What's your honest opinion about japanese indie games?

What's your honest opinion about japanese indie games?

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They're the best games.

They can be interesting but extremely niche

What did she mean by that?

They're usually really, really bad.
All care and delicacy in game design is completely abandoned, and they never introduce anything new in terms of clever programming.

From what games?

Haven't seen much, but what I've seen was usually mediocre.
Is pic related considerer indie? That one was nice.


They're better than most commercial games.

The second is Rabi Ribi It's just cute though, not lewd

this statement is false

Yume Nikki

*leans towards mic* They suck.

How so?

Never played one to my knowledge but I tend to avoid games with an anime aesthetic out of principle, since they're just going to be shit.

extreme patrician taste

They just need to stop using rpgmaker for once

Honestly some of the better indie games are japanese. I'm not even entirely sure why. It might have something to do with the doujin scene allowing for people to sell fan games or what, but even the free stuff is usually of a higher quality.

Even RPG maker games, which are notorious for being shit have had a lot of really good and interesting games from the asian indies.




*leans towards your mom* Now suck

sometimes there's tits

Name 1 (one) game

what game

Recettear. Lovely game


Are you british?

Way better than anything the west seems to shit out.

There's hundreds of amazing or at least decent JP porn indie games. Some of them are legitimately interesting and they're all a lot more ambitious than almost anything I've seen from the west.

Meanwhile, all we have is freaking flash games and shit. The only good indie porn game I can even think of with the same bearing is Noxian Nights.

They're great. I even enjoy the odd bakage now they've all moved to phones, there's some real variety in the stories being told.

Where else can you find titles about a suicidal man farting his way to the moon while reminiscing about his life?

What happened to Yoshino?

Where do you even find them?

First step, learn Japanese. Second step, set Google to Japanese.

Now you're free to look up whatever you want.

>Japanese Indie Games

You mean a bunch of uncreative hacks who make a bunch of shit on RPG maker? Say what you want about the west, they often start from scratch. That alone makes them superior.

The east has Cave Story for good Indies, and that's about it.

Why are there so many goddamn RPG maker games

Is that the game where the phone can kill you just by ringing?

Fucking kill yourselves, spoonfeeding fuckwits.
Little wonder this board is so shit.

The only ones who make good indie games

Not them, and I sort of agree- to a point, but if your overall point is to say "Sup Forums is shit because of spoonfeeding" I wholeheartedly disagree. Sup Forums is shit because it's so wrapped up in so many levels of irony that the absolute instant someone comes forward with an "actual" opinion it's treated as autism.

That is the single most contributing factor to Sup Forums's shit.

They've been doing this shit for far too long, they've practically mastered it. Wish the west would catch up.

Or more people do fan translations.

I think japanese indie games are great

Nips realized RPG maker was better used for their fucked up horror imaginations than RPGs.

Mastered what? Using RPG maker? The west's indi market is "already" better. The only good eastern indies are often hentai anyway.

I've never even heard of Japanese indie games, so if they exist, then they're pretty mediocre.

People use RPG maker because they don't want to learn how to fucking code and draw all their own assets, and there's really nothing wrong with it.

Most game projects in the west are started by idea guys who have a base concept and enough coding skill to make a couple of menus, at which point half of them give up. And they all do the same uninspired pixel garbage because it's cheap and easy, and make sidescrollers because they can't write for shit.

>Been doing it far too long
People enjoy it, so they keep making it.

What's the issue?

Cave Story.

Dude, just check the comiket leaks, there's a bunch of shit that barely graces Sup Forums and /jp/. They have almost everything under the sun there. Grand strats and what not.

I only meant that I wish they'd become big enough that people actually port stuff to the west.

I'm just happy War of the Human Tanks got a localization.

An indie game is a game that is to be made by one person, and that is basically the whole point. Starting with a toolbox like RPG maker was fine, for a while, but they won't stop doing it, and no matter how much you mod it, it will always look the same. All RPG makers have the same grid based systems, the same shading, and usually (left mostly up to the decision of the artist at the time) the same artstyle which makes me want to hate even gems like Yume.

The only Indie game I want to say that's even somewhat on par with fucking... I don't know... FEZ? That shitshow made by a complete cocksucker? I'd have to say that's above most eastern indie games with the obvious exception of Cave Story.

The eastern Indie market is basically just Cave Story, and even that ended up getting bought by Nintendo later. Where are the Fezzes? Where are the Undertales? Where are the Cave Stories? Why is there such little talent in Japan, the fucking HOME of videogames?

They are usually pretty niche because of cultural differences, especially japanese indie RPG games with a focus on story rather than gameplay.
Lots of jokes and innuendo with references to culture and language.
Wadanohara, Gray garden and LiEat comes to mind, incredibly mediocre but still memorable.

But gameplay oriented indie games are pretty good as well like Fortune Summoners, Recettear or even Helen's Mysterious Castle.

