Why has this country never made any good games?

Why has this country never made any good games?

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Because it collapsed before it had the opportunity to.

It was dismantled by the Allies in 1947 and forbidden to exist anymore. Sorry Prussiaboos.

that's inaccurate, some of the best games are German.

I know you're baiting jew, but gothic 2 is a solid RPG
Also a German mod team embarrassed bethesda by making an overhaul mod that blew oblivion out of the water.

Hey, Tractor Simulator 5 is alright.

>tfw Deutschschlesier

I have Prussian blood running through my veins.
We will take back what's our, but first we gotta get rid of someone.

but deutschbro, you've already taken it back plus plenty more.

Because they were dumb cunts and decided to go help the Austro-Hungarians.
Should have let based Serbia kick Austro-Hungarian ass

Serbs are half roaches.

As much as I agree that germany is ruling the EU, the regime currently is wrong in literally any way - except it's ambitions to take over the world.

Merkel has to go. SPD needs to go. Kebabs have to be removed.

They wouldn't have anyway. Austria was just losing a shitload of troops in Serbia, but like, what? 50% of Serbia's male populace died during the war?

Didn't Germany have to pick up the slack anyway for the Austrians? I read somewhere the Austrians did their own thing and ignored most German military advice and payed for it dearly

Based half-roaches though.

Atleast they fight their inner demons.

>I have Prussian blood running through my veins.

I don't think you understand what Prussia was child

At first it was a bishopric with the Teutons that got the land from the polish king.
They established the kingdom of Prussia in 1520ish~ a germanic christian nation not under the protection of the HRE.

In order to protect themselves from the commonwealth and russia, they basically allowed anyone refuge that was the victim of political or religious persecution in the HRE, Commonwealth or the baltic kingdoms. These people settled into Prussia.

Prussia was a kingdom of refugees to some extend, yes. Germanic refugees.

>doing anything ever

They got raped by an 8-year old and a woman.


So is Germany and Europe just gonna get fucked out of existance in the next Century?

and your great grandma was raped by a russian and your grandfather was a bastard-russian-german-mix
truly pure prussian blood in your veins


first post best post.

>believing Revisionist memes
I bet you believe you are a Reichsbürger too.

Yes, but everyone else will be also.
The world is ending soon friend

And only turkroaches will remain as they are immune to radioactivity.

> op post is Sup Forumsrelated
> next posts are Sup Forumsshitposting

Die you evil sjw nu-male nigger cuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Liberal #BTFO

Preach it bro, sjws btfo


anno 1404 is pretty good


Sure thing, homeslice. How about you set your goals on something reachable first, like maybe winning your first war since 1871?

Spec Ops The Line
Settler series
Gothic series
Anno series
Fast Racing Neo
the Crytek founders are Turks but most of the workers in the first games were German

also the kings when it comes to games that are not video games
pic related

>the world wars are the only wars ever


>26 wins
>3 losses

I'll have you know that Gothic 1 and 2 are perfectly good games.

Other than that I suppose Germany hasn't produced much worth writing home about. But, honestly, Germany is a bit of a creative wasteland in general. We can't really compete with France, Britain or even the Nordics when it comes to media and art.

What's it called again?

>Kebabs have to be removed.
>Germany evicting/slaughtering their lower-citizen worker underclass

Say goodbye to that economic boom, Hans. I'm sure your fellow Teutonic-blooded countrymen will just be lining up to work construction under the table for 30% of the minimum wage with no protections while living in a hovel with 30 other construction workers.

>believing the shitskins come because they are cheaper workers meme
most of the third world migrants are state-dependent welfare leeches

white genocide or the ruling class wanting voters are way more realistic reasons than having cheaper workers

They're the only ones that a "Germany" directly took part in fighting, yes. Do you want to pull the list of every war the US has their finger in, too?

and Deponia

Do you want to pull the list of every war the US has their finger in, too?
I could just give you a list of every war that happened in the last 120 years instead.

>>believing the shitskins come because they are cheaper workers meme
That's why you have Turks in the first place, yes. Or do you think they picked the nation that just got totally destroyed in a war because they believed that GrossDeutschland would rise again through its innate superiority?


