"Hey guys, brilliant idea, let's give our character with the rocket launcher the ABILITY TO FLY. fucking BRILLIANT."
Christ. Playing mercy is so suffering when theres an enemy pharah.
"Hey guys, brilliant idea, let's give our character with the rocket launcher the ABILITY TO FLY. fucking BRILLIANT."
Christ. Playing mercy is so suffering when theres an enemy pharah.
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems that you suck, uninstall the game.
>`1 switches to mcree or soldier
>Pharah dies the moment she takes to the air
typical Sup Forums, just assuming the game is perfect the way it is. You know for a fact it's imbalanced.
Playing Mercy is suffering when there's any enemy who knows it's usually a good idea to take out the healer first.
If your team lets pharah launch more than a single rocket in the air then you are playing with shitters.
i play solo usually,
pharahs and tracers always kill me... let alone sombra. being mercy is suffering
I drew mei
>I play solo
The is literally zero (0) reason to play this game by yourself.
Stick around or dash to your cumdaddy tank like Rein or Hog and let him protect your healslut ass.
This game is AIDS, uninstall it.
For your sake.
I Play games for the characters
Nope, you just suck. Mercy has a pistol for a reason. Pharah should be shit to you since that pistol isn't some weak shit. You probably can't strafe and shoot and/or you walk right into her rockets.
> complaining about one of the most countered characters in the game
you need to wash your mouth with ____
Lucio is probably better for solo play. Mercy just gets assfucked by flankers while the rest of the team dont care about you unless they arent getting healed anymore when they need it.
>playing mercy
>has trouble with pharah
Low rank or console player?
And back to Tumblr you go
>He doesn't like fatties
>I play a game to listen to the same 10 audio lines over and over
What did he mean by this?
I'm not against chubby girls, I just don't support Mei being fat
>die in two rockets
I don't play ranked.
Not another OP Pharah thread...
People will say you suck, people will tell you to pick 76 or McCree, people will post Pharah lewds...
And people are right. She is easily countered, if you're struggling against her you need to get the fuck away from gold or whatever it is the division you're currently in. In a less educated way, you is a scrub faggot
I'm exclusively healing. Changing to a mccree or 76 would be way worse for my team.
>people will post Pharah lewds...
and you had to post one with her most retaded look
The healslut meme died after kotaku thought that it was serious and ran a story about how wonderful and progessive it is
>playing overwatch is like flossing my anus with a chain of cactus plants
Git gud for pete's sake.
Tell someone to switch to counter pharah. If they want heals they should be helping out the team if they dont you can just switch yourself and dont care either way because your team are shitters that dont deserve any heals anyway.
>tfw pharah/lucio main
>tfw pharah buffs
requesting the source for your picture
>it's a pharah thread again
feels good maining her, just reached master with her
I main Pharah and goddamn is it a struggle between the 76s every game and just trying to land shots on moving targets.
Either you plain suck or you're a console tard, which amounts to the same thing.
+1 (You)
I drew pharah
>tfw playing pharah and getting killed right after you rocket jump away from something so you get to watch your lifeless body blast off like team rocket
10/10 moments, truly
>this and also dashing away as genji but dying anyway
>every single time
I fucking hate players with high ping.
I will purposely bait out flashbang so I can reflect it and even though my reflexes are good enough to hit E as soon as mccrees arm moves, I still get stunned.
Why can Genji cancel out of reflect but Reaper can't cancel out of wraith form?
>rocket jump
that sounds dangerous
I guess you meant to say you used the jump jet
idk, super annoying when you think a ledge is clear but once you start spawning up there you see a hanzo aiming right at your head
So this is a good time to ask. When is the symmetra update coming out? Sometime before the Christmas update?
>see pharah
>pick widowmaker and make them switch
>switch back to mercy
probably on tuesday
>Playing mercy is so suffering when theres an enemy pharah.
But it's fucking awesome when you have a Pharah on your team
> implying anyone can pick widow and shoot her out of the sky
> implying you can't fuck up a widow as Pharah (unless they're really good)
Breddy gud.
Can confirm. My sole purpose as tracer is to destroy all mercies.
There are people here who do not destroy pharahs as zenyatta.
I've got around 300 hours played this game and about 260 of them have been by myself.
The reason why I play it by myself is that it's fun and I've had friendships ruined by playing competitive games together.
It's funny that pharah is OP in silver/gold but complete shit-house in higher ranks
t. pharah main
queing as a group actually makes the game harder because the matchmaking compensates for it
it's not worth it unless you're Master+ and using it to your advantage
What buffs?
nice taste my dude
>let's give our character with the rocket launcher the ABILITY TO FLY. fucking BRILLIANT."
someones mad
>He thinks Pharah is OP
Bronzie detected, go learn how to play McCree, Soldier 76 or Ana.