Which Final Fantasy had the most emotional ending?
Which Final Fantasy had the most emotional ending?
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FFT. I wanted to keep playing.
X if you ignore X-2
Threads over folks
>if you ignore X-2
Final Fantasy: Crisis Core
>Presumably just under 30 after the timeskip
>His beard is pencil-thin
I know japs are bad at growing facial hair but damn
Anything but 15, that's for sure.
Vivi's goodbye message, Zidane and Garnet reuniting.
I cannot believe I have a friend that says that the story in XV is "fucking fantastic"
sometimes I wish I could be so easily entertained as him
The crime here is that it has all the potential to be a fantastic story all around but its missing half the pieces. The bro-mance is top tier but everything else around it falls short, which is a huge problem because the tragedy for the main relationships depended on the outside world's story and its completely fucking absent.
Nothing in the movie mattered and nothing in the game itself is explained.
but it is "fucking fantastic"
when they fill in all the holes with DLC
The 3 character DLCs set during timeskip won't fix the story whatsoever.
More cutscenes aren't going to change the 180s in character and total neglect Cor and Ravus have.
Why is Ravus even a character? He served literally no importance.
>Cor and Ravus
How about Ideolas and Verstael? You know the main leaders of fucking Niflheim? The people who attacked Insomnia to begin with? It could have been a neat twist for Ardyn to just be manipulating everything from the shadows but instead he's the only enemy that actually fucking does anything at all, every other character gets sidelined besides him and your party.
Square Enix had used the exact same ending for the last 3 final fantasy games and people still eat this shit up
but Ardyn turned the King into a demon that you fight near the end
That's the type of facial hair that chicks actually like
And Verstael was strung up beside your dad in the throne room. It just feels really shitty considering how prominent the Nifs were supposed to be according to all the trailers.
>chicks actually like the kind of facial hair an awkward 17 year old would have
You'd know if you talked to a girl.
I talk to your mother plenty
Don't talk about my fuckin mum
Does anyone know if Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio died at the end? Ardyn did that weird purple energy thing to them and they all were out of it but the fact that Noctis acted like he barely cared and that it was so quick makes me think that they were just knocked out or something. I was reading one source online that said that they were killed but I can't find a clear answer anywhere else online. If they really died right there that's fucking bullshit because that would be the quickest and most anticlimactic death to 3 of the most major characters in the game all at once. The fact that they didn't have nay kind of prologue with them crying over Noctis also makes me think that they might be dead, but also it didn't show them in the afterlife either.
I'm going to pull some headcanon out of my ass and go with this: using the power of the ring and KotR, Noctis' final blow to Ardyn actually kills him across the timeline, causing the events leading up to the game's start to never occur.
The game ends with the Regalia breaking down when Noctis is on his way to his wedding to Luna in the newly created timeline.
That wouldn't make sense because if Ardyn was pulling the strings all along then that would mean the peace treaty/wedding was all his doing too.
But Luna and Noctis knew eachother before Niflheim ever conquered Tenebrae. In the new timeline they just end up getting amrried without the context of a peace treaty.
Let me dream of a happy end you bastard.
I wish your end was canon I was craving a happy ending too (happier anyway), it just seemed unlikely to me at first. The whole fact that they were supposed to be so in love with each other seemed kinda off to me even in the canon story because they only met like once or twice when they were young and then didn't see each other for like 12 fuckin years.
They did indeed die to the iron giant fodder off screen.
Wait, what? the last we see of them is in the throne room with Noctis right before he begins his fight with Ardyn, I believe. Ardyn just shoots these purple energy balls at them and they fall over and then Notcis was like, WHat did you do to them?" and Ardyn said something like, "this isn't their fight." and that's the last we see of them other than the camping scene in the prologue but that's before they get to Insomnia.
sorry not prologue, epilogue.
Did you walk away from the game or something? There's a scene after you kill Ardyn when Noctis heads up to the throne room to sudoku.
I think what happens is that Noctis gets some time before he dies, so he spends it with his bros, who are actually still alive. That would make more sense but then again, Tabata.
You didn't play the game.
After Ardyn fight, they meet up outside. They're attacked by Iron Giants, Noctis goes to the throne while the rest stay behind to buy him time. Noctis then sudoku'd and shortly later their spirits also show up in the afterlife meaning they died, jobbing to fucking fodder enemies.
Oh shit that's right I had the order of events all fucked up in my mind for some reason, I feel dumb. Either way, it's still canon that they died to the giants before Noctis sacrifices himself? You don't even see an epic last stand or anything? that's still pretty bullshit, damn.
It's indeed canon, welcome to Tabata games.
He also killed off Aya Brea, the protagonist of Parasite Eve, in pretty shitty and nonsensical 10 second scene.
Type-0 character deaths were pretty bad as well.
But this truly takes the cake.
>Their spirits show up in the afterlife
What? Only Noctis and Luna go to the afterlife, that camping scene takes place just before they return to Insomnia.
