how is this acceptable?
Davey Wreden Is a Thief
Don't let this hack get away with this
Do people actually believe this or is it a meme? Because I can't even begin to explain how obvious it is that he was telling a story about himself. Maybe is just because I've been in a lot of very similar situations and the game was relatable as fuck, but I feel like everyone is missing the point.
Obviously not. Coda's privacy has clearly been violated. Wreden even knows that he's doing it (he says it at the end!)
I guess I can understand wanting to reach out to coda to apologize, but making money off of his violated privacy is not the way to do it. geez.
Coda's not an actual person fucktard.
The game is about how you can't necessarily understand a person by observing their art. The narrator projected his problems onto Coda and made him what he wanted to be. Putting Coda in a box.
Do you play MW2 and get triggered about how we killed all the civies? Fucking dumbass.
So then what's the fucking point of the game?
It's not talking about real people
there's not gameplay.
I'm not doing anything but walking around, my character has no agency.
but there was a gun
It's a story told through a non-conventional medium. That medium happens to be games, or more specifically a fictional collection of someone else's half-finished games.
Should not be charging for it. Dude's just a huge shill. Just watch a lets play with no commentary. Why bother otherwise.
this sounds like something an sjw would say
I'm just stating a fact. That's what the game is.
Wreden cucked Coda, that's what you get
It's a story dumbass. That's the point, to tell a fucking story. I shouldn't have to spell this out.
>pretentious retard makes shit "game" thats just him monologuing for 3 hours
>gullible plebs gobble up the turd and pretend its a masterpiece projecting their delusional perceptions
Jesus Christ you're pretty fucking retarded aren't you
>a retard doesn't play the game and doesn't realise that there's a twist in the second half that makes the narrator admit he's a pretentious cunt
Great parrotting. Maybe you even saw a let's play.
Other games are stories too. They let me interact with the world, talk to people, have gameplay. In this game I walk around without any kind of choice or acknowledgement i exist. I'm being talked at, not to.
Stanley parable acknowledged me and my choices, Stanley wasn't a real person but was an easy stand in for the player.
Who the fuck was the player stand in, in beginners guide. Who was I supposed to relate to?
What does it gain through being a game?
What would be lost by watching a lets play instead of playing through it? Legit curious
>Who was I supposed to relate to?
>A game about a person not understanding another person
I have never had a relationship like the two main characters in this game have.
Have you?
This is a weird case, I honestly think it's a game because it wants to convey the sense of your friend sitting you down to play through some weird shit he found on a computer.
And yeah, let's play is well suited to also conveying that. But I hope it's obvious that actually playing gives a more raw and authentic experience of that.
I'm saying that it's ironic you feel the narrator is unrelatable, given the subject matter of the game.
>some games do it this way so why don't all games do it this way?
This is some top level autistic stupidity.
I wouldn't say so. The game is about stealing other people's work and passing it off as your own. Since I'm not a liberal I don't relate to it
Name 1 other game that has no ability to interact with the story, or gameplay.
>trickle down culture
what's the problem?
If it's not interactive then it isn't a game. I'm not the person you're talking with and I've never played this game, but if the game gives you the player no ability to interact with the program then it can't be called a game.
Taking other people's things is more of a liberal thing. Taxation is theft
Geeze if your gonna be this autistic, there are dialogue trees in tBG.
So technically it beats out Dear Esther and Gone Home.
Dinner date, dear Esther, her story, a bird story, gone home, to the moon. Etc. You can say you don't like the style, but it absolutely exists.
>Dinner date, dear Esther, her story, a bird story, gone home, to the moon
None of those are games, there just virtual tours.
>Make a bunch of untextured and unfinished maps
>Slap a voice over on it
>Call it art
>Sell it
>People cum in their pants because SO DEEP ART and they actually buy it
Fucking genius scam artist.
Ah yes, the old doesn't count as a game argument. Which about sums up to, I don't like it so it doesn't count. Be original with your stupidity.
The house cleaning section was gameplay.
He speaks the true true
You interact with the story in half those games though.
In tBG you can't interact with objects and just get a voice over for 90% of the game
>2015 oct 1.
holy fucking shit where did the time go? i almost remember playing it like it was 2 months ago
Stanley Parable was so successful, he feels like everything now has to be a commercial product
This creates pressure he cant stand
Oh spoilers
you don't remember the rest of 2016 because nothing good was released
Nothing as Reddit as Rick and Morty and TBG. Leave this place.
Man I don't like this guy and his awful games either but this thread is just stupid.
>In tBG you can't interact with objects
you interact with your brain user
and nothing good happened in my life
Who is that guy and what did he steal?
... that's a reference to cloud atlas you fucking moron, not Rick and Morty.
>there's people this retarded who think he was talking about a real person
You're the worst kind of faggot, games are by definition interactive. There are shit tons of games out there that I think are shit but they are most defiantly games. I've never played the "games" you brought up so I personally hold no opinion on any of them. Before you say "but you haven't played them so you can't say it's not a game", I don't have to play a trumpet to know that it isn't a guitar. Definitions don't change because of your preferences.
I don't give a flying fuck what you call it, it was a great experience for me and people who create great experiences for others deserve compensation. Or are you some kind of socialist shithead?
>dude made a game
>made himself a character in said game
>bunch of retards thinks that means the story is true
>take a bunch of your shitty unfinished "games"
>string them together and sell it for cash
And yet, you interact with your controller in order to walk in all of these games.