There are some times, however, where I dont get what the cast is trying to say or when the whole game becomes awkward enough that it's slowly turning into cringe.

Bunch of them can look cheap as fuck but has unexpected quality into it.

Recettear is Indie? Bullshit.

Yes, and?

I can't tell if you're saying I'm right and that it's not actually Bullshit, or if you don't care that I think it's Bullshit.

>Sup Forumsutism

Back to Sup Forums neckbeard

isnt this one of the new pokemon?

are there any major jap indie games with non-anime graphics?

>An indie game is a game that is to be made by one person, and that is basically the whole point
No, it's a game made without a publisher.

And if you're looking for the best indie game series in the world, with over a dozen titles, all made by a single man, then you should have been looking a Touhou, you retarded fuck. ZUN alone makes a mockery of every western dev combined.

The majority of other quality indie titles in Japan are fairly story focused, and they're rarely translated. It's hardly a surprise you've never heard of them.

You can just look it up you know?

Most story focused games in the west are often translated to other languages, including Japanese.

What is their excuse?


No download link pls.

>The only Indie game I want to say that's even somewhat on par with fucking... I don't know... FEZ? That shitshow made by a complete cocksucker? I'd have to say that's above most eastern indie games with the obvious exception of Cave Story.
Nice try Phil

>The majority of other quality indie titles in Japan are fairly story focused, and they're rarely translated.
Name 5

Say what you will. If a game is made in RPG maker, it automatically loses my interest. Unless they do something great with it, it's not worth my time, and quite frankly the time people spend translating it to english they can spend doing literally anything else.

There is not a content hole that needs filling with RPG maker Japanese Indie games. They can stop existing and the world will keep spinning.

>Phil putting his game below Cave Story
how nu

New game by that author just came out. Now with slutty loli ghostbusters.


I wasn't aware buying premade assets on unity counted as starting from scratch.

explain further

Nope. Am dutch


>slutty loli ghostbusters

is the best explanation I can give. It has some light RPG elements to it but is mostly about going around lewding it up like the other ones by this circle.

Should be the second newest game up on the cat site, even linking anything loli related triggers the Sup Forums mods so find it yourself.

>If a game is made in RPG maker, it automatically loses my interest
Then you're braindead. I think Unity is an absolutely dogshit engine, but I wouldn't ignore a title because of it.

>There is not a content hole that needs filling with RPG maker Japanese Indie games. They can stop existing and the world will keep spinning.
You could say that about anything entertainment related, Phil.

Funny thing about Unity versus RPG maker is that games don't look literally 100% similar on Unity, while RPG maker does without fail.

I'm sure there are hidden gems that pander my fetishy needs, but most games are in japanese only and I don't actively study it.

and if it's RPG maker game, then story and art has to be superb.

I'm looking forward to VQ2. Though I'm not looking forward to waiting for a translation.

>let's not tell anyone the sources of games, even though they can't be google searched, and lurking won't work because they're rarely ever discussed
Literally cut your dick off and suffocate yourself with it, friend

I'm braindead for thinking that games that all look, play, feel, and generally "are" the same are not worth poring over for the umpteenth time on the wild possibility of one random suicidal Japanese person coming up with a half decent story?

Monster Girl Quest is the epitome of japanese indie games glory.

The titles you seem to be complaining about are porn games, where the same basic overworld assets are reused constantly because nobody gives a fuck. Does it seriously matter if the buildings have a different aesthetic?

I think they're delightful. I don't know why, I just tend to enjoy them, even if they're not that good. There tends to be a certain, unique charm to them.
Yume Nikki is probably one of my favorite games, as well.

Do you think I'm complaining about the "Buildings"? No, that's just small compared to my overall gripe, in that it's all grid based. No matter how much you fuck with RPG maker, it will never not be grid based, you can predict literally every single action you can ever do just from what was used to make the game. The gameplay can change with even the basest of coding skill, the story varies from maker to maker, but the blood and bones of the games will all be quite literally EXACTLY the same, I can feel it, it's always grid based and always sprite based.

How can you see creativity in those unwilling to create?

The best games made today are Japanese indie games.

They're undamaged by how shit the rest of the industry has become in the last decade. Western and Japanese AAA are unfinished, soulless piles of shit sold entirely on marketing, while the western indie scene is corrupt as fuck and full of pretentious autismos who want a million dollars up front to so much as scratch their balls.

What you're describing also applies, in every category, to Western Indie games.

I really can't understand your complaint. So what if a game is grid based? So what if the game has sprites? What legitimate difference would the game have if you could walk half a step?

The gameplay is only there to serve as the vehicle to move the story and the porn forward. I'm sorry you're allergic to grids, but most people aren't.

most of them will never get translated

What you're saying is close but not exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not saying
>A game is grid based
I'm saying
>Every single game is grid based.

