This is a The Last Guardian thread without meme/shit-posting and falseflagging

This is a The Last Guardian thread without meme/shit-posting and falseflagging

It was quite a short game
>What did you like about it?
>What did you dislike about it?
>How do you feel about the story/ending?

I really liked the setting and world. The connection with the Trico was really well done, too. Too bad the controls and camera work were not even near a passable grade for a platformer based around an AI companion as it kinda killed my bond with the bird everytime when I started to get attached to it, it would do stupid shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Liked the dynamic between the boy and beast.

Didn't like anything else.

Typical ICO story. No real answers just hmm makes you think.

They should just make movies

Anyone feel like the game is worth of a second playthrough? I am considering it and going for all the hidden headless knight places & barrels

He makes the game hard to look at. Why couldn't they have made him look like the rest of the game? Also why waste so much on feather physics when the rest of the game suffers?

No. It would be incredibly boring. It would be the same exact thing except this time I'd know what to do right off the bat so waiting for the AI to catch up would be even more tedious. This game has no replay value at all.

Is there combat?

Not for the PC. The bird has combat though.

I guess you can roll into things, its mostly dodging and timing and making space for the bird in the very few combat scenes there are

How short a game?

So..? Yes? Do you control the bird in combat?
Can you switch to the bird? Give commands?

>he actually bought a 4 hour game that only consists of boring puzzle solving and muh feels that runs at 4 fps



You lure enemies to the bird and it attacks. You might have to heal it via pulling out spears if it gets "hurt". Don't expect even ICO level of combat.

it took me 7 hours to beat it so fuck you

>that fucking wall texture
man that is below PS2 level

>one of the most hyped games since the early days of the PS3
>releases to not much fanfare and people are kinda bummed about it
fuck me I'm getting second-hand disappointment from you guys

Took me around 8-9 hours

No memes allowed read the OP
Framerate issues are inexcusable, but with all the hate people are giving it it ran quite smooth on my vanilla PS4. that said I expect games released for console to have perfect framerate. All in all I had no issues, until I did stumble on a framedrop for a small section of the game and then it went absolutely crazy, and then disappeared again after I went through the puzzle.

It's not even disappointment, the game has just looked bad since they unveiled it for PS4. Visually and gameplay wise. We were hyped back in PS3 days because the graphics were great and the gameplay seemed more inspirational than it is now due to the mostly upbeat presentation of the trailers.

>that said I expect games released for console to have perfect framerate


holy fuck this

don't even own a ps4 but I remember everyone going crazy over this every time they showed a trailer, now it's out and nobody cares. what the fuck happened?

Spoil the ending for me.

Let me guess; you think the bird dog dies, but it was just a ruse?

I think the most significant thing I took out of The Last Guardian is that it made me smile more than any game in quite some time. It managed to do this while also dragging genuine concern and even fear for Trico's well being.

Pull spears out of his body as he whines in pain would get to me.

And I took the bloodied face, closed eye, and seemingly broken ear pretty fucking hard after that long fall when you first encounter another Trico. He's heavily injured and looks like he's in a lot of pain, but he's still trying to rescue me, and all I want is for him to lay down and rest. The look on this creature's face by the end of the game; the look of its torn and beaten body in general; added with the men throwing spears at him as he just tries to return the boy to them. That hurt me the most.

There's no combat and you can't really die either. You see an enemy so you run back to Trico and he kills them while you stand and watch.

You can give commands but it rarely works properly so you're left spamming the same command over and over and over until the big dumb beast finally listens.

It's a colossal letdown and definitely not worth your money. Don't let these buyers remorse anons fool you. If it was made by an indie dev (which it might have well been, the game has really low production values), nobody would be talking about it.

nope, the dog dies saving you

This game it's a long term planned scam.
Since PS3 days of hype for this game and you all felt for the scam.

Everyone's been spoiled over the past decade with pretty graphics. When SoTC and Ico came out literally no one gave a fuck about frame rate. Now it's a meme. It's being judged by 2016 standards when it was a game that should have come out a decade ago.

