Black gaming experiences

What do you have to say for yourself Sup Forums? This is LITERALLY indefensible

Other urls found in this thread:



one day we will live in a world where niggers just stop complaining about literally everything

fucking dropped


>Long flowing hair isnt natural

>video game has no niggers


2010 - bait threads consisted of video game covers with text usually reading "Defenf This" or "What went wrong?"

2016 - bait threads are twitter screencaps with "really funny" ironic text to activate ur almonds

I think it's safe to say that moot enabling twitter crusades on Sup Forums did a good job at neutering bait threads, but console wars have been all but delegated to the occasional exclusives threads.

I don't even think a new console generation 10 years from now could fix this IMO. Console wars are gonna die out in a matter of years, and be replaced by sociopolitical shitflinging on a website with a character limit.

Put that in your almonds and think about it, faggot

Everyone will be mixed race soon so yes you could be right.

>these tweets are all months old

>this thread was made today

neogaf go.

>says the guy on the board that completely shits themselves if any character happens to not be a white male

I'll be glad when all of this muh identity shit just fucking dies

>tv show adds niggers

>implying neofag and Sup Forums are separate
We post here what we can't on there.

I see a lot more black characters and hairstyles then I do Mexican and I really don't see how either is a real issue.

Fran was negro enough


>why doesn't an Asian game have black characters
for the same reason it doesn't have any white characters you chickity china the chinese chicken

also, Fran


I don't care.

>empathy for elves
No. Not for a second. Fucking knife eared homos.

That's really strange, because last time I checked all the "good guys" happen to Americans and they're all mulattos.

Black guy here
The hairstyles in most games are garbage so I usually go bald. I don't usually play a black guy but I'll pick whatever because I don't care.
I think my Mount & blade character is a redhead with a long beard, my Morrowind Character was a Breton, and the last time I actually made a black character was in GTAV, which was years ago.


All neofags will hang on the day of rope.

>Continent adds niggers


This I really don't get.
Why are they appropriating existing, established white characters and making them black or whatever minority?
Why not just invent new black characters?
Luke Cage turned out great, do more of that please.
I'm also disappointed they used that shitty annoying whiny kid for Lex Luthor...


>Afro, cornrows, and dreads

Isn't that pretty much all of them other than short shaved hair? I mean what the fuck does she want a jerry curl?

whats your go to haircut in video games?

mine is the mullet


>Be pacific islander
>Very little representation in vidya
I guess Pokemon S/M kinda counts but i never really gave a fuck

When referring to something as "natural," humans are often exempt, as man-made is usually considered to be the opposite of natural.

These niggers do realise that in any game that allows the user to play as a nigger (or forces the user to play as a nigger), the player is going to be an impulsive meme-spamming hoodrat looking for gibs me dats and fools to kill and loot.
... which to be fair isn't that different to your average player character. But still!

I usually go into the female hair styles if it allows that for male characters because I have pretty long hair irl and I always make self inserts.
That or afro.

>empathy for elves


Go cry about it Tama.

>Thot Mage

Dumb bitch with a name like that crying on twitter about black representation and racism in video games, holy fuck this has to be a joke. I hate black girls, god damn.



Well yeah

I imagine that humans are to elves what niggers are to humans

>be latino
>more specifically, colombian
>only representation in games (and modern media actually) is drug dealers, terrorists or crazy accent-think women in sitcomes

it's shitty but it doesn't really affect my opinions about games, most characters i make are usually white (doesn't help that i'm light-skinned as well)

>be sandman
>literally 100% of current representation in videogames is isis ripoffs
>don't give a single solitary shit, live comfortable middle-class existence, post on taiwanese gardening board in the middle of the night


>tfw you can't play mega man because you're not a robot

I just said I dont give a fuck whiteboi

>empathy for elves

>one day we will live in a world where niggers just stop existing*
fixed that for you

How would she react if she took a trip to modern England?

Replace that post with the word black and a photo of the KKK and you see our point

It was a really roundabout way of saying blacks aren't human

>empathy for elves

She would probably assume it was overtaken and try to reclaim the land
and she wouldn't be wrong

i would kill everyone and than kill myself if i was saber.

>claims to not give a fuck
>makes a post about how his shit race gets no representation
Kek. Stay mad pooskin.


That's white culture appropriation , isn't it?

I dont get it. Is he just saying other orcs are raping elves or what


Oh god the fake chain mail

Nice Sup Forums bait

>Wendy's chocolate frosty
Thanks for reminding me that wendy's no longer exists in my country

When does that even happen?

hes saying his not into raping elves.


>tfw there's actually a canon black knight of the round table but they just blacked up the French one instead of even acknowledging Morien's existence in the lore

in her head

Nigga the rock is everywhere, fuck you.

Okay, "when" this is the case, so what?

I'm still amazed people use POC.

Make your own game and have as many black people as you want.

Don't see her complaining about all the black guys being muscled good guys

Name twenty (20) games where any of these happen

>the legend of zelquisha
>lank muh nigga you gotta go check out this fatass piece of juicy pussy her name is zelquisha and her senpai hella loaded bruh I heard she was like a princess or some shit and she in some kinda trouble with tha pigs man cmon bruh you gotta go do somethin you'll be swimmin in bitches n hoes if you get good with her senpai
>aight senpai chill I'll do it, lemme finish wit breakin all these pots in sheyut, dayum

link as a nigger actually makes a lot of sense
it even explains why the water temple is so hard

That might take a while, given there's one or two generations wasted because of all this tumblr bullshit, although chances are some of them will grow out of it.

you mean how you faggots do nothing but complain about niggers nonstop?

you're honestly no different


Can this nigger make a single post that doesn't start with when? I also don't see this faggot posting any games that do any of this shit.

>Not Rayla

>the person advertising this persons twitter

Is that you, lvl 27 tho mage?

This one is for you

>black people problems
>wahh my game needs 20 shades of nigger
why this cuck just doesnt grind any of the million MMOs that already do this. i dont really even give a shit about what this nigger thinks.

>w-what you say v
its not my game, i dont know this bitch, op is a jew

What the fuck is GTA:SA/V?

>taiwanese gardening board

wait, I thought this was a cantonese stewing bulletin system?

>empathy for elves

>afro, conrows, and dreads
>all look terrible

quelle surprise

How is man, and by extension everything he creates, not natural?

>Truth in Television


I was posting it in regards to the thread pic since vocal blacks complain about no representation in vidya, retard

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW from Gaf because they can't post dissenting opinions
If you have any reason to go there at all, kys. Aside from leaks, it's fucking terrible.

ok but why is the elf having that reaction as if thats a bad thing.

>it even explains why the water temple is so hard
i havent laughed so hard at a Sup Forums post in a very long time. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>Damn near every liberal saying race doesn't matter
>But it matters a lot when there aren't enough people with a particular skin color in a certain media.

damn I forgot about the filter

What the fuck is she even trying to say?

TIL black people are magic creatures , like elfs or something.

Why don't these people just make their own videogames with an all-black cast instead of sitting on twitter and trying to bully people into doing it for them?

But I go there for the leaks user

truly unbelievable
you guys are insane
fucking racist out of control crazy people

it could be an australian crocheting MOO, hard to say.