A fucking F2P that came out of nowhere is more fun as vidya than two games I've waited over ten years for...

A fucking F2P that came out of nowhere is more fun as vidya than two games I've waited over ten years for... (FFXV and The Last Guardian). On top of that it's story is original and it has personality that's beyond surface deep. MGSV was bad enough but now I'm fucking angry. Why are all the big games falling flat?

Also, Let It Die thread I guess.


>Shitting on this for years since it was announced
>muh Lily Bergamo tears
>Figure Grasshopper had fallen to the western side with a shitty F2P game
>Try it, have the most fun I've had all year next to Furi

I apologise, glorious nippon overlords.

How long ago was it announced? It came out of nowhere for me.

E3 2014, they just kept it really low key.

About 2 years ago

how much have you played it
i got bored after 6 floors
the beginning was good, it had some good stuff but it gets old very fast

Welcome to the world of not trusting video game reviewers friend.

Play games for yourself and you be the judge.

>I've waited over ten years for... (FFXV and The Last Guardian).
You waited over ten years for two shit games, and you act surprised that a mediocre game is better?

Not that poster, but I myself have gotten to floor 7 and am having a blast. Does it really decline that fast? Even if it does, I'm so damn salty over FFXV disappointing me that this game is a precious respite from the feels.

I enjoyed all three. All the more better that one was free.

Now you have my attention.


The game only really declines past floor 20, I don't like complaining about artificial difficulty retardation but the numbers just get so inflated most stuff oneshots you. We'll see if they'll balance it or if that's the point where it hits the F2P wall.

I dunno why you thought Last Guardian would be good. Did you see the trailers? What the fug.

I work in the UAE and apparently, the game is banned here. Fuck me.

Seeing the hype around the level 200 random spawn enemies with teleport powers worries me.

I sorta want a PS4 specifically for this game, is that a bad thing?

Yes, but PS4 actually has a lineup of games next year, so might as well go for it.

This guy gets it.

Start free, get some crazy shit as it releases.

The worst part of the Jackals is the fact that later on they dont just exist for people that are super slow. Enemies die significantly slower near the end and there are a dozen dead ends per level. So if you guess the wrong path enough times the game decides you need to die with a jackal.

I really hope this bullshit is just because they didn't test the game that far so it can be fixed later and they didn't decide that everyone that wants to finish the game will need to spend $100 on best value.

>Suda made a good game
>It's PS4 only
welp, are there any chances of this coming to PC or is it financed by Sony?

If that worries you, you should really worry about The Jackals.

Boy I haven't shit my pants so hard in so long.

We know there's some deal between GungHo and Sony, we don't know its details.

Let Uncle Death educate you!