Who gives a fuck about the definition of the word "game"? What has this got to do with the quality of this thing?
>books are interactive because you read them
>movies are interactive because you watch them
>music is interactive because you listen to it
>Your mom is interactive because I fuck her regularly
A hundred thousand dollars or more of money from people on steam. They expected another stanley parable. A game that was funny, poked fun at the importance of choice in other games, and effectively lampshades a lot of ideas in games in a clever way.
Instead. It was hot garbage
>Definitions don't change because of your preferences.
Wait I thought that was the other guy's point.
>product is scam because I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
You are fucking self entitled scum of the Earth. You think you are some kind of saviour for the people of steam? You are nobody.
What proof is there in the game that shows he wasn't?
Beginner's Guide IS interactive, though. You have to interact with the game to continue the story. Failing to use the controls provided to interact with the game in a way that moves you to the next event trigger does not progress the game.
I understand you're confused and upset about things like this, but please try to recognize the most basic proofs of what defines a game.
That's some creationist, you can't prove God isn't real stupidity.
Is that you Sean?
Fuck off, I never said this guy was a thief, I never said he doesn't deserve compensation. As far as I see it as long as the product isn't overtly harmful to the buyer then they should be able to sell it, but don't be a douche about it and try and tell me that piss you're selling people is ice tea.
Also, changing definitions to fit their argument is a socialist tactic. Just so you know, that's what you were just doing cuck.
Now you're getting it. Try taking the next step and accepting how dumb it is to demand that a work of art have the shooty shooty bang bang parts just because it's software.
>in the game
You want proof within a story that says the story is fake? Why would you expect any story to do this?
Oh I thought OP was being serious about something, instead I fell for him shilling some garbage non-game.
B-b-but user, is not cod, is not game!
No, I'm Cody.
This game sounds as interactive as a book, because with a book you have to turn the page to continue the story.
most stories do this by virtue of being a story.
there's also that part where he says "this is the last level coda made" and then there's another level.
It's human instinct to trust someone is telling the truth when speaking to them. There was nothing that didn't make logical sense, or that suspended my belief that what he was saying was true.
Are you telling me that indie developer was lying to me? Say it ain't so
But I never said it was a game. Call it a movie, I don't care. Its fucking awesome.
Is it really shilling if he's actually just whining?
Do words mean anything at all to you?
What do you think the Credits are? They're a part of all stories and are proof that the story is real or fake. Compare documentary credits to fictional movies credits and you'll start noticing
When you read a book and the narrator talks to you do you just assume everything in it is true?
Fucking autists
You are going to die screaming in fear after never really getting the point of anything.
>tfw I have a lot of concepts and unfinished games that were made to express my feelings during countless depressions
>tfw none of them will see the light
>nobody gives a shit about them and it's nothing but a mess
This game and Cuda's story hit me hard tbqh
The Ace Attorney games don't have you, as the player, fire a single bullet, fight, kill, or attack anyone, but they are still games. Stop being retarded.
You read books by pressing keys on a keyboard to make a digital representation of you move to a specific point in a virtual world to progress the story it is intended to tell? I have to admit, that sounds pretty complicated. And videogamey. Are you sure you're not playing a videogame?
It's the exact same story as the art guy from Fez, Phil Fish taking his art, Indie Game the movie refusing to ask him anything or let him have his voice in the movie. If something even more ridiculous happened already and publicly a few years earlier is the plot of TBG really so hard to believe?
This thread is almost as bad as The Beginner's Guide
>Reading a book is the same as having someone talk to you
Who's the real retard?
Narrator is talking to you.
Books are words on a page, totally different from someone talking to you
Holy shit this cannot be a statement you actually believe.
ITT: People bitter that they have not created anything that anyone has thought was meaningful or valuable.
Your point is that words become magically true when they're spoken? You may actually be a retard.
So, if you got it all figured out, what do YOU think the point of life is?
What is it we're not getting?
I don't even know where to start... You're either grasping at troll straws, about 10 years old, or legitimately retarded.
Reality is weirder than fiction.
If someone calling themselves Coda stepped forward, Wreden would drop the act and admit this guy just wants fifteen minutes of fame. All his games have some sort of meta commentary or concept that even the fans try not to break. There's that free game where you play a heist but really you're the one behind the scenes organizing it. Check the steam forums and it's all people pretending to be playing the actual heist for the fun of it.
>You play video games by sending electronic signals from your brain to your hand to move your fingers between the next pages so as not to flip more than one page so you can read the next second? That sounds pretty complicated. And bookish. Are you sure you're not reading a book?
ITT: one illiterate, a bunch of people in disbelief and (you)
Oh shit. You're right! Do you guys think Cloverfield was real, and the government just covered it up?
Said by someone who doesn't watch the credits
Typical, and JUST like your attitude towards this game.
A narrator in a movie/game is a file spoken by someone you will likely never meet.
How is that narrator talking to you somehow more personal than words on a script/book?
Aw, thanks man.
I don't think I've ever played a game by turning pages in a book. Even that stupid augmented reality toy for the PS4 had controls other than just turning pages.
No. Because that movie has credits.
In the credits Drew Goddard is credited as chief writer of the screenplay.
Documentaries have no chief writer in their credits because they are documenting reality.
TBG lacks credits of any kind so I cannot clarify any of these points
I guess you never played soul sacrifice.
Who gives a shit? What was your point again?