So I pirated this earlier and just spent 2 hours playing it to the end (2 hour games these days? Real...

So I pirated this earlier and just spent 2 hours playing it to the end (2 hour games these days? Real?) after hearing some people shilling it.

Surprise surprise, it's shit.
For one, I went all the way through the game thinking this was some sort of inner battle that "Rider" was having and that the Ravio looking mother fucker was, I dunno, his subconscious or some shit trying to get him to do evil shit who you'd eventually fight at the end, but naw, story turned out gay as fuck.
The battles were nothing more than trial error dog shit. Awful controls, delayed actions and terrible camera angles, and yet even despite all of this shit I still found the game piss easy. Funny how that works, huh? Especially considering you faggots were touting this crap as difficult.

Music was nice I guess, that's about as much praise as I'll give it.
>People actually paid $30 for a 2 hour game though
lmao to be honest.

dumb niggers will just tell you "git gud" because there's no fucking way someone would dislike a game despite not being bad at it

>played to the end within 2 hours

It was free on PS Plus within like a week of its release, so I didn't technically pay for it at all. It was still pretty fun though, one of the better games this year.

>no nominations for best soundtrack at the VGA

>pc cucks pretending they matter with shit bait threads about all the no games they are playing

>almost everyone got it for free on PSN
Have a (You)

i got it free on Bloodborne+

You either lie, or you played on easy. Either way, Become Profficient you scrub.

Kys faggot

>my opinion is fact and if I didn't enjoy it nobody should

Fuck off with your god complex.

>if I didn't enjoy it nobody should
but he didn't say this

what games has good controls
responsive actions
and a good camera?

i'm waiting OP

>Shitter mad that he's awful at easy games and that other people aren't terrible like he is.
I'd love to see you play something that's actually difficult, like a shmup, if you think that shit is hard.

Ys. Oath and Origin in particular.
Flawless controls and response times. A camera that doesn't shit the bed and best of all bosses that actually provide a challenge.

Around the World in 80 Days
Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie Chan J-Mat Fitness
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Kung-Fu Master
The Kung-Fu Master Jackie Chan

>The battles were nothing more than trial error dog shit. Awful controls, delayed actions and terrible camera angles, and yet even despite all of this shit I still found the game piss easy. Funny how that works, huh? Especially considering you faggots were touting this crap as difficult.

objectively wrong. all of it.

I r8 your b8 2/10, made me reply

Devil May Cry 4

>terrible camera angles
there's like one during fights and it's overhead
the fuck do you mean, how do you manage to make that get in the way for you?

>Awful controls, delayed actions and terrible camera angles
Never had any problems of that kind.

Game is cool, plays good, music is nice. Nothing out of this world, just a good game.
Simply put: op is a faggot, abandon thread.

>I'm so good at a game that I come to Sup Forums to cry about it
Yeah, thats about right

On a board filled with casual scum like yourself, I'm not surprised you would find piss easy games like Furi difficult. This is after all the same board that told me Salt & Sanctuary was hard when it's yet another easy as fuck game.
Apparently you poor fucks have never actually played anything difficult in your lives.

Of course, why wouldn't I mention that it's shit after I've just breezed my way through it effortlessly?
Do you think it's immune from that because you struggled with it like the child you are?

Origin was a thousand times easier then furi for me, most of the bosses were piss easy. never heard of tastes and skills?

>his subconscious or some shit trying to get him to do evil shit who you'd eventually fight at the end, but naw, story turned out gay as fuck.
>the story didn't turn out like an edgy teenager's fanfiction, so it's shit
Pleb detected. Prison architect going insane and sacrificing his planet to aliens so he can see his daughter one last time is way better than another fucking fight club twist.

I bet you think you're being cute. Guess what? You are.

you probably played on promenade even though it told you you're a chump for doing so.

I've noticed that defenders of this game are often really bitchy and have to blame you.
I tried criticising some aspects respectfully when it first came out and they got triggered pretty quickly.

Not worth it. Let them enjoy their shit. This is the state of Sup Forums now.

I'm such a child, that I can still use basic math to realise that you are a lying sack of shit. The walking sections and the unskippable credits to the final boss add up to more than 1 hour. The remaining time is not sufficent to beating the bosses in a difficulty setting that is not piss easy. Of course you can beat the game fast on casual fuckin scrubmode, that's the whole reason it was included
I maybe a child, but I do not hide my shitness in "muh bad controls and cameras" horseshit


>A game that shits recovery items at you throughout boss battles
>You heal when you parry slow ass attacks too
>You get multiple tries at each phase of the boss
>Invul frames out the ass
>Bosses do pitiful damage


>No healing during bosses
>Actual well thought out attacks that you can't fluke your way through
>Bosses can actually kill you in a few attacks

Ys is objectively harder. It's not even up for debate. Why do you think every shitty youtuber is running through Furi with ease?
Where are those same youtubers playing Ys? Oh that's right, there is non because Ys is too difficult for them.

Kishgal alone shits on every boss in Furi with ease in terms of difficulty.

Oh yeah? Well y-you too faggot.

I didn't though, I always play on the hardest mode available to me in any game I play because I am just that good tbqhwy.
Furi is childs play.

They're bitchy because they're shit at video games and keep touting easy games as difficult.
It's alright though, I'm not trying to change any minds here.

