>game is longer than 10 hours
Game is longer than 10 hours
>great game is only 2 hours long
>game features animal abuse
>potentially great game is only 20 minutes long
Reminder that if you don't have at least 1,000 hours in at least one game, you don't belong on Sup Forums.
>Game is shorter than 10 hours.
>First few hours of a game are amazing
>The other 90% is boring uninspired shit
>game is only 70 hours long
Journey. The price reflects the shortness too.
>Game ends on a cliffhanger
>Sequel TBA
>first half of the game is absolutely amazing
>second half of the game is literally the worst direction the game could have gone in
Lets see it then. inb4 Team Fortress 2 or Garrys Mod
>Rando gives 10/10 review
>It's good, but....
Why do people do this?
>game is less then 60 hours long
MGSV summed up
If it had just ended at chapter 1 then fuck it would have been great.
>Indie game is 20+ hours
You missed a digit.
>game isn't 60+ hours
how the fuck am I supposed to enjoy this?
because 10/10 doesnt mean 10/10 anymore
>Game takes a giant shit on a cool premise in the last third of the game.
Uncharted seemed so cool until things got all supernatural.
>game features animal abuse like most games but makes you aware of the environmental impact of it
Does RunEscape count?
prove you'reself Sup Forums
>game is shorter than 10 hours
You better have gotten the refund nigga
...but why?
>Played league of legends all the way through my senior years and failed finals
>Still got into uni
>game A has tons of padding, grinding, repetition
>praised for its length and thys value
>game B is 8-10 hours but full of only unique and fun content, no padding grinding or boring time wasting shit
>people whine its too short
>game is shorter than 5 minutes
Let me guess, Dark Souls?
>spend 300+ hours of playtime on a 6 hour game
Bravely Default
>game length is determined by how skilled you are
Sounds like every square game
>Game has boss fights
Every video game ever made?
Wow you got into a university! Congratulations, it's not that fucking hard
Fucking Zero Time Dilemma
Disgusting neet detected
>game is flawed, but shows a lot of potential
>ends one hour later
Literally anyone can get into University, there are even scholarships for legit retards.
The only people that don't go choose not to go because they're afraid of the monetary commitment/starting adult life in general, or simply because they're so disconnected from real life that they find the very concept of going to college to be some kind of out of reach upper class thing for no reason.
40% of the population in the US has a college degree, and practically everyone that isn't a total chucklefuck goes. I've met some stupid fuckers in my time here, it's not impressive.
>Game isn't an infinitely replayable 100+ hour experience
>game doesn't allow you to finish it until you play it for at least 50 hours
>Typical americuck thinking everyone is also an americuck
We don't let every sweaty mouthbreather in like you do
i´d be heavily disappointed and ask for refund if its less than 10 hours. nobody wants shti like that
Could be an Aussie too.
There was a scandal lately about a whole slew of unis filling up courses to capacity regardless of entrance scores.
Literally me
>game takes longer than 10 hours to get good
You sound like my father
>game is so replayble that it's length is different for everyone
Community College, maybe.
Dragon's Dogma is the only game let get away with this and that only takes a couple of hours (when you get to Gran Soren), because I love that game.
10hrs is fucking awful, though. Lemme guess: Final Fantasy 13?
Not sure if it's the same in other countries, but it's incredibly easy to get into low level universities in the US
Not really, I had to do a fuckton of catchup material and TAFE courses to get in to a good place
>posts game where literally just leaving a server running in background gives you hour log
neck yourself
We ain't talking about a good place though, user was bragging about how he literally got into "a" university, which could be any one of the many schools that are very easy to get into
I was that user
>Game is longer than 300 hours
>the game is good, but its online community actively tries to convince you it's bad
>RPG is less than 30 hours long
>the game is bad, but a small handful of loudmouth shills want you to think it's the best in the series
>game is a political statement
>the game is bad, but a small handful of loudmouth degenerates circlejerk to porn of it thats not even faithful to the series characters
New Vegas
Although some games do push certain political agendas, is there any example of a recent triple A title literally being a political statement?
But you agree that 2 was, overall, the best in the series, correct?
name one game like that that isn't open world
I've never been able to put that much hours into any game. Even my favorite games I really liked, I usually can't do more than 150 hours. Regardless of how good it is, I just get bored playing the same thing over and over for that long.
woooow someone disagrees with me fuck you
>game is infinite
I haven't played 4.
I had maybe 8,000 WoW hours tracked through Xfire. They shut down though so I can't take a screenshot.
> be a wage slave
> have responsibilities
> get to play vidya maybe 2 hours a day
> can't play on weekends, because gf wants to do stuff
I just want to play my vidya
Does an accumulation over a series count?
Excellent taste.
Don't bother with it, it's shit. It's the only game in the series I haven't finished because I got bored.
I got pretty decent at Vicky 2, how much of a step up is the HOI series?
>demanding games be a certain length, rather than just being good
>game is short but really good
MGS 2 & 3
>people actually play for the story
Depends on which one. III is probably the hardest game Paradox has ever made to my knowledge, even Vic is easier. IV is casual broken shit at the moment but give it a year or two and it might me playable. II and its spinoffs (DH is the best btw) are easier than III but still offer a challenge.
>Game is 80+ hours long
>You wish it was longer
>I only play western shit
>game is 100 hours long
>expacs are another 100
>It ends
>It's the end of the series too
>you just want more
Your mother sucks dwarf cocks
>game's story takes a turn for the extremely dark right at the beginning of the final chapter
Fucking Xenogears.
New Vegas
It really sucks that game was rushed to shit
Is it true that the PC version of this is unplayable without mods?
oh yeah because you´ll just finish FFX in 5 hours if you´re really good. they literally require you to play it for 70-100 hours or you dont have the levels to beat final boss which does trillions of damage, has 3 turns for your 1 turn while healing itself. that was such bullshit.
>game is a game
All FF final bosses are pretty easy to defeat even underleveled except Zeromus from FFIV. You only need to grind and use real strategies for the optional super-bosses.
Not playing dota... Wtf
I played on mouse and keyboard with no mods at like 10fps my first time through. didn't harm my enjoyment one bit
i'd say it's up to you, the only real mod for the game is DSfix and that only changes the graphics of the game and offers a framerate unlock. There's also the mousefix but if you have a controller it has no use, i personally prefer playing on default mouse and keyboard
>if you hit him enough he would literally die and never come back
>You only need to grind
or gameplay difficulty could directly adjust to your in-game statistics so you dont have to kill 10 rats for next half years like its WoW. ofc chink devs arent smart enough for small match apps.