That doesn't make it a bad game. I personally love it, but people have different standards now.

the food you feed it to grow stronger over the course of the game is actually children, a machine that separates the body and soul, then feeds the body to other birds and makes mindless anima soldiers of the souls. All the "mindcontrolled" birds fall from the sky and seemingly seem to die after you take out the hivemind orb of fluids ontop of the tower. Bird saves boy and brings him back to the village only to get sent away by the boy because the villages are trying to kill it. boy becomes village elder and narates the game and the bird meets other bird and makes babies

They both unambiguously live.

Huh. Well. At least they had the balls to do it. I was expecting a SoTC tweest.

>Pull spears out of his body as he whines in pain would get to me.

It did the first time. Every other time it got frustrating because the mechanics are so bad and the game is very very repetitive.

I felt like I was standing there watching trico fumble around like a retard more than I was actually doing shit. The shocking controls and AI heavily impacted any "connection" i could develop to the big dumb idiot

I like the animations, puzzles, platforming, feel of the game, Trico.

I dislike that rarely, but sometimes Trico doesn't listen or goes back. I didn't have too many problems overall, it took maybe a minute or so for him to listen, but that is still too much sometimes, not the right balance. I am at the water thing right now and Trico goes underwater, then reaches the gate and goes back. Is this a bug? Does he think gate is still closed?

Didn't finish it yet.

I feel like I'm the only human being on the planet that had zero trouble controlling Trico and navigating the world.

Ah fucking ha! Knew it. Thanks anons.

So far I'm enjoying it, it's a good but flawed game. Trico is adorable

I'd like to stay and talk about it more but I haven't beat it and I don't want to get spoiled

I'd assume he's talking about having a stable framerate.

>I felt like I was standing there watching trico fumble around like a retard more than I was actually doing shit

this this this. the fucker never listened to my commands on the first go. never never never. i turned the game off so many times out of sheer frustration

>nobody gave a fuck about the frame rate in earl 2000s
No shit. The graphics back then weren't as good either. Technology got better the games should reflect that.

Trico beats shit up for you.

You are forced into encounters though, for example you gotta run around the room to make guys follow you, then run to the door to pull on the chain so Trico can get in and destroy. Or similar puzzles.

And you will often be able to run and push guys off ledges to kill them, later in the game it is mandatory since they hold up those symbols that Trico is afraid of or they throw spears at him.

Frame rate is very important to the mechanics and feel of the game. Honestly, you're incredibly deluded if you think having a stable frame rate isn't important for a game.

That said, TLG has far worse problems than not having a stable framerate.

What about "the game should have (and was originally planned to) been released a decade ago" mislead you? No shit.


>that part where you run towards the door with a shitload of knights after you and you start pulling the chain and get pulled away from it, but Trico forces himself through it regardless to save you

man this game does so much right and yet so much wrong

>game released in 2016
>you have to play it like a 2006 game!
fuck off

Because Ico ran okay and people did give a fuck about SOTC, you retard.

it definitely isn't
get as close to that sort of rock wall in sotc as we are to the wall in the tlg pic and compare texel density then
tlg looks to have standard size textures for this gen, especially for the type of game it is

>don't even own a ps4 but I remember everyone going crazy over this every time they showed a trailer, now it's out and nobody cares.

I can only say that I returned it the same day I bought it. I couldn't stomach the horrible controls

That whole segment sucked anyway because you literally cant die unless you purposely want to. So you end up running back and forth until you pull it enough for Trico to save you. The game has very bad design decisions.

>tlg looks to have standard size textures for this gen, especially for the type of game it is

>without meme/shit-posting and falseflagging
yeah, it's always theur fault, how dare they, those fucking nazis.
But seriously, wake up kid, you lost an election with that attitude.

Speak English nerd, that texture is garbage tier and judging by these other screenshots the lighting is too.

