Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
This shit looks like hot garba-
>suddenly Vanquish sliding
Maybe we can talk about the trailer now.
I hope.
They didn't show much of the combat but it does seem to have shooting mechanics as well as melee...
I want to splash Yumi's peach on the beach
Yeah unfortunately, but what was shown did look like a lot of fun.
I wonder if the melee combat will be more limited in preference to the water guns though, or if there's something else to it.
Me too.
>Rin is only the announcer/commentator
Dropped like a hot potato
They don;t look wet at all
She's also listed as a playable character on the site.
Fuck you
Untransformed Daidoji better not be the only fucking playable version of her.
normal form is shit tier compared to black hair form
>melee with their usual weapons
Huh, what?
Doesn't look too hot gameplay-wise from these five seconds, but I'll reserve judgment until we're shown a full match.
>"Ikuyo, Yumi-chan!"
>"Hai, Asuka-san!"
That Yumi replaced Homura on what is the franchise's fifth anniversary game triggers me. Had to get it out of my system.
because nobody loves Homu
>Miyabi drops further into irrelevancy
Yeah, fuck those guys. I didn't even hate Yumi until they they obviously shat on Homu in favor of the bland ice bitch
If I wanted to fuck a man with tits I would rather fuck Murasame
I wonder if you can play that card game they showed at the end in the game, or if you just collect the cards.
You know guys I'm starting to think this game is purely fanservice.
It says "card collection". The interface definitely doesn't look like NW and doesn't look like anything other than a collection.
They'll probably be like the festival towers in EV.
Wait, really? I thought that was suppose to be the perks or whatever. Ah well.
OMG call of duty is dead
Homura is still pretty consistently in the top 10 senrans, so at least there's that.
Maybe Miyabi and Homura can hook up and become a couple, since they are the two better captains anyway.
Homura is almost as shit as her skin tone.
I am perpetually impressed at the idea that a person can spank it to something new every hour of every day. It's not like having an actual physical harem, but for a lot of people, it gets them really really close.
Now there's an idea.
Well, it kind of is.
>claims she's shit
>still saves images of her that would prove otherwise
Even haters know she's top tier.
Nah, she's garbage. I just have all of these pictures saved so I can stay on topic when I'm telling people about their shitfu.
And yet you're still contributing to giving people boners to her. But by all means, tell us who your waifu is so we can shit on her. It's probably Yumi.
I'm trying to get people to post more Homu. I think she's a cutie.
But my favorite Senran is Ryouna.
Ah, well I guess I'm too tired to tell then. My own doing. Also Ryouna is cute.
I love undersized bikinis.
It's alright, sarcasm is tough to read. I've gotta get a few shitposts out to catch people's attention.
What about naked aprons?
Objectively the worst Senrans
Objectively the best Senrans
Those are nice too.
I think you mean "Yumi", not "Yomi". It's an easy mistake.
Yomi isn't too bad, and Yagyu was actually pretty good in SK2 when she was forced away from Hibari. Hibari ruins everything.
Also not a fan of Jasmine's tacky 70s look, but otherwise that's pretty good.
is it safe to assume this game will come to the west or it will be a repeat of DoaX3?
I want to undress Rikiya
Worst: New Hebi
Best: Crimson Squad
Nah, worst is Gessen.
Where is Haruka?
Fucking me in the ass.
It has a genuine loli getting super lewd instead of the young but believably adult Marie. That might trigger some countries.
hopefully play-asia will have an asian version with english subs
Mirai is actually about the same age as many of the other senrans. She's just really underdeveloped.
>game where they're all fighting with waterguns
>Mirai will still somehow end up being the clunkiest, worst tittyninja to play
I like Mirai but goddamn in-game she's terrible.
Do the Senrans have no nipples? If so, then why is either Haruka's nipples so high or Hikage's nipples so low in relation to one another?
I wonder if she has a hormonal problem or just bad genes
CS and Overwatch look out, new standard in ESPORTS coming through.
They hide it with skin colored pasties
Ninja magic.
I think it's a pheremonal problem, because I really want to breed this cat.
>undersized bikinis
Micro bikinis, they are a thing as they are real.
Loli is a body type and Mirai fits it. Even then, she's technically 15, which is seen the same as everything under 18 by the outrage machines in the west.
Mirai is 16. That's legal in just about every developed country and a bunch of states in the US.
Asia release is already confirmed, it remains to be seen if it will have english text.
Even if XSeed dares to overlook this, PCube could pick it up.
I think I am done with this series guys, I like the characters but the games are boring and this one looks to continue the trend unfortunately. Hopefully they get an anime series soon so I can enjoy them there.
