I have 2000 hrs on Path of Exile and feel empty inside. Is this any good?

I have 2000 hrs on Path of Exile and feel empty inside. Is this any good?

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it won't help
play some more breach faggot

Best ARPG, but with a dull as fuck first act. Really shitty swamp/forest setting.

yes, fun game for a play through or 2

dont think you can squeeze thousands of hours out of it though, it isnt built for that

You know how many instruments you couldve mastered with that time????

I know a lot of things I could have done. Please don't talk about this anymore.

It's not bad. Deffo worth playing through.

I couldn't find a build that I really loved though. Ended up with Shaman/Soldier hit things and proc elemental stuff which seemed pretty strong but I wasn't in love.

Sounds like a buy from the next sale then. Thanks.

It's great, but the fact that only a handful builds are viable in higher difficulties is ass.

It's an absolute must for clicker fans. I got about 250 hours in it and I'm coming back to it soon.

t. dude who grew up playing Diablo 2 and got tired of Diablo 3

That's true about every clicker though. In fact, Grim Dawn is one of the ARPG's where there's surprisingly decent amount of highly viable builds. That's one of the reasons I love it.

It's great, but a different kind of game.

It's about playing through the single player and not multiplayer/ running through tile sets to get specific gear like PoE

It's fun but most skill trees heavily incline you to use skills with procs on attack, which often ends up with you spamming your beefed up basic attack with a bunch of procs and some sort of CC backup. Also on older systems you will have performance issues, for some reason their old ass upgraded version of the Titan Quest engine can't handle a large number of enemies simultaneously.

I like Titan Quest a lot more, though they're both pretty dull in terms of mechanical depth and content honestly.

Oh one thing I forgot to mention, the random bits of narrative exposition that you find, like personal journal entries and so on, are all pretty well written and I found it them entertaining to read.

2000 hours is only nearing 3 months, so the answer is "none."

3 Months of practice without a break would get you much further than 3 actual months of practicing a bit. It would probably account for at least 6 months, surely.

I had a lot of fun with it, made a Melee Elementalist focused on Crit.
Every time I crit it would summon swarms of meteors, a thunderstorm and an earthquake.
And I crit pretty much every hit too.
Just filled the screen with destruction and turned everything into chunks.

Not gonna come back to PoE until they buff some fun build like Mjolnir

If you never take a break at all though,wouldn't you find yourself fatigued? I found that if I couldn't get something down pat after practicing it for a couple of hours, if I took a break or a nap or something, I'd do a lot better at what I was struggling with.

Still, 6 months won't have you playing "Through the Fire and Flames" on guitar.

The constant nerfs did it for me. Fuck that.

it's decent.
you will still feel empty inside.

i'll give it this much: it's better than PoE


How the fuck do you play a single game for 2000 hours

There have been almost only buffs since release.

not pictured: literally just holding down left mouse button

you know it's true

The saying is 20,000 hours, not 2000 hours
You can't master much in 2000 hours, and definitely not an instrument

They dont seem to go lower than 14$ tho..
Still worth it for sure.

I could never figure out a build I really liked, unfortunately

Because PoE is that much different.
Playing a Bladefurry build atm for my first char, all I do is hold down right-click for a second before I move to the next mobgroup.

When did I mention Path of Exile? Why are you bringing that into the discussion?

Depends on the build


Considering it is very cheap game for a lot of enjoyment to be had, current price is not very bad either.

It's great if you never played any ARPG but it's really dull
It's better than Diablo 3 but not by much
If you feel empty inside, I doubt you'll enjoy this game since it brings nothing new to the table at all

Sometimes you don't even need to hold lmb at all :^)


It was in the humble bundle recently.

So far i am enjoying it. Solid game if just want to play a diablo clone that isn't shit or multiplayer obsessed.

I hate how overpowered pets are in this game.

1/4 of one instrument? playing and mastering are not the same.

I always start playing these games because the idea of just mindlessly clicking things dead is pretty comfy but I never make it past the first few acts

Its an enjoyable game. It also has many viable builds which I love. Only way you wont be able to finish the highest difficulty is if you literally build a shit character. Problem is that the setting is somewhat dull and sooner or later after you build a few characters you find how similar they mostly play. Just hope they change things up when they add the necromancer and the new expansion.

The only games i completed were the Diablo series and PoE
Everything else sucks ass to be honest, the "genre" is pretty shit

So why not learn from the past?
You can't really enjoy something with the core gameplay of "enter room ->spam ability over and over ->collect useless loot"
It's boring and not engaging
At least Diablo 2 had some sort of danger to keep you on your toes, that's why Diablo 3 is such a dumpster fire since nothing is really a challenge

Post builds

so what's the most fun build ? i like FUN EXPLODING STUFFS. pet class is cool too i played it in every game i want some action

It's a great game, for real.