What's with Team Ico and making games that you really want to enjoy, but are marred by shitty framerate, camera and controls?

TLG does everything wrong except for its visuals. The visuals are the best part in my opinion. You see trico and the little prick interact with everything in the enviornment. Top notch animations too.

These are me: So you know Im not deluded like some of the PS fanboys ITT

Like most people they have big ideas but suck at execution. They're an overrated team and really produced one decent game

I'm not saying that you illiterate spastic cunt. I'm saying that the game was originally developed a fucking decade ago, on a 15 year old engine. What the fuck were you expecting? I'm not excusing it, but it's not like they started working on this shit in 2014 you dumb nigger.

How come the game looks like it could be done on ps3 hardware?

Question, can the kid stack and balance 3 barrels?

Grow up. He means he wants to discuss the game instead of having a thread full memes and shitposts. That isn't unreasonable and should be the norm.

Because it is a PS3 game.

>the food you feed it to grow stronger over the course of the game is actually children, a machine that separates the body and soul, then feeds the body to other birds and makes mindless anima soldiers of the souls.
>the bird meets other bird and makes babies
Where the fuck did you get any hint that these things are what happened???

You mean the dog?

I'm guessing you're talking about SoTC? I don't know if it's just me, but the camera/controls for that game were fucking abysmal. I don't know if I ever got much further beyond the first colossus. So disappointed I never got around to playing Ico either.

But you are deluded even if you aren't a fanboy, this game looks god awful graphically. Like a PS2 game. Even the griffin thing is weak looking compared to SOTCs big boys.

Playing the game and the cutscene after the credits?

You mean the cat?

It's not abysmal you just have to learn how to use it, like every game. You can completed the game not even moving the camera because it works so well.

It's obviously a ferret.

>Playing the game and the cutscene after the credits?
I have done both of these things and have come to neither of these conclusions. ESPECIALLY that last one.

You need to play the game to appreciate how beautiful the animations are. So far it sounds like you're talking about a trailer or walkthrough. I've played the abomination so i'll trust my empirical observations over yours

Yes SoTC. Yea the camera is finnicky, especially when the colossus goes into aggro mode. It's definitely a flaw but a minor one in comparison to the rest of the game.

Not him but I think he means the textures, lighting, colors, and LOD.

The animations are pretty smooth and gorgeous. Except for the running animation. That one looks like shit.

Obviously I mean that. That Sony fanboy is just deflecting.

>Birds gather children/humans for the master of the valley
>insert now green children into birdlike statue and throws out a barrel of white goo something that the birds feed on
>tower is showing green "magic" being implemented into helmets
>end shows up with the Trico, could be a random one, but I'd like to think he went out and fucked the other Trico we saved earlier

I mean its not written or confirmed, but its a theory, and the creator said to just "think what you will, we left the ending open and with questions on purpose"

Why are you being such a prick? I'm trying to have an honest discussion but because I disagree on one thing I'm suddenly a fanboy? I even focused my comment on the animations. Maybe you're just retarded and I'm wasting my time


I dont have a PS4 and completely forgot this game was even coming out.

How was it? Given the thread reaction, i assume it suffers from Duke Nukem Forever syndrome?

again not him but you were a prick first so it makes sense why he got hostile

>How was it?

So many comments already answer your question ITT. Stop being lazy.

The game is worse than Duke Nukem Forever.

Any guides yet? I want to buy it but I'm terrible at puzzle games.

How? This is my first comment: Disagreeing is being an asshole now?

I just beat it.
Don't listen to the people who haven't played it, it was fucking amazing. The only problem was it wasn't as long as people wanted. (including me, it's a fucking ps4 game, I thought it would be like a week to beat it)
Sad game.

Give it to me straight, how did the game tie in with SoC and ICO? Prequel? Sequel?