I'm not saying
>A game has sprites
I'm saying
>Every game has sprites

It becomes predictable. Once I see that it's on RPG maker I can accurately, without fail, point out everything I've seen from other RPG maker games. It's like they're all making mods of the same game off of each other.

I'm sure I'm not making my point very easy to understand, but my general complain is why should I give the time of day to consume what they don't even have the time of day to create? Why should anyone play a game that someone put no effort into creating? If their entire draw is story- then why convey it into a fucking RPG maker game? Surely there are better alternatives.

how does that new game of his even work?

i have no idea what im doing and none of the scenes seem to work


>Its a based user provides RJ and even mentions where to find it thread.

You da man user-senpai. I love this doujin circle so much.

Hope someone translate it like the previous one. Half the appeal is the loli saying slutty shity.

Not that guy but I want to point out two errors you've made in your judgement. First of course is that all japanese indie games are RPG maker. Thats straight up false. You don't even need to look further than touhou and the various fan games that are made of it to understand that fact.

Second, while RPG maker is VERY predictable especially on western games, thats not true elsewhere. While I can't remember the games off hand, there are a number which get around the systems inherent to RPG maker. Visuals aside, there have been scripts and games which can modify how the games play completely so they don't resemble the base RPG Maker. That said, I can't really remember off hand some names since its been a long time since I've bothered looking into that nonsense.

I will however agree that the vast majority in general are no effort pieces of crap that use stock assets with zero effort put into it though.

You might as well be complaining that DraQue and FF are basically the same.

Literally hundreds of titles used the old famicon detective type interaction systems to present stories and puzzles. With RPG maker, movement and overworld graphics aren't the focus of the game. Are all point and click games terrible and predictable because they all involve you clicking on things?

Your complaints come from sheer idiocy. RPG maker is used because it's an easy and cheap way to create an interactive story, you seem to be complaining more about the design philosophy of "don't bother working on things nobody gives a shit about" than the actual tool, I mean plenty of games are made on wolfRPG these days, but they use the same basic style because it's easy to implement.

And for the last time, these aren't meant to be the magnum opus of doujin development, they're simple, easy games pumped out for a quick fap and a buck.

They're passion projects. Jap indie devs want to make 'their' game and thus become indie devs. Western faggots want to become indie devs. The game is an afterthought.
They are some perverted individuals though, and this is from a guy who is now replaying re6 because he found some good nude mods.

I think hes more complaining about the fact that people who use RPG maker rarely put any effort into it beyond what they got with the program standard.

I.E. Using stock assets for everything. Its quite a common problem with RPGMaker especially, though other creation software can fall into this same problem. If you look up most RPG Maker titles, you'll often see they use the same sprites and tile sets for instance.

You see, you don't generally get this problem with game maker, since that has a far more free form base and lets you do what the fuck you want with the gameplay.

I don't get the hatred against stock or bought art and characters. I understand if it's asset flippers who literally slap shit down piecemeal to have a product to sell, but if someone makes a good game with stock assets, so what? We're not all artfags.

They're way fucking behind compared to the west. Mostly just shitty RPGMaker games since nips can't get into code. The japanese indie scene rarely shits out anything good.


And I'm saying those complaints are unfounded. It's a construction tool, just because the minor background stuff is stock, that doesn't mean the game is low effort. It means the creator decided to allocate time in a sensible way, spending X time on the base engine, and X*50 time on the rest of the fucking game, including writing and artwork. Time is a limitation, if you're wasting 50 hours on a neat castle sprite that you'll use once, you're a fucking retard.

Take AM2R for example. Sure, they did a bit of sprite work, but most of the game is just Super Metroid recreated with a few re-colors. Would the game have been any better if they re-did all the assets from the ground up? No. What mattered was the gameplay, and in RPG maker titles, what matters is the story and porn.

You're too slow user. Its been out for some time now.

While thats true, RPG Maker isn't as static as you think it is. The various versions might differ in how flexible, but you can do a surprising amount of change with scripts.

The odd thing however is that most people don't choose to take advantage of this aspect, even when the scripts are publicly available.

For one, it shows a lack of effort in presentation. Not just in creating, but a pure laz in drive to even use the thousands of freely available assets that are out there. People literally make free assets for others to use. Theres even paper doll websites which let you craft your own using bits and pieces of existing and freely made assets then compiles sheets for you.

Its sheer laziness on the part of people who refuse to even do that much.

Now on top of that, how are you suppose to even know what the quality of a game is going into it at a glance? Every game will act like it has a great story it wants to tell, and only by going into it will you be able to tell.

Is there anything wrong with using stock assets persay? No. But it does make it much more likely that if someone didn't put effort there that they likely didn't put any effort anywhere else as well. Theres frankly too many games out there using the same assets, so if one doesn't stand out I'm not sure why anyone would bother trying it.