Sorry senpai, Germany was too busy going on a 6000000+ killstreak.

first sentence was meant to have a > in front of it

Congrats, you found the point.

>counting the wars that East Germany gave logistical support to
>counting colonial wars
>counting the fucking Beer Hall Putsch

embarrassing tbqh

they're there because the US forced them to take them because Turkey was a new NATO ally of the US

>The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally.

We have turks because the economy boom of 1960.
There were simply not enough workers.
They were supposed to come here, work for a couple of years, learn something and then go back to their country, starting their own buisness and apply what they learned in germany in their countries.

Problem was, the socialist cucks in Berlin simply allowed all of them to stay, bring their families and settle down.

We still have turks from 1960, living in Germany for almost 60 years now who don't speak a single fucking word german.

Not sure if you're doing one of those very annoying low hanging fruit trolling attempts that are all the rage on Sup Forums like Angry Joe, but it's called Unteralterbach. Good shit.

Art style takes getting used to.

>most of the third world migrants are state-dependent welfare leeches
Do you have any hard evidence that the majority of immigrants are on welfare?

>white genocide
Lol Sup Forums buzzwords. Genocide means mass murder/killings with the intent of exterminating an entire community.

>Problem was, the socialist cucks in Berlin simply allowed all of them to stay, bring their families and settle down.
>not remembering his own capital

>things that never happened


Plus these.

Settlers series
Cultures series
X series
Drakensang series
Patrician series
Port Royale series
Chicago 1930
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
...and in the same genre and made by Germans Shadow Tactics just game out and it's fucking amazing.
Sacred series

Germans are fucking awesome when it comes to games.

Yeah, yeah Bonn.

My bad.

Replace Murder/Kill with "get rid of" and the Sup Forums boogyman has a point. If the entire point they're trying to make is that there is an offset that is being propagated by a government power, like a government that lets bad people into the country for example, then they're technically in the right.

There are germans in high political positions that hate Germany in every way possible just because "muh holocaust"

Are they actually a large number of people in Germany who want the return of East Prussia/Kaliningrad etc? I thought it was generally accepted that Poland and Russia got those territories as reparation for WW2.

No. Russia tried to sell Kalingrad back to Germany after the wall fell, but Germany declined because it was in such horrible condition.

What do you mean by "get rid of"? Are ethnic Germans being deported out of Germany? The whole "white genocide" bogeyman really comes to demographic shifts, ie migrant communities are breeding more than ethnic Germans. That isn't genocide, it's just different breeding patterns.


lmao the original schlesiers were Slavs, you are just another rapebaby who associates with the disgusting Prussians.

t. Bavarian

To add to this: birth rates are adapting when being introduced to a community with better living conditions. They drop a bit for the first generation, then drop significantly for the second, where they are basically the same as the population they migrated to.
Doesn't mean the birthrates are not higher for a while, but it is nit that exponential growth right fearmongerers want to make everyone believe.

Also, Syria's birthrate was below its death rate before the refugee crisis. So there is that.

Oh, putsches are good now? I thought the Spartacists were supposed to be the worst criminals in Germany's history ever.

>tfw you can feel the Sup Forums pendulum swinging back to the left again
Should be a fun change of pace.



there can be many different form of genocide

white genocide is evil in perticular because it's done so quietly (at least until recently)

Getting those lands back would be expensive af. "Repairing" East Germany cost trillions of Euros already.

>it's real in my mind

Wunglojad delusions

Well yeah
Sup Forums is always anti-establishment

It was left when Bush and christianity were the norm
Got right with Obama
now with Trump, it'll swing left again

>germany is ruling the eu
usa is. soros is the shadow leader, and he's an american jew.

don't kid yourself, all of europe is under american occupation.

This is so wrong it hurts. Sup Forums didn't swing anywhere close to the right, with perhaps the exception of Sup Forums, until 2012, 2013. 4-5 years into Obama's presidency.

