>Go to japan as teacher
>fall in love with japanese girl from broken home (father abonded her)
>get married quite fast, have child, move to america
>she gets pregnant again despite using protection all the time
>can't really support the child well after just moving and quitting teaching job in japan for youtube but will try
>miscarriage and bloodborne fetus talk triggers him
>turns out wife was cheating on him, got pregnant and aborted the child. there was no miscarriage
>get seperated
>fighting for custody of daughter but unlikely to get her from shitty youtube job which now makes less money

>switch over to twitch and makes low quality more frequent content in desperation and fuck over fans by overmoderating and being stresses asshole. disables comments due to trolls saying shit about his daughter and starting a big campaign to make him look like a drug addict (which would ruin custody chance) which bothers him much more now, most viewers think he's an easily offended SJW faggot

>trying to be a game developer as his dream but has no formal training and his game looks like shit

meanwhile DSP is fucking his 16 year old cousin driving a BMW in a gated community with his own house and getting supported by patron autists and haters publicity.

Other urls found in this thread:


>turns out wife was cheating on him, got pregnant and aborted the child. there was no miscarriage

wait, really?

that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that

eat the rice pay the price

let this be a lesson to weebs everywhere. Yellow fever kills, all white men are interchangeable to asian women and are just a status upgrade.

Not video games

>iwata dead threads is video games

> ENB not video games

he's a developer as well as a lets player

What a fucking cuck.

worst part is that it wasn't a one time thing. He found out she was cheating and let it slide

but she kept cheating over and over afterwards

I'm gonna need some fucking s o u r c e

or you're talking out of your ass

>wife cheating on him

I really hate it when faggots insert their own fetishes into the narrative.

It's not that I have an issue in believing this kind of shit happens, but where the hell is your proof? Other than your fat ass, I mean.

She most likely was legit pregnant with his kid and just got an abortion, feigning it was a miscarriage, and once she had the US citizenship, she dropped him.

Of course he doesn't have any.

He's projecting his own fantasy.

>it wasn't something that just happened, she did wrong to me over and over again

what else could that be but cheating? lets be real here. we all know japs who date white guys are sluts and she was from a poor fatherless home.

>his game looks like shit
what game is he making?

you can hardly call it a game desu. it's not even newgrounds flash game tier

Where exactly does he say this?


that's a nice buzzword to filter. thanks frued

The broken home stuff was way back in old bloodborne stuff, used protection but still got pregnant in some podcast I think, we got a divorce fighting for child etc was just recently.

This is just sad. I can only feel sorry for him. That Japanese cunt used him to get a fucking visa to America and then fucked him in the ass.

what does his wife look like

Source on divorce, none of his YT videos have any mention of it as recent as a week ago

>enb talks about fake rumors on his recent podcast
>this thread

Poor Marcus, the world doesn't deserve him.

gook tier. you can see her in some tales of lets play they did together

Put your fingers on the corner of your eyes and pull your fingers apart. Then look in a mirror.


go back like 10 minutes starts around an hour in.


skip to 59:40

But where did he say she did him wrong over and over?

>recently talks about his credit not being good

>needs good credit to keep daughter

keep watching, he talks about the wife on an off for like another 40 minutes of so.


I dropped him when he moved to Twitch because Australian internet but he was such a bro back in the day.

What do you even do in this situation? I'd beat the shit out of the dude, but damn.

The only punishment I would see as fair is complete psychological breakdown on the wife and the dude. I'm talking mindbreak type of shit here.

>watch anime
>fap to little cartoon girls
> start to fap to real children
>bad end: jail

Watch anime
>admire little cartoon girls
>want to BE a cartoon girl
>chop off dick and become tranny
Bad End: tranny suicide

watch anime
>become weeb and move to japan
>gook sluts manipulates you for american citizenship
>takes your money, your daughter cheats on you ruins your life
>Bad end: cucked


You just play dark souls over and over again apparently.

>girl from broken home (father abonded her)
You say that like it's something special.

I feel.

>trolls saying shit about his daughter and starting a big campaign to make him look like a drug addict

Jesus Christ it never ends for him.

it's not, we just know the efforts of fatherless homes and being poor. It's a massive red flag.

I think he needs to go get a real job. trying to cater to morons online [let alone the soul community] is the most idiotic thing he can try and achieve.

shit I can't find the videos anymore? did he remove them? can't remember if it was talkes of xillia or graces. I know at the time he made the video the game was only in japan

Seriously man fuck women, honest to god. This is happening to every fucking guy I know both online and in real life. Every god damn one.

My fiance of four years just took several thousand dollars from me and flew to California and attempted to cut contact with me.

And this isn't even me trying to make this about me either. One of my best friends brother is in jail because of his baby mama. My other friend and his fiance just bought a house together and she broke up with him immediately for no reason. My other best friend of 13 years is living in japan with his girlfriend (We live in the USA) and she tries to break up with him every week for basically no reason. Women are batshit insane.

>tfw you will never bang enb sister and make him raise the baby

Have you seen the "donations" Twitch streamers get? That makes so many "professional jobs" look like a joke in comparison. 20's, 5's, and etc. coming in everywhere. If you have breasts, say hello to triple-digit or higher drops.









his only hope is to camwhore his sisterhe gets no donations, he relies off amazon prime offering free twitch subs

Maybe his specific video I watched is misleading, because I saw plenty of 20's and 5's coming in. I'm referring to the video linked by . He was talking about his personal life though, so maybe that got people riled up to donate.

Some streamers do rake in a lot of dough regardless, though.

It just works this way for women, you treat her badly or indifferent - she wants you. The moment you start caring you loose.
The only winning move is being an asshole. Video. Games.

Why are you posting this on Sup Forums? Sage.

>bring jap wife to America
>get ntr'd
Is this place really that bad?

yeah he's no maximillan or some shit, doesn't get donantion for no reason

his fanbase hasn't liked him much because he's been a faggot for months. moving to switch, calling them evil and shit and that he doesn't need youtube, disabling comments etc.

this was obviously an exception

No wonder people started rumors about him/his daughter. Still a shame, though.

From the Souls community I doubt it's much. Even Peeve doesn't get that much compared to other streamers. Since Marcus is new to the streaming and from the sounds of things is very negative I'd be surprise if he makes enough to live off.

don't date dumb sluts who have taken so much dick they have built up an oxycodine resistance and can no longer pair bond/love

these sluts don't love anyone, they just see men as a status symbol, and if she realizes you care about her she thinks she's dating down, so he moves on.


twich, as bad as his life is it's not bad enough to be a nintenyearold

I can see it if she was from the Philippines or some 3rd world shithole, but Japan seems kinda weird for that. I think she just thought that he was a piece of shit after a while and moved on.

Source on his wife cheating on him?

You think eh?

and protip this goes both ways, if you use this to say "women are shit anyway" and pump and dump all the time you become the same monster you hated.

jesus he's worse than I thought. Did his parents disown him for being a drug addict? Did he got diagnosed with aids from sleeping with his whore wife too?

that's what you get for being hapa babies



There isn't any, aside from the divorce, it's all made up.

saved nice. he looks like his shit really got fucked up

top tier anime right there my dude

>turns out wife was cheating on him, got pregnant and aborted the child. there was no miscarriage

Now that's what I call made up.

tfw living in Japan now and in a relationship I don't like that much but will contemplate marriage for free visa.

are you sure his wife didn't, you know, die?

Maybe she died from cancer and when he said "separated" its an euphemism for death

So... What will happen to the crossbreed?