Is this game using Denuvo or something?
How come there is no crack yet?
Is this game using Denuvo or something?
How come there is no crack yet?
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There is no interest.
Don't believe that
>buying this when you can just play ygopro
YGOPro has a godawful community
does it matter? you're playing children's card game
>unlicensed low quality 480p shit
What the fuck is this?
I ain't paying that much for the fucking game.
20 bucks would be fine but not 105.
>godawful community
you literally go into a game and play
you dont have to talk to anyone and 9/10 games no one is going to say a word to you
Daily reminder that the anime had it's peak with GX.
>it's a yugioh game when its popularity as a fucking card game has only been getting weaker and weaker
>it came out fucking yesterday
>2 reviews
Wait a week. Maybe someone who cares will notice.
You're not getting a better community here than ygopro's box of mutes. Trust me on this one.
YGO is still the most popular card game in the world
That's not Poker you dumbfuck
Not that kind of card game
tried watching this show before. why was yugi such a fukboi whenever he wasn't dueling? nigga was straight pussy until the cards came out.
YGOpro2 is miles better than this
Magic fills 4 times the shelves in stores everywhere in my area. Yugioh's popularity has been waning as a physical game.
This is coming from someone who never got into any card game besides Yugioh.
ahh yes.. the manchild kind.
>Magic fills 4 times the shelves in stores everywhere in my area.
You can get YGO cards in every little store and tabacco shop
Magic however requires you go to a dedicated card store or nerd palace
Vanguard is ultra popular where I live.
People are sick of Magic and hate 'shuffle your deck' I mean Yugioh.
Not to defend this or konami but doesn't every digital card game have shit like this? Doesn't the Magic game on steam do this too?
Nobody besides murrikans even plays Magic.
Japan has Duel Masters which is their version of Magic but at the end everyone loses against Yugioh which is very popular everywhere.
Even if the hype used to be a lot bigger nothing can touch it.
Yugioh is more jew when it comes to getting rares.
My nigga.
Or you know, Wal-Mart and Target work too
Who in gods name thought that textbox and font were acceptable?
seeEuros and Asians don't even have Walmart
Magic is US exclusive
Should've just made another Tag Force, the appeal of partnering up and waifuing/husbandoing your favorite character, along with seeing them in 3D and voiced works as enough of a selling point to make up for people being able to just play the cardgame for free with ygopro or dueling network
DN is dead and YGOPro is dying due to internal struggle
Konami want their easy shekels.
which internal struggle? or is this bait?
Due to Konami or their partners issues lawsuits around - those that killed DN - people up there are in a state of confusion.
Some say YGOPro will defintely die while others say they will just keep remaking it if it gets banned.
However - due to all that insecurity the player numbers dropped heavily over the last months.
From over 1000 players online simultanously to around 200-300 at prime time.
Favourite cards go.
I tried ygopro once. Remade an old cyberdark deck I used to have. I saw all the pendulum bullshit and left immediately.
Maybe I'm just too old..
>anime will never feature a skull servant deck
>not even as an one off scrub who jobs in one turn
This card was actual BS, just "lol, im going to banish a dragon and summon two from hand"
Custom rule sets that restrict cards by a booster cut off point fucking when? If we can't make Yu-Gi-Oh great again, at least give us the option to keep Syncro and XYZ in their fucking trash can.
i wish vanguard was popular here, i really like the cards and have bought so many but i dont even play
>Maybe I'm just too old..
Nah. Pendulum is fucking dumb. I like Syncro and XYZ, but pendulum is a whole other level of bullshit.
lmao everyone would restrict to before invasion of chaos dumb weeb.
Shame it's fucking shit.
Why didn't we get a fucking Clear archtype? I will never not be mad.
I haven't played since they introduced XYZ, what the fuck is pendulum?
The final proof that Konami trips on acid when they design this game.
Nah screw you Syncro's and XYZ's are great. They're a nice evolution on Fusion monsters.
It's Pendulums that are the absolute cancer.
Just everything about the way they play, to even the way they look. Just outright awful.
Who playtested that shit at Konami and thought this was a good addition to the game?
Konami wanted to cut costs on card artwork so they put a second effect on every single one of them.
>Maybe I'm just too old..
