True Ending Meaning?

Finally played through the game three times and got the true ending. What is the most agreed upon meaning of the ending?

I like to think it's... spoiler]You're Rimanah and you're stuck in your head because of guilt of ordering your wife to death even though it was your fault.[/spoiler]"

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll add to that that your head is stuck in a psychic gestalt wolf along with a couple other heads

I would play the game but I want to coop with Sup Forums!

yep you got it congratulations

Your character having brain damage is a real actual plot point in the game, so it makes pretty much anything plausible under the "well, he's clearly hallucinating the wolf men and shit" excuse.

The Synicle is the woman you (Shinji) raped.
The Synicle is your dead wife, who you sent to the caverns underneath the temple, and then tortured.

The Wolfmen are the same as the one you (Shinji) once fought, and appear as one of your fears.

You are the Shinji guy.
You are your Mentor.
You are Commander Rimanah.
You gain brouzouf.

I don't get how you are Shinji and your Mentor. Please explain?

Ill add to that the fact there was supposed to be a fifth super secret get 10 score on kladuums ladder every mission triple gate spells ending that was not released because it was pretty much impossible to get and AFAIK nobody knows what that ending revealed about the story.

Is the players name Shinji?, when did they mention his name? I totally missed it and simply referred to the player character as either "the culter" or "player"

Shinji was in a log.

Circe implies that you are Mentor in the true ending, and Orinos mentions that the Metastreumonic will take the forms of your greatest fears.

No, it used to be that you had to get 10/10 on all missions to get the current true ending, but that was removed because it was literally impossible.

Oh yeah, I was making some OC.
I'll post it soon

There is no story

Was anyone else disappointed when they followed up the treasure map scratched into a wall in the labyrinth that led to a secret compartment on the base of one of those pillars in the crypt on Mars?

I guess the letdown made about as much sense as many other things in the game.

I thought that Circe implies that you are Rimanah by saying something along the lines of, "We used to be so close."

Somebody make an edit of this with Circe telling you "not to break the seal"

I never did that, what was in the compartment?

She does both, she also calls you "my love".

Also, how do you kill someone, and not be their murderer?

Suicide of course.

You have to hit the corner of one of the pillars in the tomb, it breaks open. Inside, you find a fast food order (chips, a burger, a drink), and also...

You gain brouzouf.

An achievement.

>Suicide of course.

It's already perfect, there's nothing to edit.

Does this mean the Rimanah is Mentor too since you're Rimanah? Fuck I dunno.

Do they ever explain why Culters and Jian hate eachother? They seem pretty similar to me.




>cult-shitt-ers can't give a good reason
jian here, you're the real scum


that's a little jian though
or do they grow to be even bigger?

jianletts, when will they ever learn?


Not soon enough

Would anyone be interested in an EYE first playthrough stream?

unlike culters, at least we're huge in more than one way

>ancient martian equivalent of nectar and ambrosia
don't you laugh at it

Get on a public coop server, talk to Reno, become the master of fate, and have some people join, and then we'll see

I have no idea what any of that means.

Last thing I need is someone screaming nigger over voip constantly.

Then make sure to get every other thing you need and call me afterwards.

then you're not prepared for EYE

It's more likely that you'd have some Culter-Dei's ancient battle hymns blaring over voip constantly.

>I have no idea what any of that means

Im glad you understood

>I have no idea what any of that means.
Welcome to E.Y.E.



>using a black crow when there's cyberdemons in the level

>laughing at the game's dialouge and funky cyber fun
>hacking looters and causing infighting all day
>upgrading legs
>then Zindico Factory happens and the fun stops here
>the three synicles speaking perfectly un-babled english and spooking the shit out of me
>Dutch getting fucked to death because I forgot med syringes
>the hammer man appears

This game turned PTSD-tier very quickly.


I dunno man, but something about being trapped in an eternal cyberhell with nothing to do but kill spooks me the fuck out.

If Dutch dies at any point in the mission, even the beginning, you'll be asked to pick up the bomb at the LZ and set it off below without needing to go back.

Do you gain more brouzouf for having the difficulty higher? I usually play on Invasion spawns but if I touch Hardcore then i get FUCKED

Yes, very much so.

Yes. Always on invasion as well. I can't remember the difficulty names, but I tried to play on the hardest, and it was just too much for me. I play one tick down from the hardest, and have brozouf out the legs.

post the comics

Yes. ANYTHING ELSE is a fucking theory ala

>The player is Shinji
>The player is Mentor

>playing through my first time
>Dutch dies
>still shows up at the beginning of Noctis
>"So we meet again sooner than expected!"


pretty much the Jians/Culters work for The Secreta Secratorum or some shit. Essentially the secreta are a conglomerate of corporations that have gained so much power/wealth and influence they found themselves able to rival the federation. The federation are a police force that rule most of the galaxy like the scum they are.

E.Y.E (composed of the Jians/culters) are the Secretas special forces. Normally they work together. But since every member of E.Y.E is to some degree a violent fucking asshole, a bitter rivalry has developed over time. Both clans work towards destabilizing each other secretely in order to make the other side appear useless to the Secreta.

Rimanah and Huan Lo Pan went on a mission in the beginning of the game in that cave. You tried to kill him or he tried to kill you, but you lose and got amnesia as a result.

