How's your progress going senpai?
How's your progress going senpai?
I'm shit at this game
Love the art style, but the inability to animation cancel out of long attacks and the excessive hitstun cut into the fun. I feel like it should be much faster paced.
When is the express pass gonna be available?
>can't cheese TDM anymore with dev raids
Still trying to figure out how you move up from here. That door with the green lock is locked from the other side. I'm trying all of the side paths but I don't think they go up that high.
been going though all the different rooms below 9, have a handful of rooms to go now
I havent found an elevator in like 4 floors please help, on nashiyoguchi currently
>post that
>leave escalator room
>elevators right there
thank god
When in doubt, check your map by pressing down on the d-pad. All rooms in the center column will have an elevator, at least they all have so far for me.
I bet there are weebs who thought that was original art.
I wasted a lot of lives in an ambush trap.
Well, it actually is original art. Someone else had to draw that.
The idea isn't original.
This is the worst when this happens
Had no elevator for ages, running past a bunch of valuable materials because I forgot to empty my inventory last run and I get chased by 3 haters at once with only a few shrooms left
>just defeated max
hell yeah my dude I feel really accomplished
pro tip: don't lock onto him
>Invisishroom works on boss
Who tought it was a good idea?
I keep getting stun locked by the buzz saws and just got my shit pushed in by the lazer chick, other then that i'm having a decent time at it.
Just dont use mushrooms if you feel you're so epic hardcore that you don't need it.
>you're so epic hardcore
I hit Floor 31 then stopped because the balance went full retard either intentionally so they could jew or accidentally and it will be fixed later. The final area doesn't even look as good as the sewers which is fucking stupid as shit.
and it costs 160k to revive
are you using shroom powers to their maximum ?
Use your words, little billy.
Will, In but climbing the tower to much, though. I keep finding escalators to side areas and raid. Is there a floor thats good fit blurprint and monies farming that I should focus on?
Learn the weapon's attack patterns and his to block properly.
shroom powers dont matter when the easiest enemies take 20 hits to die and every fight begins with 5 enemies dropping from the sky to surrounded you
get creative! avoid conflict
Fucking secret shop only has military helmets when I need the rest of the knight and sengoku set.
Heyey, senpai! Seems you like the game!
So I gotta ask, now that you've had a run in with some of those crazy weapons of death, you've gotta have a favorite goretastic kill, right? What would that be?
Personally, I really enjoy the Handcannon! Heh, why did you think I gave it to you in the Prime Box?
How do you know what floor the secret shop is on? I haven't seen the guy yet.
I found the Blueprint for a Crossbow on floor 2. If I keep doing the first two floors will I find a bunch of blueprints? Kind of want a butterfly knife.
So this is probably a stupid question... but do floors move and change, as in their map locations? Obviously the layouts are slightly random. If so... what causes it?
Its completely random.
How big of a difference does the luck character make in money gained compared to striker? I can't find the blueprints I want so I want to have a character that can farm up the cash to buy them from that roaming shop with the high prices. Rank 2 characters by the way.
You're not going to get a butterfly knife blueprint until floor 10+.
that's dumb.
That's why it's a roguelike.
>base raided while I'm playing
I think it can happen anytime you're not in your base.
>mushroom girl cowering in fear
Made me rage so hard.
I won't play much today but I will log in for Uncle Death.
Is it out in Benelux?
The only time you can't be raided is when you're raiding and in your waiting room. However idling for an hour opens it up to raids again.
In the tower and offline you can be raided.
It's 1 bonus coin per point in luck for each drop. So it barely matters at all.
go to Momohara
claws is obviously the best, you kano a motherfucker
>easily survived several situations when I got surrounded by two or more guys
I think I'm getting better at this game. Not panicking and/or using shrooms helps a lot.
Yes, if you die, when you return to the lobby the tower layout changes. The elevator levels are static but allmost every other floor changes.
There's a quest that says I need to kill 20 screamers in a certain floor (I forget the name), but the floor is extremely short and every time I go to the floor, there's only one hater standing around. Are the odds just that small or am I missing something?
For quests like those you just need to keep leaving and reentering the area. They're shit quests.
The iron one is pretty brutal. Like, they're all pretty sadistic, but that one seems the worst one to die by.