I miss the time when the most common deck structure was:
5 - 5+ stars monsters (most, if not all requiring tribute)
5 - 4 star 1800+ atk brawlers
10 - effect monsters
20 - spells & traps
Cards like Sword Hunter and ritual summons felt so awesome.
I really wish this monster could get BLS/DMoC treatment
>Tfw my fondest memories of Yu-Gi-Oh where when everybody ran shit like Exiled Force, Tribe Infecting Virus, Imperial Order, Sinister Serpent, Yata Garasu, Delinquent Duo, Forceful Sentry, Confiscation, Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed, Ring of Destruction, Cyber Jar etc etc
>Mfw the vast majority of that shit is now banned
Hand destruction was great. Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.
High risk high reward mechanic.
Place special monster-spell-hybrids in an extra zone that have "scales" on them, if you placed two of those in there you can summon all monsters with alevel between the scales you have available at once. High reward but can also easily be blocked.
>Magic is US exclusive
No it's not. There are large Magic tournaments all over the world.
Times were too good to last.
Not if you go first.
I honestly wanted something more simple. And with story mode
It's just premade decks brah, you can get cards in game for free. This is like getting a structure deck in real life.. just digital.
>can resell cards in real life
>maybe even make a profit out of them
>games are literally more jewish than the actual card game
>when it's supposed to be just an ad for it
Sasuga Jewnami.
Are you retarded? It's cracked already.
gib link huhehuehueuhheuhehuehhe
You won't be able to refuse my demand now
shit nigger is that an entire book printed on the field where the cardtext would belong?
It's not though
duh every Konami's game on PC use denuvo nowadays
It's konami.
Of course it uses denuvo.
>not carrying a magnifying glass with you to read card effects
Fucking casuals...
No it isn't. There are DLC only cards behind. Gamefaqs forums confirmed that like a year ago brah.
There's about 500-600 DLC only cards in total.
It's okay, no one ever summons him. He's pretty much purely used as fusion material.
Every thread there's oldfags complaining about Pendulums and XYZ. It's funny and never gets old.
XYZ is bullshit tho
>Synchro gets added
>fusions and rituals are now worth jackshit
>XYZ summons get added
>synchros are now worth jackshit
>pendelum gets added
>XYZ summons are now worth jackshit
Powercreep was a mistake
I'm one of those faggots that would prefer YGO without synchro, XYZ, or pendulum, but even I have to admit that synchro and XYZ adds more flavor to the game at least; Pendulum is just bullshit.
I play Warhammer though, so I'm shit at card games and just like coming into these threads wishing I was good.
Sup bro, wanna check my new deck?
Are you retarded? All of those are still worth a lot.
It's a online game. Who would had thought?! You're not gonna be playing the game anyway since you couldn't connect to the steamworks servers anyway.
>It's a online game.
That's not true. It has a full singleplayer mode...
The online playerbase has been dead on consoles for a while now. Although the new update probably bought players back for a bit.
Is it region locked?
You aren't gonna trick me to giving you link.
In fairness, half of that cards text is the summoning condition that the rest of the archetype shares. In practice the card text length only becomes an issue if the person you play against doesn't know the infernoid gimmick.
My comment on rebellion dragon was more or less a joke considering how poor his effect is, but I'd argue that infernoid card effects aren't as bad since you learn the gimmick once and its over.
You can't because there isn't a crack yet.
Do I need any DLC to get raidraptors?
What the fuck are you on about?
If a card is dlc only. It will say.
>not on predb
lmao enjoy your viris
Keep saying that to yourself.
>Steam Launcher
Nope. Magic: Origins is completely free, gets new content for free, and you can get everything for free. Though it does have microtransactions to speed up the process.
I wouldent mind a good single player Yugioh game on PC. But it would have to have a really good story following the over the top anime or something and not just be a pretty window dressing to play the game.
Don't care, it allows me to play.
Isn't this the link?
the fuck you talking about OP, I found that in seconds, it's literally the top link when googled.
All those faggots crying about no crack are actually baiting people so some kind of stupid idiot would give them link.
lol, yeah you go use that. Please use that.
>posting torrent links
enjoy your b&
Smartsteam is not a crack.
Just emulation
But it being used for legacy of the duelist means that the game doesn't use denuvo correct?
Which means someone will put out an actual crack with all dlc and without the gay smartsteam bloat soon. Or am I wrong in thinking that? Smartsteam doesn't run work with denuvo games does it?