This game is fucking terrible...

This game is fucking terrible. They built an entire game around solving environmental puzzles by giving vague hints to a retarded AI that doesn't know what you're talking about 98 percent of the time, and reviewers are somehow ok with this just because of the pedigree of the developer, and because he supposedly made it retarded on purpose. A novel idea, but it doesn't make for a fun game. Ueda deserves a load of buckshot to the face for this bullshit.

What not enough explosions?

>This game is fucking terrible

Anonymous, I think there's a game you need to play

Yes, and in my opinion, the game is terrible. I know what the game wants me to do, but when I try to direct Trico there, it just sits there and moos at me. The game is borderline unplayable, and it's all because the AI is fucking retarded. Wow, Game of the Year material. I totally see what all the fuss was about.

It's pretty bad.

>Ico was a fucking escort mission extended to a full game
>SOTC was an empty ass world with 12 platforming challenges
>People are surprised their latest hack shit is awful

Ico was meh, but I can get why SotC was popular. The scale of the Colossi was impressive, and figuring out how to beat each one was kind of fun. The "oh, I get it now" moment was always satisfying.

>hey guys let's build a game where it's boss fights over and over. Everyone loves boss fights

>hey guys let's build a game where we recreate that annoying moment everyone has in a game where they get stuck at an other wise simple puzzle but end up waste an hour wandering aimlessly. But well also throw in a giant broken AI for the player to squeal at too!

Well it's certainly not good. The gigantic delay is sort of hilarious once it all came to fruitation

Tico's mechanics can be genuinely frustrating, but I don't think the game as a whole warrants hate.

Go away DarkSidePhaggot

>They built an entire game around solving environmental puzzles by giving vague hints to a retarded AI that doesn't know what you're talking about 98 percent of the time

So it's furry Ico then.

This guy is half right. Why ICO and SoTC were so good was due to the time they came out. For games at that period it was VERY impressive.

But modern gaming has long since done that and beyond. It isn't oh shit anymore. they completely relied on impressing the viewers but they are a decade late on it.


Clockwork. Every bad exclusive is guaranteed "salt" when it comes out.

The PS4 is 400 dollars.

Does anyone else love the "world" of these games? I don't give a shit about story / settings / characters in any games, but for some reason the bare bones shit in these games draws me in.

Ico was boring but SotC was great.

>you will never explore the area from the intro past the wind barrier

You know what sucks most of all? The dog/bird thing is really neat. The animations and movements, it acts like a real animal a lot of the time. It's really neat.

Then you have to wait 10 years. For the goddamn thing to do what you fucking tell it to.

World Building is delicate art that Ueda has always been able to manage properly.

Most people mess up and add too much so that inconsistencies are easy to spot.

Thanks guys. Glad I didn't get this piece of shit.

It might be delicate, but all his games seem to similar. They feature a setting covered in ruins (so the thoughts of "who built this" arise), and put the characters in completely unexplained situations (why was ico kid put into that place, why was TLG kid stolen, etc.)

Yeah I know what you mean. Sotc is my favorite video game world. It felt so old, forgotten, and mysterious.

I just beat the game and didn't understand the ending. So you like fuck over the dog but he lives???

It's a minimalist style which most people can't pull off.

You're put in a setting that is clearly mythical in some nature, but also man made. You're exploring a place that is not at it's peak but it's decline.

Most people fuck up a mythical or mystical setting by over blowing on magic shit and glowing stuff.

Simple Mysteries are important because they keep you engaged. Overly complex mysteries tend to lend themselves to be picked apart, which is why so many grand stories in RPGs fall flat, because they can't keep the characters, settings, and mysteries consistent.

But what Ueda also excels at is the art of the silent world.