Demo/Arcanist is pretty fun.

You can find them on the forums in the build compendium thread. Fireworks builds are mostly dual wielding pyromancer or sorcerer

the most fun builds are the ones you figure out yourself, if you just look up whats good what's the point

It's fun but I like Titan Quest better.

Currently playing a Demo/Arcanist molotov build, spam molotovs and grenades and flashbangs everywhere. Also running a OFF/TSS hybrid cold build, pretty damn sweet when the sky starts falling down.

I call it Cancermancer.

I wish 2hs automatically cleaved. Do axes cleave?

that's how every single build in Grim Dawn is, unfortunately. like you're finding all these "upgrades" but all they do is keep you on par with the same lackluster pace that you've been slogging through all game. there's no sense of progression from feeling weak and struggling on a fresh character to being an immortal time-space warping god emperor teleporting around at will and decimating everything in your path when you have BIS endgame gear. hell last I played the game (which to be fair was about 9 months ago) there was no real endgame to speak of.

honestly i would enjoy grim dawn more of they had actual mobility skills that ramped up as you progressed instead of short distance enemy-targeted dash/warps that all felt extremely clunky; in fact clunky is the word i'd use to describe grim dawn overall after playing years of D3 and PoE.

You need blade arc for that, in the soldier tree.

>life steal galore
I made a similar build but from level 75+ it becomes harsher.

> Aetherials as a main enemy

Final boss is fucking demon n muh blood cult

Seq when?

When they build a new engine hopefully.

I think you're overestimating how much time of dedicated practice it takes to master something, assuming you're not completely incompetent in the first place.

>tfw went spellbreaker simply for the -cold resistant aura because couldn't kill shit in the ice zone as an ice arcanist
can anyone recommend me a viable caster spell breaker build?

I'm sorry guys, I just don't know how yous play these games.

Here's my experience with Grim Dawn (I've played PoE for a bit too but that was back when Vaal Oversoul was the last boss)

>Spend a ridiculous amount of time on a character builder figuring out what character I wanted to play and exactly how I wanted to build it
>Go through the first two acts
>Get bored (Of the character, not so much the game itself)
>Make a new character, oh shit everything is exciting again why do I love building characters so much?
>Beat the first two acts again
>Get bored
>Make a new character
>Realize I have a ton of armor/weapon sets near completion missing only 1-2 items
>Start farming them for days
>End up getting frustrated and cheating the items I want into the game
>Feel like a piece of shit and then quit before even using them

I only played on hardcore mode btw.

Was it autism? You decide.
Oh and the furthest I got was the 3rd chapter I think. Might have been the fourth though. I got past the farm area with a summoner before being bored out of my mind since I didn't have to do anything with that build, my pets just killed everything without me pressing a single button.

if you honestly think you can "master" an instrument in roughly 2000 hours you are a retard that never played an instrument

Expansion is on the way, aetherial themed.

I'm hoping for a sweet shapeshifting class, maybe different aetherial mutations. Or a Bloodsword class, with demon summoning.

Yes, definitely autism.

You have autism.

2000 hours is nearly years of practicing for 3 hours a day every single day. if you haven't mastered an instrument at that point you're developmentally disabled and incapable of mastery in the first place.

>Get +%vitality decay bonus on item
>There's no vitality decay to be found on any skill
I really hope the necro will that.

nearly two years*

will fix*

>he actually thinks you can master an instrument in 3 years
have you ever played an instrument before going on mongolian flower picking boards and spreading misinformed opinions user?

there are a lot of item-granted skills that cause vitality decay damage. honestly i think they locked too much of this game's mechanical variation behind item-granted skills and the strict prerequisites required to equip said items, not to mention the fact that you'll probably never see most of those items anyway without countless hours of autistifarming for them.

i've been playing the piano for two years, yes, and i'm extremely good at it.

i hate to break it to you, but you're mentally handicapped.

unless you equate "mastery" with only the top 0.01% of professional concert musicians, which simply isn't the case.

why would you spend two years playing a piano when you could do something useful, like learn a new language?

sure buddy can you play moonlight sonatas thrid movement with improvised bits you added?

You might like Marvel Heroes if you're looking for something to sink a few thousand more hours into

Game's getting a massive overhaul soon that looks mostly positive

>i've been playing the piano for two years, yes, and i'm extremely good at it.
Unless you're this good you haven't mastered shit youtube.com/watch?v=zucBfXpCA6s

Are they changing the god AWFUL engine and optimization? Also SS best hero.

it's pretty fun but the performance is godawful

The game is a lot better optimized then it used to be but there's only so far they can push it. It is one of the best looking games on the market at max but runs like shit because of it.