Its a very easy linear puzzle game. More of a platformer really.

jesus dude don't drag me into it.

this comment was the dick one:

This user and all the others like him are mouth-breathing retards who ACTUALLY thought this would be more a game of skill and gameplay and less a game of exploring a world and experiencing a journey. It has looked like the latter type of game since the very first day it was debuted, and anyone going into it for any other reason is retarded. What's more, while the frame-rate issues certainly could be addressed, they also already have been as far as the PS4P goes. It's not a perfect solution, but it exists all the same. Hopefully some patches will shore of the standard PS4 side of things.

Most of the puzzles are environmental (ie you need to get to a point but the path isn't that obvious). It's very easy to figure out though and most of the time youre using Trico to get to a high point.

It's a bad puzzle game

I'm not being a prick, fanboy. Stop deflecting and stay on topic.

> ACTUALLY thought this would be more a game of skill and gameplay and less a game of exploring a world and experiencing a journey.

Yea I thought it would be more like SOTC and Ico and have, you know, actually decent platforming and/or puzzle sections. You're right, I wasn't expecting a walking simulator and a walking sim is what I got (it wasn't even a good one at that).

ICO was 4 hours long and Shadow of the Colossus around 5-6 at best.

I was surprised that Last Guardian is actually pretty long, around 8 hours or more for some people, depending on how cooperative Trico is and how well they are with puzzles.

Disregarding my comment by calling me a "fanboy" is deflecting. The fucking irony fuck off.

Am I wrong? There's no evidence he played the game. He seems to be talking from his ass and regardless, I mainly spoke about the animations which he now doesn't disagree with. So there's no issue, he's just mentally retarded

What are you talking about, this game is literally the same as ICO in terms of puzzles, structure and pacing. It has more advanced puzzles if anything.

Shadow of the Colossus was also pretty much atmosphere game. Fighting colossi wasn't really hard or puzzles were easy. You could hardly even die in SotC - there was almost no fall damage.

So again, it is just like others in the series, I don't know what you expected.

Literally nothing wrong with that comment

And that's what you get for completely misreading the game. I got exactly what I wanted out of TLG. A boy and is Trico adventure through a mysterious and dangerous world, growing together, and overcoming together. Idling in the trees as the wind blows and the birds sing. Splashing about in the water together. Petting him whenever I felt like it.

You're not even the main character in this game. Trico is. Only a retard would see a creature they put THIS MUCH effort into bringing to life and think it isn't going to be thrust into the limelight in terms of both story and gameplay.

Guys if you want memes, falseflagging, shitposting and in general not bringing anything to the discussion: theres a thread up for exactly that What was your favorite moment in the game?
>That drop segment
>Separation segment & getting caged

Wrong. You stand around watching Trico do nothing 90% of the time so you can then jump on his head to reach a higher point to open a gate and rinse and repeat. It's not even a walking sim. It's less than that

So you wanted a dog simulator where your dog is clinically retarded


I'm sorry, I hate to be one of those people but did you play the game? It seems like you haven't, or it seems like you really want to dislike the game if you did.

It's fine if you don't like it, I understand why, but that's really not how the game is, you are exaggerating.

>Shadow of the Colossus around 5-6 at best.
If you're a god at gaming maybe. Doubtful for any first timer.

Keep it up fanboy.

user if you're just going to pull words out of your ass for your own satisfaction, can you go do it where none of us have to watch you cover yourself in shit?

Yes I bought it and finished it. No, believe me, this is one game I didn't want to hate but the horrendous gameplay and AI forces me to speak truthfully about it.

I summarized your retarded post. I really shouldn't have responded because your post really does speak for itself.

I'll even repost it because it's easier than making an argument.

>I got exactly what I wanted out of TLG. A boy and is Trico adventure through a mysterious and dangerous world, growing together, and overcoming together. Idling in the trees as the wind blows and the birds sing. Splashing about in the water together. Petting him whenever I felt like it.


>I summarized your post by completely changing the words into others that do not convey the same idea, but do make me chuckle at how hilariously brilliant I am.

Good for you.