal with the optimism?

talk shows have rehearsals

They never apologize to us when they backstab us with Philips

Holy fuck this is based
>Gamecube games
>Wii U ports
This is already everything it needs to be GOAT of all time, Nintendo just destroyed Sony

Never knew that, but then again I don't watch talk shows.


I met Shigaro Miyamoto once.

I was at the Reptile Center in St. Augustine, Florida back 2006 and who should walk in; but fucking Miyamoto. Dude come's stomping in with these big heeled iron toe boots and I'm going over to introduce myself and maybe get an autograph when the dude hops over the railing into the turtle exhibit and he just goes nuts stomping turtles right and left. He's kicking turtles around like soccer balls trying to kick them into other turtles, jumping as high as he can and stomping them into pancakes with both feet and all the while he's just scarfing down from this huge bag of shrooms. Dude is laughing like a mad man making the Super Mario Bros sound effects with his mouth, and there are kids crying, chunks of turtles flying all over the place, its a bad scene man. Anyway his handler comes in and tells everyone to calm down and that this is part of Mr. Miyamoto's "creative process" and he starts paying everyone there a thousand bucks a piece to sign a non disclosure agreement and delete any pictures or videos they may have taken, I can't even imagine how much they had to pay the Reptile Center for all those poor turtles.

Still gonna play it on PC

Not buying a console for one game

i wish i can play my 3ds, android and iOS games too

>may ree oh

Haven't seen this in ages

I want to suck Link's cock and swallow his load.

lol, fuck no!

Those are all garbage compared to portable Gamecube + Wii U


How did we go from this?

Funny post but in what world would Nintendo put tentacle gangbang eroge on their consoles? Even Japan doesn't allow for that shit.

to this


>being a smart consumer means I'm dumb

Why did I expect a good response out of consolefags?

Nigga is old as fuck. Can't wait to see who from the Splatoon team will be his successor.

That new Mario looks fun. I hope they go full mobile one day.

Could have shown Zelda U.

>Old ass games and a single game makes it worth buying

So a PS4 then

>comparing a Nintendo product to any of the garbage Sony puts out

this is the new pokemon/monster hunter machine
also new splatoon confirmed, and splatoon sold more than bloodborne


as much as I love nintendo. Jimmy Fallon was on board with Hillary Clinton and look how that turned out.

They did, at the Game Awards Show.

>That resolution
720p confirmed
And a projector made it 1000000x worse
>no AA
>Not even FXAA or Temporal
Lol this is gonna flop hard, after people tire of breath of the wild and Wii U ports and remasters the console will die

same here

there's no reason for handhelds to exist when everyone has a smartphone anyway

I want to see more, nigga.

She got millions of more votes but lost because of an archaic rigged electoral college?

Nintendo isn't running for President.
Nintendo isn't a corrupt old lady with delusions of grandeur.

You're right, he shouldn't compare it with a company with a successful console

Oh fuck off Sonyfag. There's literally no way to tell what resolution is by a projection captured on video then uploaded to YouTube.

>no AA
Impossible to tell.

>no FXAA or temporal
Impossible to tell.

TLG was shit, stop shitposting nintendo threads. Deal with it.

>a console will succeed or fail based on AA
>most consumers don't even know what AA is
how fuckin deluded are you

the wii u died for our sins

Do know how many lights they use when filming things?

>Breath of the Wild
>Melee HD
>Mario Sunshine HD
>Splatoon Switch
>Mario Kart 8.5
>Luigi's Mansion HD

Zelda games can't flop. unless they are shit like the games on the ds.

>Know the rules for winning
>Spend entire campaign getting spics in NY and California to inflate your useless popular vote stat anyway

Just play the OP video but hit pause and play a lot

You take that back, the ds Game were good

This has to be a false-flag, right?
Literally one game (new) on that list.

I'm just shitposting for (You)s to be honest. She got rekt.

This video is actually beautiful.

I wish I could have the fun and excitement Jimmy has again, cause you can tell it's legit, he's not fucking acting.

This shit made me happy wtf

>Tfw Trump went to the poor black places to speak while Hilary stayed in the rich white neighborhoods.

You mean the successful console that hasn't even come out yet? With games that aren't even out or even confirmed yet?

Geez you sure showed me

Fuck you, that ain't enough. They better not delay this fucking game any longer. Fuck Super Mario iOs, literal cancer.

Phantom Hourglass is one of the weakest games but it sold 5+ million

>o-only new games count!
No, only GOOD games count, and all of those games are the cream of the crop of their respective genres. BotW is best WRPG/open world game, Melee is best fighting game, Mario Sunshine is best platformer, Splatoon is best shooter, Mario Kart 8 is best racing game and Luigi's Mansion is best survival horror.

It can have all the smooth frame rate you want, it will still be a mediocre game.
>Look at all this world
That you will be bored doing pointless shit in.

Just imagine playing it like this

>mfw I might get a Switch, but it still will never get a game better than what I can get on PC

I also refuse to consider any of its games good until I see game journalists lashing out against them for being too "videogamey" and not artistic enough. Usually people like IGN and polygon will only praise artsy hipster games.