Guess I'll add it to the list of shit quests next to the "defeat all enemies on floor X" quests then.
Roguelikes 101: Smoke em if you got em. Use items liberally at the slightest hint of danger, you never know what's lying in wait. Only save up if you know there's a bigger threat later on, or if you're a cocky bastard.
Also in the classic roguelike style, funneling enemies into hallways works well too.
>Store still ins't available in the UK
I'm not complaining, the game is perfectly playable without it, but I'm slightly confused.
>that feel when you're down to 20 hp and you've run out of healing items and the elevator is on the other side of the level
>every hit counts
>every fucker could kill you with one hit
What a thrill.
What is required to make the longsword? I haven't gotten a bluerprint for it yet but i'd like to know what to look for.
>combat clunky
>dodge-rolling is shit
>Hurr durr so hip and young and edgy funny
No thanks, I will go back to Dark Souls
think i broke it lads
This is why we should stop saying it's like Dark Souls. People are playing the game with wrong expectations.
pic related it's u wen u run out of ammo
Uncle Death's tickle and squee adventure 2
green metal from the floor 11 boss and wire mountain
I'm on level 16 and still don't have a good weapon besides the butterfly knife but the range on that sucks.
Also running out of money fast with just keeping my weapons and gear in my inventory
>This happens constantly
>Only way to fix it is to quit out, and lose all your buffs like Lifeshrooms
>running out of ammo
>implying I don't run around with 3 assault rifles and 3 magnums at all times
Never gonna catch me slippin
How much money do you need? I get about 20k from a quick run through lower levels.
Have It Dead
>waiting room has been attacked for the first time
Hell nah, I ain't putting up with this. How do I get revenge for this shit? The guy that raided me isn't in the list for raids. I specifically want to raid him and I want to keep doing it until he's bankrupt.
Let it go.
Even without the comparrison the combat is shit. Like user said here Sup Forums hyping another shitty f2p game
why is this game so fucking good
why had I never even heard of it before 2 days ago
Press R1 when you're selecting who to raid, revenge list is there.
Sometimes they show up on an additional list called "Revenge". Payback feels so fucking good.
Uncle Death's Pro Skater
Because everyone wrote it off when it was changed to a crazy gore f2p game and stopped talking about it until Sony went "it's out today."
all my gear is like 10k and thats with only 1 of everything
What levels are you running?
Whats a good easy place to stock on on heal beasts?
All things must pass
When choosing who to raid there is a revenge tab. You can only do it once though.
its something obnoxious no doubt, cant even tell if its my side or the servers
Where exactly is the floor 11 boss? I know there's a boss there, but i dont see where it is even though i comb the map. do i need to do something special?
FUCK now i wasn't another good Tony Hawk game with Uncle Death as a playable character
The combat is pure ass. What a shit game on so many levels
I need more of this semen demon
>her pouty face when you hover over NO
Sorry that the people here are so autistically childish. The game is called Let It Die, a f2p game on ps4.
That's pretty cheap though. Take a few easy-to-do quests that give money and pick a lower floor that's not too dangerous and has lots of enemies. Take the collector with you so you can farm all kinds of materials. I usually do it once at the beginning of a session as a warming up before I move further up the tower.
And try to use armor and weapon you pick up instead of your good shit so you don't waste them on weak enemies.
I thought she was wearing a tiny skirt until I realised you can move the camera.
Short shorts just aren't as good.
Not really
Serves you right, you elitist golden elevator asshole.
At what point are defensive fighters becoming worthwhile? I have 3 of them with my currently best gear and they don't pose a threat at all. Mind you I'm only on floor 9.
I'm always too angry to do anything but mash no
I'd probably hatefuck her though
>He hasnt reached the higher floors
Oh my poor sweet child
You have to go up like three floors and you circle back to unlock him.
It's kind of a mess to look at how all the floors interconnect and it doesn't help they're all named gook shit.
wow looks bad lol
>Raid bases for hours last night
>majority of them have ZERO defense
>like taking candy from a baby
I mean heck at least throw a defender or two in there for me to beat up
Yeah, you always die to some bullshit stunlock or greedy last hit, which makes you raaage...
I have no defenses, but I also never get raided. The trick is to spend all your shit as soon as you get it. If you don't have a decent stash then nobody is going to bother.