Ramp up the difficulty and go through the Noctis Labyrinth door. Killing Deus Ex and gunships reap a shitload of Brouzouf on the highest difficulty. If you have trouble surviving then consider using heavy armor.

Experience on the other hand...


>Experience on the other hand...



Is that why he looks like the Mysterious guy in the dream world?

I fucking love plot in this game.
I actually believe that MC is dead and stuck in the world he created in his head. Game is about trying to break out, but no matter what you do you are still dead and stuck and the only option is to go another circle changing things and hope for change.
It's a brilliant concept because you are as player is trying to break out and find true ending, but there's no exit anyway
And it's sad tbqh, because MC is stuck with guilt, and no matter what you do you can't change shit
It reminds me a lot of Lost Highway kino

>implying I have the patience to grind out level 10 cyberlegs on Mars, even on ghost

E.Y.E. thread, neat. I've been wanting to get these thoughts out of my head for a while.

The game's more of a novelty than anything else. A solid foundation to what could've been a much, much larger and richer game. The game fucking DRIPS with atmosphere but ultimately does nothing with it. You explore the decadent apartment tower in that Blade Runner city, but only get a small glimpse as to what the universe of E.Y.E. is like. As it stands now there isn't much reason to level up that much since you can finish the game before getting your desired build (finish the game as in true ending finish). The maps, while large, on repeat missions aren't exciting to play because they are variations of story missions but with no character development or new environments to explore.

Just a blueprint for a larger game.

I do like that among the community there is this Devil May Cry like enthusiasm at completing missions as efficiently as possible or getting your player up to ridiculously powerful standards. The gunplay is solid, as expected of the engine founded from Half-Life 1. It's just a pity there aren't many maps to exercise the gunplay in.

Here's to E.Y.E 2. Might even buy that Warhammer game just to give StreumOn some money for it.

>Experience on the other hand
Just got to minos and do what you're asked,
then die miserably and lose it all because holes,
then die from headshots from the Transcended and other random OHKO shit when you stop falling down holes.
Gain no EXP and some Brouzouf.

Works every time.

>not having patience for grindan in EYE

Oh yes, and the grinding is a fucking slog. But it WOULDN'T be a slog if there were more maps to do your shit in.

Then you don't deserve them.

You're right, I don't.

They're fun though.

Man the eye background look pretty sweet

>The gunplay is solid
I love just about everything about this game, but this is my favorite part. I've always been a fan of games where you fight off infinite waves of enemies, and this is one of the only games with satisfying gunplay that lets me fight forever.

When I'm bored I'll just load up New Eden until I get some form of human opponents (fed/punks/jians) and battle for a long time.

>Might even buy that Warhammer game just to give StreumOn some money for it.
It's pretty good.

The PvP modes functions as a decent endgame once you've gotten 10 cybereverything, Team Artifact can be enjoyed at any level >enjoying TA while Battle Royale is where player skill can trump cybertech, sometimes

Also that apartment in Electric Sheep is hardly decadent, it's literally falling apart with a caved in ceiling and collapsed walls, not to mention how it's built on top of the sewers and probably stinks.

is E.Y.E ,Sup Forums's game?

>Meta-StreumOn-ic forces
"Meta" on several levels.

I assume he means the apartment complex in New Eden.

I believe so

>that insane difficulty spike in the kill Culters/Jians missions

It's about as Sup Forums-core as you can get.

That's not much of a tower though, and it's still relatively shitty and built on top of the sewers too


Every time I try to connect to that map it won't let me. Any reason why?

Are there any fun maps to download?

>tfw you and huan used to be bros

Deathmatch in E.Y.E. is a dream, I used to play it a lot. Particularly the map where it's a dried up canal.

>it's literally falling apart with a caved in ceiling and collapsed walls, not to mention how it's built on top of the sewers and probably stinks.

Is that not decadent? Or perhaps I should've said dilapidated.

I remember really liking that the first time I played. I was rolling with the double barreled sawed off before I learned how shit it was. Pretending to be a galactic double barrel toting sheriff looking for a briefcase in a hotel of thugs is one of my fonder memories of E.Y.E. and videogames as a whole.

>he tries to bant with you like old times but you take it too personally and sperg out at him

I'm coloring it, don't rush me

>just like real life

things change, time changes, people change...

>I was rolling with the double barreled sawed off before I learned how shit it was.
from the website:
>This weapon has still not been officially reintroduced in the ranks of the federation yet, but some federal fighters unofficially use it. It is more common among looter groups. Some E.Y.E priests have developed a martial art dedicated to the use of the Betty Boom.
It still has a relatively long reload time, poor ammo efficiency, and low damage if you're not using both barrels, but once you get the timing down it's pretty fun

It also has a somewhat decent range when you aim down the sight.

I liked that oversized Bear Killer you have to unlock

Everyone does. It is your best friend.

Alternately, manslaughter, putting them in a situation where someone else kills them but you didn't have to lift a finger (ie selling them out) or killing them yourself but the situation was the fault of someone else.

Not the handheld one with four shots which is also fantastic, I mean the one with the holographic sights

nigga dat's a hunting machine

The 6 shooter? I love that one. It's nothing special, but it has such a satisfying pop.

>Shooting this for the first time

What's a quick and easy way of getting brouzouf?

>blowing a group of feddies to smitheroons