Gothic 1 and 2 like 15 years ago

Sup Forums, first and foremost, is contrarian even onto itself. Sup Forums is a sum of the different forces within it, and the reaction of these forces against each other. If one force is getting stronger than the other, after a while a counter force towards that force arises and overcomes it.

Notice how in the beginning the website made fun of christians, then after some years started making fun of atheists to the point where some people claim to be christian despite being not just to distance themselves from the meme fedoras.

And Sup Forums won't be anywhere close to the left until a few years into that of Trump. But the beginning of that swing can be felt already.

i doubt it'll be into the radical left territory though. they're pretty much right wingers with progressive paint job. they have all the hallmarks of right wing such as authoritarianism, hatred of free speech, desire for huge state and so on.

classic liberal more like.

>because it's not an instant sudden shift it doesn't count

I hope you realize how retarded your post is

Sup Forums was either apolitical or libertarian/anti-establishment before Sup Forums.

Either way though, the whole alt-right anti-SJW thing is going to explode pretty soon, already people in other boards are getting sick of Sup Forums crossover and buzzwords like "cuck".

Yeah, that's why I said Bush and Christianity
Forgot to post that in those days atheism and making fun of dumb christians was very much the norm

until atheism became a 'reddit thing'
and bam, just like that people started shitposting as if they were christians

We aren't going anywhere. We put our guy in the White House. We won.

>explode pretty soon

You know that the fun just begun, right?

To imply it was even a gradual shift to the right is silly. Many boards are still very lefty, like Sup Forums Sup Forums and /lit/. Sup Forums imploded because of the goobersgoober crap and Sup Forums because of increased leftist regulations and essentially nannystating

Ron Paul was Sup Forums's favourite nominee in 2012 actually.

Anyway, you're projecting and I doubt it. Leftists are still the majority powerbrokers, open up your local newspaper to see.

Sure, just like electing Obama means the dems would rule forever.

That's what Obama thought, by pushing all the Dem laws through congress with literally no Republican support.

Ron Paul is libertarian.

>Sup Forums was either apolitical or libertarian/anti-establishment before Sup Forums.
Makes no sense, because Sup Forums supported Ron Paul, the libertarian.

Yep, and then when Trump actually governs he'll turn into either a mediocre President who does nothing of what he's promised, or he'll become a pawn of the Republicans (flat taxes, abolishing welfare, laws attacking the poor etc).

It will be hilarious though to see the retards on Sup Forums keep defending Trump with "Y-YOU'RE A KEK!!" when the criticism starts pouring in.


It's time to wake up, user.

Sup Forums has been spamming nigger and faggot for a decade, are you saying lefties wouldn't immediately run away crying from such a place?

Not the earlier leftists, no. And that depends on your definition of "leftist" and your country of residence also.

>(((usa))) is

He got already demonized by the mass media as the worst president ever, the end of civilisation and that he will make slavery great again.

He can't get worse than that. Everything he will do will be great compared to how the lefties think about him.
8 years Trump.
8 years Trump Jr.
8 years of Eric.
8 years of Baron.

Enjoy the ride. It will never end.

There is a difference between goofball 12-year old racism like "lol he said nigger" and being able at any given moment to pull 12 links of different articles showing the inferiority of negros out of your ass.

I am awake. How stupid do you have to be elect a literal billionaire who cares about nothing but his own bank account just so you can stick it to SJWs?

I wonder how Sup Forums will feel after four years when the national debt has exploded, the richer are even richer and unemployment and poverty are skyrocketing. Do you think "Y-You're a cuk" is gonna work?

So you'd rather have an evil jew puppet than an incompetent jew puppet in the white house?

You're not awake mate, you're projecting your feelings of hatred upon the matter.

but you just outlined what will things under clinton be. if sanders were to win then maybe you'd have some credibility, but clinton is the same type of establishment puppet as bill, dubya or obama were.

Trump is probably gonna be a terrible president, I pity Americans for the choice they had to make
At least the media being BTFO will finally make them realize you shouldn't just call your opposition racist nutjob nazis instead of actually discussing politics
Same thing has been happening in Europe for years