Is McCree white? I thought he was but many Tumblr users believe that he is of Hispanic...

Is McCree white? I thought he was but many Tumblr users believe that he is of Hispanic, Latino or Native American ancestry. Which is it canonically?

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White with a tan I assume. He could be Hispanic or native american too. But eh.

He's the LGBT character blizzard have been hinting at.

He's italian.

He's white and lives in a hot, sunny part of the US so there's a tan going on

I suggest you take this as a reminder that tumblr's headcanons are rarely even close to the truth

It's Clint Eastwood, you donut

He's about as """white""" as anyone else from America which is to say not at all

He's also gay with Hanzo it will be canon

Trying to make a new meme, faggot?

That's Lucio

Tumblr is full of degenerate faggots ranting about pointless shit without any basis, who cares.