Post your comfy/WIP battlestations friends. I'm currently in the process of saving up to build a new desktop, but my asus laptop will play most games that I need it to and I have a ps4 for the ones it wont. The desk I actually made myself because I live with 4 roommates in a small house and needed a desk that was compact but had a large workspace.
Comfy/WIP BattleStation Thread
Did you preorder FO4?
Yeah the fallout franchise is my second favorite game series behind metal gear.
Did you learn your lesson?
I always wanted a pip boy and when they announced the special edition I pre ordered immediately
Pre-Ordering for limited edition merch is the only legitimate reason to pre-order and I respect you for it.
Fallout 4 isnt exactly what I wanted but I still find it fun to play. hopefully they learned thier lesson and go back to silent protag in the next game.
yeah I never pre order games unless it comes with some extra coll thing Like the pip boy
This is pretty late for a Battlestation thread, but let's try.
Why own furniture
Doesn't your back hurt?
w-whats the duct tape for?
cozy, nice muggernaut. Clean. You could lose about half those figures though.
good early morning gentleman
Holy CRT TV batman.
No. I do wish the screens were 1-2cm lower, but its not that bad.
Actually now that I post, I realize I could just raise the mattress by 1-2cm.
>That hat
I'm sad the series is done. It ended on a good point, but I love the characters and would have loved another season
>Tfw snagged a BO3 zombie theme mini fridge by preordering day one
I only play the game for the zombie mode, and the mini fridge is pretty sweet. Shit sold out like an hour or two after it was announced
For the love in my love shed
>cozy, nice muggernaut. Clean. You could lose about half those figures though.
Thanks user. I might put a couple of the smaller ones away to free space for some larger ones I have preordered, but I'd rather just put my games and books somewhere else instead.
Yeah After they announced the pip boy at E3 I stayed up all night refreshing the best buy website until they went on sale.They sold out like 10 minutes after I bought mine.