Reminder that if you play Spy,you're a cheap ass faggot
Reminder that if you play Spy,you're a cheap ass faggot
>un-cloaks behind you
psh... nothing personnel kid.
but ambassador spyper is literally the most fun loadout
Gabens favorite class is the spy.
Playing spy is the best single player stealth game experience. Prove me wrong.
This game would be better without spy or sniper.
Prove me wrong.
Spy is just cheap and ruins the atmosphere of the game, and the sniper is fucking too easy. I respect good spies but the class really does not belong.
This x1000000
Reminder that if you still play TF2 in 2016, you are the cancer killing video games.
What am I supposed to be playing then?
t. Mercy main
>people playing some old ass game are cancer
>not idiots whoring themselves to massive publishers
>not drones who encourage mindless regurgitating of uncreative, safe ideas in game development
>its a bunch of people playing some good game that just so happens to be old
i suggest you think before you post, friend
Muh animmu gaems that are 3deep5u
There isn't anything else that can shut down a sentry/get several kills in quick succession like a spy can.
I'm garbage at spies and get salty when I fight against a good one, but they have their niche in the game.
Good question, what other game could there be other than, what was it, teefftu?
Oh, I know, how about buying my, I mean THIS new game Overwatch? It features fast paced, exciting, original gameplay utilizing groundbreaking mechanics such as
>different classes!
>different abilities FOR those classes!
>control points!
All at the LOW LOW PRICE OF $39.95! Everybody else is playing it, you totally should too!
I've been playing TF2 since vanilla, and I admit I was pretty hype for Overwatch back when it was announced. I didn't get into the beta tho, and now I don't have a job/internet to get it.
From what I've seen, it doesn't seem to have as much fun going for it as TF2 does. Custom gamemodes/maps add so much variety that other games don't have.
I never thought of this but I can't prove you wrong either.
>playing a ten(10) year old game makes you cancer
>but playing the uninspired waifu moba shooter catered to casuals is a ok
>Playing spy when you could play sniper and be 10x more effective with less effort
hon hon hon
git gud. Spies are easy to kill if you know how to play.
Every shooter has a sniper class, only tf2 has the spy. I would kill for other games with a disguse kit.
but I cant aim
I used to play Black Ops as a silent guy with the combat knife and tomahawk, running around killing people with that. Favorite class of all.
Well no doubt.
Black Ops is best CoD
Huntsman sniper is probably the most broken class in the while game, followed closely blutsauger combat medic.
why is this allowed
To ruin fun. It was fine before Valve gave it a speed boost, no drip, no afterburn.
it's shit 99% of the time, you just don't notice because you expect spies to amount to nothing
to make spy playable on cramped maps like dustbowl. Soldier/demo spam is cancer
and heavy/sniper
>x is a shit map
>lets make weapons around it instead of just not playing the map
>you just don't notice it
How would I not when every trash spy takes it out and walks straight into my team? A weapon that discourages stealth on a stealth class, 10/10 game design.
If you hate spies so much, play on a no FF server.
If you're on a coordinated team stock and C&D are way better. Relaying information on the enemy team movements and team sentry takedowns>>>evading death for awhile.
>If you're on a coordinated team stock and C&D are way better
Which is never the case in pubs, communication counters anything spy has but that doesn't change the fact that DR is a massive fucking crutch and annoying to deal with.
It's very shallow and encourages teamstack pressing q at the same time.
At least headclicking is satisfying
>At least headclicking is satisfying
You can't even do that.
>The one hero who is actually skill indexed and fun to play keeps getting nerfed
Literally playing a game, not paying for whatever garbage cash shop crap comes out of it, and still having fun doing so is cancer to you?
Shit man, remind me not to ever buy Overwatch.
They're nerfing McCree? Well, looks like I'm going back. Hopefully there's still populated servers.