captain obvious
but if you want people to take the story seriously it better be good
graphix > all of your shit
fight me
Is this playable yet?
I unironically believe this
gameplay = story > sound = graphics
>caring about sound
it's only there because silence would be awkward
Source. Please
>thinking sound isnt important
retard detected
Project Nimbus
oh yeah? story doesnt matter? then why the fuck are we still mad about half life 2, mgsv and me3?
sound > grafix always, no pussy footing.
sound > art direction
sound > graphical tech
sound > animation
Why? The ear is more sensitive than the eye for a start, which means sound cues are actually more effective than graphical cues in gameplay.
Fun>>>>>everything else.
Sound > Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platform >>>≥>>>>>>≥>>>>>>≥>>>>>>≥ Story
Fuck this looks cool, and I happen to have 15 bucks in my steam wallet. Is it worth it?
Visuals sell a game, gameplay keeps people playing, and sound and story leave a lasting impression.
This desu senpamalamerwandadelrino tbqhwy
Fury > everything else
If your game doesn't make me mad as hell, it isn't worth playing
depends on the genre, dont be narrow minded
There's an upload of the game from 2 days ago as the fifth link when searching project nimbus download, try it there first.