I hear that a lot about this game. Contrary to the speculation that Nomura was creating some literary epic that was ruined by mismanagement by Taba, what was leaked of the story made it sound exactly like a edgier and darker Kingdom Hearts without Disney, and all the shittiness that entails, which exactly what I would expect from him. It was also meant to be a trilogy. So I doubt this potential for its story was ever materialized even in script form
The combat from the trailers also looked like shit.
That purpley space looking place was the afterlife? It didn't seem like that to me, just some weird astal plane that Noctis finally defeats Ardyn in. If that was the afterlife then what was the place where Luna and Noctis were married in? I thought that was the afterlife? If everyone died then why were they not there with Noctis and Luna at the end?
>I thought that was the afterlife? If everyone died then why were they not there with Noctis and Luna at the end?
No, that's the Astral Plane. Noctis and Luna became Astrals as a reward from the other Astrals for putting them through so much shit.
It's not the afterlife it was the world inside the crystal, and the people surrounding him were projections of the bonds he had formed. The only people that were actually there were Noct and Ardyn
>Vivi's goodbye message
>MFW it hit me that Vivi dies
That's what I thought, and was saying. THen that makes me wonder how we know for sure that Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis died since we didn't see them in the afterlife with Luna and Noctis. What's the canon sourse that says they died? Did Tabata say it or something?
>What's the canon sourse that says they died?
Well them being dead is a pretty big indication
They didn't die they're fine
Daemons go away when light is brought back to the world so they only had to hold them off for like 5 minutes
what the fuck are you talking about you sperg? That guy didn't even mention Versus.
Well, the demons could've slaughtered them before they got purged.
I only got it when I played it when I was a bit older. Hit me like a ton of bricks.
>easily hold off literal hordes of demons while Noct goes and gets trapped in the crystal
>somehow a few iron giants will easily kill them in a couple minutes
>Hated 9 when I was young
>Try to replay it many times through the year
>Always stop around the arrival to Cid
I want to love it so much. The setting is nice and the music is great. Steiner alone makes the game worth it. But fuck me do I detest the combat system.
>Enemy attacks one of your character
>Give your healer the order to heal him
>For some inesplicable reason, the healer stands still doing nothing
>Most of the times the enemy will attack again before your character does what you told him one hour ago
I was just talking about how people have mentioned its potential in connection to what it supposedly should have been, or was according to Nomura's plan.
In regards to potential aside from that, I think that's just watching the trailers and thinking where the story might go as a result of it. It didn't have any more potential than any other FF game, which isn't much these days because SE doesn't know how to tell good stories
Okay but we never see them die. So far everyone is saying that they died to the iron giants but we never actually see any indication of that.
I didn't want to accept it as true when I was younger. But considering how well it fits with the themes it was nicely handled and it had meaning and he living a good life at the end
I think there might be something wrong with your copy of the game
>He also killed off Aya Brea, the protagonist of Parasite Eve
Wait, what? I never played PE2 because I heard it was bad the first PE is easily one of my top jrpgs.
what happened?
>>I think there might be something wrong with your copy of the game
Don't know, maybe I am just retarded. Is the steam re-release worth playing?
Go to options, put the ATB on Wait.
Short version is he has him sacrifice herself to wipe the villain of T3B out of existence which sounds like a badass way to go but it's really shitty as the game is nothing but melodramatic garbage
It's hinted that she may be alive the Plus ending though because a women whose clearly here walks past an older Eve (not the one from PE1 a clone she sister adopts at the end) and says happy birth day in an equally crappy stinger ending
the whole game is just awful. Im not kidding it makes Other M look respectable by comparison.
I just want the ending logo of XV in a high res Wallpaper already. Y^Y
Thanks user.
Also wtf is this picture, i hope thats now what I think it is REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>load up the game after beating it
>"gameplay recording paused because you have entered a blocked scene" whenever the title screen comes up now
basically the more damage you take the more tattered her clothes become till she's almost naked. Combined with a bunch of completely tasteless shower scenes the game is just plagued with shitty fan service that does not mesh with the overly serious plot at all creating a jarring mess.
2 had a shower scene too but as you can see it's about as sexy as a shampoo commercial. Very tasteful and actual works to create a break in pacing, before the action ramps up in the next scene. Id recommend playing 2 anyways as it's an alright game if you want another PS1 Re clone. It's a good one. T3B though is just, Im still livid. Pretend it doesn't exist.
>He also killed off Aya Brea, the protagonist of Parasite Eve, in pretty shitty and nonsensical 10 second scene.
I'm pretty sure that was Toriyama.
What a fucking disgrace. PE1 Aya was the perfect example of a female protag done right. Why whywhyw
She was even pretty cool in part 2. Hell they actually did a really great job of fleshing out her personality as she has a bit of dialogue to say for most things you can interact with beyond the standard "It's a ____" or "Nothing interesting"
Look at this retard promo art. Nearly licking the very phallic gun when both PE1 and 2 Aya is established as something of a gun fan who would obviously never do something so retarded.