>No Hebijo yet
come the fuck on marv
It wouldn't matter if she was 5000. That would make her an eternal loli.
In 2-3 years she'll be a legal loli.
Well Mirai looks like a cartoon, Marie is much more realistic looking.
Honestly I wasn't even that into SV, let alone EV. The 3DS games were the best and got me invested but we won't be getting anything like those again.
I honestly wouldn't mind a new anime. Especially if they don't fuck with anything like they did with the other one.
every other game in the series has made it over so it's safe to assume this one will as well
>For fuck sake please make a game that might not sell!
Companies celebrante when their Eroge sell measly 10.000 copies, it is a damn niche market, artists dream of going mainstream and only do mild lewd stuff to earn a lot more than they used to.
Also they are jumping to Patreon and similar services because idiots will support any deviantart tier hack for 3k per week, so actual talented artists want a piece of that.
DOAX3 wanted to fight it out with SJW "game journalists". There was never a real concern about bringing it over.
Honestly, I really prefer international English versions. No time and money spent on dubs that only normalfags use, minimal delay waiting for a translated version, no censorship concerns or rewritten dialogue by some retard on the localization team who thinks he's Shakespeare.
This looks so bad holy shit
>game is filled with tits and ass
>sperges on Sup Forums focus on the one character that looks like a prepubescent little girl
I can appreciate that the setting takes place in a pool of pcuck tears
The most popular character in the series is a titty monster thiugh, it isn't a total inversion of focus like DOA now have its most popular character the new face with petite breasts that dethroned everyone.
She's genuinely likable, though. Crimson squad girls have some of the most character development and while I initially didn't like Mirai, she definitely won me over.
Stupid cat
Not enough Mirai, 0/10.
Normalfags? You mean people who want to hear their own language? Does that go for the Japanese as well? Are they normalfags for not wanting to listen to english dubs? You weebs are pure comedy.
In the early games Mirai won polls, though. She smashed the first real poll after Burst came out and won one after Deep Crimson. It's just that the cast is so fucking huge and Yumi gets so much attention now.
post that pic of homu with her socks on looking smug.
Do you want some homeless guy they picked up from the bus stop talking over a French film? No?
Why the stupid double standards for foreign films and dubbed Japanese games, the script was written for the original VAs and they have proper emotional cues and multiple takes. Meanwhile dub VAs are lucky if they even know the character they're doing lines for and it's usually a quick one take deal.
You mean great genes.
The feet that launched a thousand fetishes.
They should stick to spinoffs like these for future SK games. The cast in versus games is beyond bloated and the gameplay suffers every because of it. I doubt there will be any more DS games with how badly those sold
Marvelous should make more valkrie drive games IMO. Bhikkhuni was fantastic but that was mostly because they could focus on 7 characters instead of 25 while expanding and greatly improving the combat
>still the same shitty models
I didn't expect anything different but I'm still disappointed.
I just want some titties and ass that don't look the exact same on every fucking character. Maybe in the next game.
Also remove Yumi
Country of origin, retard. Japanese games were made for Japanese audio, English games are made for English audio. There is no reason for dubs to even exist in the first place other than to sate idiots who can't read or are so xenophobic the idea of listening to a different language is off-putting to them.
As I'm quite sure that you don't watch dubbed movies, this would make you a hypocrite too.
I just want tits that aren't the same round implant-looking basketball shit. For someone who's supposed to love breasts, Takaki sure doesn't care about making them look right.
>liking old hags
what's the source for these hi-res versions of the card artwork?
Yeah, they look like shit unless they're in motion. The series has been on PS4 since Estival, models have to upgrade too.
>Yumi gets so much attention now.
Exactly related to her popularity, the only thing she had upon debut was her face in the cover for Shinovi Versus, from there on it was all on the nips latching on Yumi like they eat KFC on christmas.
Takaki could not ignore that Yumi focus means money so they started pushing her image to the extent it is now.
>remove the money printer.
To be fair, the Yumi hate is overdone here. In Japan she keeps the game selling, but in the game she gets just as much attention as everyone else does. Her focus is purely for promotional stuff. In the western versions they toned that shit down significantly too.
i think the most popular characters in the west are homu, mirai and haruka.
You lack romance.
Pretty sure there was an official poll to decide who was on the EV daki and Kat and Hikage won.
Looks fucking stupid.
With how big the cast is now there's just no way they could give them a proper backstory, some development and whatnot. I wish they'd make some more manga to help with this or even a new anime that isn't more garbage like the EV OVA.
>undeserved hate
the girl appear first on PBS trailer user
she appears BEFORE the main character. and Homura, that was her original rival appears almost last.
>Homura doesn't get a single prominent moment
fuck this