The new update is sort of main whoever the fuck you want they're all good, so if you like SS you can make an account unlock him for free as your starter and go to town on that shit. They're making loot a lot more interesting where instead of the top tier being path of exile style uniques where it's all shit with pre-set stats, the top tiier of loot will now be randomly generated stats plus have a random affix that changes the way one of your skills behaves

if you don't play piano I can see why this might seem complicated, but it honestly isn't that hard for someone with a few years experience. doing it without sheet music is just a matter of taking the extra time to memorize it and get the muscle memory down.

also Lisitsa has been playing the piano for literally her entire conscious life, nearly 40 years of playing. there's as much a difference between mastery and that kind of elite status as there is between a novice and a master. like i said, mastery isn't only the top 0.01% professional concert musicians.

>want to go back to PoE
>reload old save
>"oh my skill tree had a reset, better put back the skill points"
>see skill tree
>close game immediately
Literally the only thing that stops me from playing. How are you supposed to put your skill points there again?

It really is good.

You do it from your class' starting point and click "Apply" when you're done.

Most of them were good already, with a few notable exceptions.

>the top tiier of loot will now be randomly generated stats plus have a random affix that changes the way one of your skills behaves

Now, see, I don't like that. I didn't like it before when a perfectly rolled cosmic would be bettter than a perfectly rolled unique in that slot. Fuck randomly generated affixes. Though the skill changed do sound interesting.

I'm kinda burnt out on it though, my SS is geared to fuck and back and it's the only character I enjoy. Any news on some new content?


the skill tree looks a lot more complicated than it really is. once you make a few characters you realize that there are only a handful of viable paths for any given type of build, magic damage, aoe nodes if you're going there, totems, phys/weapon elemental damage, poison/chaos, life vs es, traps, weapon-specific nodes, crit nodes, flask nodes, jewel slots, maybe skill duration increases if you're using a relevant skill. that's about it.

First of all piano is an easy instrument to bring to serviceable level, no bones about it. I would rate it's initial difficulty higher than guitar, but lower than basically any other string instrument and most brass/woodwind.
Second of all, you're not extremely good at it... Your armed with a minor anount of noob gains that has given you total dillusions while frolicking in your comfort zone.
I can play most instruments serviceably, but my main instruments are cello, guitar, and drums. From those I would say I'm only "good" at cello and guitar, as in I can play jazz, fusion, and classical, and have a pretty decent grasp of most techniques. Even than, I would be reluctant to say I was "extremely good", even though people ignorant of music often say that.

t. classically trained session musician.

>Now, see, I don't like that. I didn't like it before when a perfectly rolled cosmic would be bettter than a perfectly rolled unique in that slot

That hasn't been the case in several years because they kept adding uniques that were overpowered as shit.

It's pretty universal that yellow items in path of exile being generally better then uniques is a better game system though.

>brass and woodwinds
>harder than strings/piano

lol okej

So basically I just look which nice final skill I could get and I take the path with the best passives there?

How many instruments do you play at a teaching level user?

yellow items being strictly better in every slot makes uniques obsolete tho. this is why D3 sucked assholes at launch, coupled with the miserable drop rates of uniques. the devs of poe put an insane amount of effort into balancing the loot and having interesting uniques that you can build around in such a way that you'll have a nice mix of yellows and uniques in any given build, and it their effort really shows.

yes, basically. memebuilds atm are blade flurry assassin, pizza sticks inquisitor (flameblast totems, can also use hierophant if you want more totem coverage but less damage), elementalist self-cast flameblast, and a few other staples.

Can you name me a good 2h templar build?

I can't into constellation synergy

I got into constellations by trial and error. You need to find out what bonuses suit your build the most and focus on two colors maximum.

The key is letting the constellation sustain themselves once they're full and give eldritch/order/ascendant/whatever points.

the only viable 2H melee build I can think of right now is Earthquake, and while Templar wouldn't be terrible with it, it's not ideal. otherwise you're using a bow, which is extremely hard starting on the left side of the tree, or a staff, which, I dunno, whispering ice or SRS maybe (though I think SRS uses thicket bows now because they're the easiest item to craft +3 fire skills on atm), but there are better classes for both of those.

>want sword board character like in Titan Quest's Conqueror
>Soldier's shield skills are meh
>must rely on Constellations for shield skills
Fucking why, Conqueror was damn perfect, expansion when?

Earthquake it is, thanks.