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Most early access devs are shady, but H1Z1's are pure scum.
shit. SHIT
but I watch loltyler1 play it all the time and it looks really fun
you might as well pay someone 10 dollars to kick you in the balls, shit in your mouth, and piss in your face
Wasnt this game supposed to be F2P like 2 years ago? How is this still relevant?
>buying Early Access games
Don't fucking do it OP you fucking retard
>i watched someone advertise a game and he made it look fun
really gets those neural pathways going
>watching people play games
..Slime Rancher is a good Early Access game...
Kill yourself for buying Early Access
i can tell you people don't know who tyler1 is
Holy shit kill yourself you fucking underage faggot
No one gives a fuck about your shitty "SO EBIN U GUYZ XDD" e-celeb cancer
user, let me tell you something. This game is so fucking broken it's not even funny.
I have about 2000 hours before the split and then 600 hours after the split. I've had so much fun playing with my friends, but the bugs get so fucking annoying.
What? Sorry, I don't speak retard.
Nah, I'm perfectly fine with how this game is turning out to be.
i can tell your an underage piece of shit who thinks every streamer is a just a cool dude playing games for fun and being sponsored by racer chairs, razer, and every other company that puts leds on everything is just a coincidence.
>early access
a bad time
Tyler is a viewer whore who fake being angry to get featured on Twitch fails channels.
He also is so mental that he's one of the only known person to be Personbanned from LoL. Every account he will create are personally deleted and banned by Riot the minute he streams on it.
So yeah, Tyler might be entertaining. So is watching Jackass.
And so is every other twitch channel that try so hard to get views that they do this.
Girls use cleavage and ass, guys break stuff and scream.
And then development will inevitably cease without a word. And you're left with an unfinished game and down 20 dollars, whatever you paid for it.
If you played Planetside 2 then it's the same shit
the fuck is going on in this thread
>a streamer told me it was fun so im gonna buy it!
i wouldn't expect anything less from a generation of kids who can't even distinguish real news from fake advertising
Oh well, I'm having fun with what I have, though.
Main dale and hot key pocket sand to every key, you can't lose
But you've supported a system that actively hurts the video game industry.
You should be ashamed.
People admiring this 5
But If I'm having fun with the game - then I shouldn't be "ashamed" for enjoying something.
But what if all the stats in that are fake? Oh god
How many slimes are there now? Bought it months ago and saw cat/rock/honey/water/bomb/glowbugs.
Anything new? There was a green bomb of some sort in the ingame encyclopedia but it wasn't implemented.
You missed my point. You shouldn't be ashamed that you're enjoying something.
You should be ashamed for supporting a system that does absolutely nothing good for the industry, and only serves to allow developers to release unfinished games with little to no repercussions. So when the industry switches over to releasing alphas as a standard and charging 60 dollery doos for them, know that it is partly your fault.
Should have pirated it desu
Source on this pic?
>screaming about millennials when facebook is for your grandmother, who still falls for nigerian prince schemes
>mfw 72.6% of people are more inclined to believe your claims when you attach some random statistics
Really puts my grey matter to work
i read the same thing on about 8 different websites a couple weeks ago. iirc wall street journal was the first to run it so you can probably google fake news study and find it quickly.
Shitty meme-game for streamers and 10-years kids who obsessed with hunger games and same shit
what happens when a girl shows her cleavage and ass while sperging out like a guy?
people like h1z1 because it has a learning curve and actually requires you to get gud. assuming that every streamer that plays it is sponsored is so fucking stupid.
>not citing your source
Guess I can tell what news is fake then heh heh HAH GOTTEM
Don't worry about it. It's just the media pushing another fucking agenda.
How do I know you aren't trying to counter mislead me by saying it isn't a big deal? Scary.
There's not a woman alive who was ever passionate enough about anything to sperg out besides actual autism cases.
>buying an early access game
Don't reward that bullshit, user.
Because I'm not the one advocating for new laws and restrictions on information.
Game is buggy, un fair, and it's Early Access.
That being said, It is a super fun game.
Fuck all these people crying that it's Early Access and saying you'll be "Down 10 dollars." That's literally fucking nothing for all the time you'll be playing this game for.
Just don't be an autist and spend money on crates, they aren't worth it.
TL:DR - Game sucks but it's fun. Everyone is a bitch.
>run around for 30 minutes and die
>or run around for 30 seconds and die
>still no spectator mode
retarded game, retarded devs
Something something battlerite
who cares?????????
Don't do it Jimmy...
Did someone say Jimmy?