>boss can read your save file
Boss can read your save file
Other urls found in this thread:
>boss can read
>it says here you romanced Triss user?
>I think it's time we talked about that raise you were asking for
>You've been playing THE LEGEND OF ZEELDAA
No, get out of my memory card!
>there is no final boss
>boss can save
>Twin Snake
>boss can look through your internet history
>final boss is QTE
>Implying TS isn't superior
Snake judo flips the robot guy through a glass window into a super computer. That shit's badass as hell.
>boss deletes your last save file
Stop spreading false info.
It's just the finisher.
if you are underage and play it back to back it's probably is superior. for an oldfag by the time TwinSnake is out, the magic is already gone. it's nothing like playing MGS1 on Ps1 for the first time. my first cinematic gaming experience
I don't mind QTE bosses as long as the area leading up to the boss is a challenging fight by itself
>false info
>actual footage taken from the game
You're not too smart user are you?
You claimed the "final boss is a QTE".
It's not.
That is false info.
Name one boss who can do this besides Psycho Mantis
Psycho Mantis
the levitating kid from the phantom pain
Psycho Mantis
these. and Psycho Mantis
I'm not the user that posted the Web-Em, but that's the final boss and it's pretty clearly a QTE.
Or is it not a QTE because of some stupid reason that only makes sense within your own dementia?
>boss can read your save file
>and access your WAN network
>takes your location data from your phone
>boss pastes your location to CIA drone strike list
>boss can call your parents at work and tell them you are not in school
>boss can read your save file
>boss can read your inputs
The webm is of the final boss, but it's not the final boss fight entirely.
Most of the fight is very basic battle set up with a flying segment and a qte finisher.
>boss can steal your credit card information and sell it to shady chinese corporations
>boss is an AI that can respond to player inputs according to pre-programmed scripts and emulate behaviour according to situation
Every time
Are you literally retarded? Good fucking lord.
>boss can marry you have children with you
>final boss is a QT
>Winning fight
>Boss disconnects your internet
>play wild arms 3
>fnal boss is a qt loli demo cyborg yandere meme
>can never bring myself to finish it
>the boss calls your grandma
Oldfag here
I shed tears of joy over the objectively improved cinematics and better voice acting. The PS1 is dated, but Twin Snakes is timeless.
Too bad it's on an underselling console.
>your slave learns to read
>boss can read your doujin stash
>boss can change your desktop background
>Walk into a save spot
>Boss ambushes you in there
>boss can elude capture even after you personally knocked him unconscious
Why do you keep making these threads? They're not video games, and they're not even good.
>boss can slow down your FPS
>boss can resurrect your dead grandparents
>boss is a lonely christmas cake
>Enemies can enable DOF and motion blur
>boss can shout at you in Russian and quits the game before you get his HP down to 0
>Boss decides whether or not you can invite other players to your game
>boss throws an error message when his HP approaching 0
>Boss can make you come in your sleep.
>boss can read your internet history
>waits until you are playing local co-op to announce your porn preferences
>boss can bully your feminine penis
>Final boss in sequel is protagonist from the first game
>Boss can play any mp3 file from your music folder during his fight
well if you're gonna be a stinker about it I'm gonna keep it a secret!!
books aren't games, user
What game other than Psycho mantis?
>playing wild arms 3
>really enjoying the wild west setting
>find a crashed spaceship
>drop the game forever
>boss comments about you not save scuming
Psycho Mantis?
>game recommends you to lower the difficulty settings
>boss can read your browsing history
Seriously, why isn't this done more? It would be fucking awesome.
>Last boss fight
>Boss starts taunting you
>"You looted that old family's home, took their life savings. They're probably starving right now. And you think you're the good guy here?"
>"You didn't find Sven's piglet for him. He went looking for it at night and the wolves tore him to pieces. Thanks to you!"
>playing the FFX remaster on PC
>get to first battle scene
>there's a QTE for some special move or some shit
>uninstalled, refunded, dedicated my life to shitposting in FF threads
Name one (1) game.
it is. look at webm
it's not.
>Have a limited true form power that you can access
>The boss has one too and uses it against you frequently
There truly exists no better boss-fight structure than 1 vs 1 duels against someone with similar powers to you.
yeah, it just looks and plays like one
>boss rapes your love interest
>confirmed not actually playing it
Fuck off you dumb meme lord.
You are literally denying objective truth here, fanboy
Is Xemnas a QTE Boss because to kill him you need to mash X and Triangle to survive the sphere
The objective truth is
>the final boss is just yourself
> I see you like to play Azure Dreams!
even there it says qte, lol
Please explain how what we see in the webm is not qte
>game recommends you to increase the difficulty settings
I never said there wasn't a QTE. I never said the webm wasn't of a QTE. I said the fight isn't a QTE.
Learn to read, mate.
It's like Bayonetta, where the boss is mostly a proper fight but ends with a finisher QTE
butthurt apology accepted
I'm not apologetic, user. You're just wrong.
Name two games.
reminder that TS is the best version
Well, it is a QTE. I am definitely not wrong. There is even video evidnece in this very thread.
>boss rapes you instead of killing you.
That's bad ass as fuck. Holy shit.
i know right??????
Hello me at 15.
Oh fuck. Beating super villains like a super secret agent and shit.
Can anything beat Snak?