Are their any ps3 remastered collections that are worth playing if you already have the original version on ps2?
Pic not related apparently
Are their any ps3 remastered collections that are worth playing if you already have the original version on ps2?
Pic not related apparently
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Snake Eater's foliage and bloom was way too busy on a PS2 and a CRT, couldn't see shit.
ICO and Shadow of the Colossus when you're not a sperging american cunt and can embrace the superior european controls.
Worth it to put some distance between yourself and the American boxart.
Most of them are in fact.
Beyond Good and Evil HD
Dead Space Extraction (was a Wii game)
Devil May Cry HD Collection
DuckTales Remastered
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Earthworm Jim HD
God of War Collection and God of War Origins Collection
Hitman HD Trilogy
Team ICO Collection (Ico + SotC)
Killzone HD
Jet Set Radio HD
Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 1.5 and 2.5
Medal of Honor Frontline HD
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Okami HD (my favourite in terms of engineering, they made it run at NATIVE 4K 60 FPS on a fucking PS3)
Prince of Persia Trilogy is fine if you don't mind the bloom being removed, personally I think the games lost a lot of their 1000 and 1 Nights charm by having the bloom removed but some people will find it be to a plus.
Resident Evil Chronicles HD (were Wii games)
Rayman 3 HD
Residen Evil Code Veronica X HD (the best version of the game by far, features a new real time lighting system as biggest change)
Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Collection (only in Japanese though)
Soul Calibur II Online HD
Tekken Tag Tournament HD (it's on Tekken Hybrid disc)
Tomb Raider Trilogy (barring 30 FPS, these are the best versions of the first TR reboot, updated lighting and character models)
Splinter Cell Trilogy (literally the only way to play Pandora Tomorrow properly nowadays since PC version is broken on modern cards and is unfixable, they also added considerably higher res textures to SC1 and Pandora, CT is a straight port of the PC version at max details)
Zone of the Enders HD (ONLY after patching it, pre-patch it's fucked)
Resident Evil 4 HD, Resident Evil Remake HD and Resident Evil 0 HD are also great.
And I think that's about it.
As a special mention Dragon Ball Burst Limit is pretty much a remake of original Budokai game.
It's to original Budokai what Resident Evil REmake is to original Resident Evil 1.
Kingdom Hearts are really good remasters.
Have the bonus content from final mix in english for the first time. (besides translation patches)
Nice movies of shit sidegames that aren't worth playing
Mobile games ported to home console (I know CoM got ported to ps2 but it was super late in its life)
I'd say Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 because they have more content than the original games and KH1 has improved controls.
Ico & Colossus collection is also an excellent way to play SotC because it ran pretty poorly on PS2.
This desu. I think most of Sup Forums like to shit on remasters/collections because a lot of the recent ones have been lazy or bad all in a row. There are still plenty of good ones to get.
that's what pisses me off most about the silent hill collection. the mgs collection was great, how did they fuck it up when they're made by the same fucking company
Silent Hill HD Collection is a notorious exception, almost all are good to excellent.
>how did they fuck it up when they're made by the same fucking company
But they aren't though.
MGS HD was done by Bluepoint Games (MGS2 and MGS3) and Genki (PW). Both are companies that specialize in engineering and have good programmers.
SH HD was done by Hijinx Studios, a no-name mobile shovelware developer that bit off more than they could chew.
wait on KH, 1.5 & 2.5 are coming to PS4
He doesn't need to wait and he may not have PS4.
0 reason to wait too since they're 1080p on PS3 anyway.
>tfw no Ace Combat HD collection
Bluepoint did
>God of War
>Ico & Shadow of the Colossus
>Metal Gear Solid
>Gravity Rush
Notice how they're all very competent and solid, they did not do Silent Hill.
>how did they fuck it up when they're made by the same fucking company
they didnt though.
the majority of HD remasters is outsourced and done by other companies.
It's actually shocking how this hasn't happened, but I have a feeling it will come closer to Ace Combat 7 as a supplement. But seeing how not even PCSX2 can emulate it easily, there is probably something about the engine that is causing complications for first and third parties involved.
Why is this shit so expensive?
>captcha: kill less
>Zone of the Enders HD
Does the patch fix it completely or just make it playable? It's one of my favorite series but I've only ever borrowed it from friends and I want to get my bf to play them without hunting down the PS2 versions.
Because no one bought it
i heard the patch is the game, and only uses disc for assets
I still can't belive this shit.
>i am so very excited that my favorite video game series has been given the HD treatment like Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry before it #TRICKED
On PS3 ZOE2 is like butter after the patch