And Im not trying to discourage fanservice or using sex appeal. Fear Effect is a cool series that has it's characters showing their tits left and right but a lot of made sense in context and they didn't come off as idiots.
okay back to posting shit I liked.
FF9 was a magnificent roller coaster of emotions. Complete joy at Zidanne and Garnet's reunion combined with bittersweet knowledge that while he may be gone Vivi lived well, was able to pass himself off and will forever live in the hearts and minds of those who knew him
game ain't perfect but shit like this is why it's my favorite.
>that "art"
i want to laugh but cant.
Im wiling to try 2 because you keep saying that its decent enough but no way in hell im downloading that piece of fucking garbage
I hope this game kills Tabata's career.
I'm tired of games ending in main characters fucking DYING
>he's never seen a yurop shampoo commercial
Daily reminder that Zidane has a life limiter that will kill him no more than a couple of years after the ending.
If you genuinely believe Garland would make an Angel of Death type Genome with no life limiter you're out of your fucking mind. The entire speech he makes to Zidane about Terra is damage control, he doesn't want another Kuja on his hands, so he tells Zidane he's immortal which is blatant horseshit since his role in Garland's plan was identical to Kuja and he didn't want walking nukes living too long in case they usurped him. He even has the next model lined up and ready to go.
Necron feels a lot less asspully when you really get the games themes
FFIX has cast times but this is literally never explained ingame or in the manual. Curaga will take longer to cast than cure for example. Same as FFIV.
So basically, it's YOLO: the game?
Kinda? It's more about passing our lives onto to others to remember us by after we gone by forming real emotional bonds and living that way.
Literally /thread
Don't forget the fact you had to beat the game 50 times to unlock it permanently
She was always designed to be sexual though.
The only reason PE1 was amazing was due to being it based on a book that already had a decent story.
>Fear Effect 3
>See Filename
type0, I cried at the end, when ace started singing I couldn't hold it anymore
Yeah, my ass
The bromance isn't even top tier. They just tell you it is, but these people don't come close to even most Tales games or Xenoblade or anything like that. Hell, Bartz and Galuf felt closer in FF5.
Before the camping scene, when Noctis is in the afterlife and finishes off Ardyn, all the other dead characters accompany and help him. Luna, Regis, the other past kings of Lucis all show up, both Noctis and Ardyn are there after death, and the rest of your party shows up during the whole thing in the afterlife too.
Who cares? Her sister was hotter anyways
Nah, bullshit.
Prompto and Noctis have a lot more chemistry than Galuf and Bartz (who have what, 2-3 scenes at best when they show this?), and that's not counting the other two in to the mix.
Then when that snare drum comes in, you know you did a fucking good job.
Crisis Core easily.
I can't believe how quick the ending to FFXV came in.
One chapter I'm trying to get my crystal back, ten minutes later I'm ten years in the future, getting a SHITLOAD of exposition, and not a single explanation as to why I'm ten years in the future or why this happened
He's 33 there I believe. Sorry Japanese genetics and nothing more
Man I was SO fucking happy when it was revealed Zidane survived.
The entire ending I was like "oh shit they all just moved on" then he throws the hood back and I mark out like a fucking moron, smiling from ear to ear.
I wish I could enjoy video games like I did when I was 14
I think the main issue is games not having happy endings anymore these days.
Everything needs to be cynical and "thought-provoking". Artsy-farty bullshit if you ask me, what use is escapism if it ends up being as shit or even more shit then reality.
Not really. Noctis is bland as fuck on top of being quiet. It's like Squall without an inner dialogue or development. He doesn't have next to any chemistry with anyone, and the closest you get is Prompto just because Prompto's the token upbeat guy instead of an autistic butler or a hardass.
XV just sucked dick at all the character-related stuff. You have to scrape at the movies or anime for every bit of worthwhile character backstory, personality, or interaction.
Seriously, that shit bugs me. You go on an entire journey, I want it to pay off. Nothing felt like what I did was a result of my efforts, or that anyone meant anything.
They reused World of Ruin and namedropped it, without actually letting you travel the world seeing firsthand how desperate the situation is, what each individual person is doing (which gives huge chances at character development when you have guys who flat out gave up vs people active the whole time), and as you gather and rally people you at least get the message of hope across.
Instead you get on shore, immediately pair up with your 3 party members, who proceed to not help as you walk into a third-tier summon who your own summons kill for you, and the main villain then waves his fucking hand to instantly knock your teammates out and lets you kill him because that was his plan all along. And also you die, because fuck you, and your party members vaguely may have died too because fuck you, and we're going to show you a sequence out of order just because it's sad and sappy too because fuck you.
8 because people just don't realize that it's Squall realizing that he did, in fact, die at the end of Disc 1
Rip him.
Everyone in this thread who didnt say Crisis core is a newfag faggot that started FF with 13