Peach Beach Splash Gameplay Trailer

Looks nice but needs more Haruka

Day one
Actually looks like a fun game

What if this ends up being the best SK game?


wow. I think those hips were moving on their own.

After the garbage that was versus?
nice try marketer kun

Call me when they update from the shitty Vita models

Asses still flat


Needs more Engetsuka, actually.

>Vanquish sliding


Fallon is on fire tonight

more pathetic fanservice shit, only reason these games sell at all

Do I actually get a truck for 24,800円? What a steal.

So I'm I waiting a year or more again for the western release?


gameplay looks better than I expected in all honesty. didn't expect rocket knees gameplay

still disappointed a bit but whatever. I just won't get it, no point complaining

So... it's splatoon mixed with versus gameplay? It actually looks like it could be fun

>I just won't get it,
Why not? It looks pretty fun. I also don't get all the whining over SV and EV, I still enjoyed them even if it did get a bit repetitive / was stupidly easy.

Is this game going to have online MP? I might actually cave and get PS+ if it does.



fuck sony


Great. I'm going to be calling it that from now on.

If it can make you feel better, the online will probably die in a month

More like a week.

Don't do it, user. It's a Japanese truck, it will run down the person you love and bring them to another world.


>same awful models

At least give them asses.

Looks great, and did they also put the card game into this game? Looks like I saw cards at the end. Also cool that they have melee attacks.

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

I think that water shooting close up mechanic is a replacement for the clothes ripping.