>The walking sections and the unskippable credits to the final boss add up to more than 1 hour
Absolute utter bullshit.
There's like 10 minutes at most worth of walking sections. The cutscenes take about 30 seconds - 1 minute each besides the last one.

>I maybe a child, but I do not hide my shitness in "muh bad controls and cameras" horseshit
And yet I still beat the game in 2 hours. Judging by your reaction, you took longer.
Get good my shitter friend.

Get help.

not him but why

Not liking the game is one thing, and acceaptable, but calling it out on being shit only cuz you don't like it, is just plain fuckin stupid.

>calling it out on being shit only cuz you don't like it
but what if the game's actually shit

>but calling it out on being shit only cuz you don't like it
But I didn't though. I gave my reasons for it being actual shit right there in my fucking OP. What the fuck are you talking about?

Are you a speedrunner then? Speedruns took that amount of time

Seems to me he overinflated his expectations.

Nope, I'm actually slow as shit usually because I prefer to take my time in games.
The game only has like what? 8-10 bosses though. Some of them can be somewhat long, but there's a lot of them that are really quick.
The swordsman guy, the hockey girl immediately come to mind. I killed those ones really fast, and they only had like 3-4 phases between them, and none of those phases were long.

>So I pirated this earlier and just spent 2 hours playing it to the end
Do you want to know how I know you're full of shit? Protip:the answer is in this post.

it shows right there in the picture that you can finish the game under one hour
two hours is more than enough even if you die and take your time

lmao sick thread OP, saged and upvoted

Those aren't sufficiently large sample sizes
You need about 500 people polled to get a a "good" average play time

That's the best you can get right now, unless you can name me a more credible source
>you can finish the game under one hour
You can SPEEDRUN this game in under one hour, in a speedrun mode, which, as far as I know, removes mid-boss parts with walking, which make up 70% of the A E S T H E T I C.

>Literally less than 100 people played it
>All of them are probably dog shit like you and think the game is hard

Wanna know how I know you're mad that you're bad? Protip : The answer is you made such an embarrassing post thinking it would actually help your case.

>removes mid-boss parts with walking, which make up 70% of the A E S T H E T I C
More like it makes up 70% of the playtime because the devs had to artificially prolong their short as fuck game with literal slow walking sections.

>Le "howlongtobeat" meme
Why do retards always use this?

I beat Mass Effect 1 in 6.30 hours, yet this website says the average is 17 hours.
I beat Tales of the Abyss in 27 hours, yet the website says the average is 50 hours.

Get fucked you stupid nigger.

There's no winning with you faggots. If you concentrate on gameplay alone, you'd say that the game was "bland" or "devoid of content", if you'll incorporate arbitrary exposition shots, you'll wine about "padding" and "prolonging".
You will literally never be happy and will always find and excuse to rant on about some inane shit if you'll simply feel like it.

The thing that hurts me the most about Furi is the fact, that it could've been a cool action game, but decided not to be one. I like the design, hel lI even like the story and the motifs, but they decided it should be Walk to the Boss - The Videogame

I wouldn't complain if they were actual cutscenes or story dialogues or some shit, but it's literally just walking forward with some "deep" bullshit voice in the background

>so I pirated this

Stopped reading there. Nobody cares what a thief's opinion is on what he just stole.

hes a pc cuck
he doesnt know about PSN+

pirating is copying, not stealing

>The game is SUPPOSED to be shit.
Have a (You).

Grow the fuck up, kid.

Well shilled.

not an argument

But seriously, I'm slow as shit usually in games too. I spent like 80 hours on Trails in The Sky FC and 114 hours on SC.
I haven't checked the 'averages' on those but I'd imagine my time is significantly longer.

>You will literally never be happy and will always find and excuse to rant on about some inane shit if you'll simply feel like it.

If that's so then why aren't I finding excuses about the plethora of games I actually like?
Could it be that this game is genuinely just shit?

No matter how you slice it, it's a game that is laughably short and filled with mediocre gameplay and snail paced walking sections.

>boss 4 on furious
>cant do those side dashes on a keyboard for the life of me on the final phase


>I don't believe what you said is right
>Ur a kid
righto kiddo

Are you the Touhou user with the world record, OP?

You posts seem just like him in those Trails threads.

>I wouldn't complain if they were actual cutscenes or story dialogues or some shit
But there are. Every boss has an intro and outro, one floor is done via a cutscene, there's even interactive credits. You can even activate auto-walk before you get to the boss, making it essentially a huge exposition shot.
What the fuck are you talking about, user?

Just get a cheap Dualshock knock-off for $5 if you're poor, it'll still be more comfortable for most third-person games than KB&M.
If you're not poor, shell out and get the Xbone controller


>i am good at game therefore said game is shit
[visible confusion]

>I beat Mass Effect 1 in 6.30 hours
Because you were playing it wrong

>Implying Furi isnt shit.

Yeah, but that's not important here. It just proves that you can, technically, finish the game in such time, so calling the person a liar would be stupid.

>Play the game normaly doing the main quests
>"Stop beating the game sooner than everyone else REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

I like to be challenged in games that sell themselves on being challenging.
What's wrong with that?

Dustforce was touted as a difficult platformer, and a difficult platformer it is. I had to actually put in effort to beat that game, and then I had to put a ridiculous amount of effort into getting my SS on Yotta Difficult.

I won't mention the plethora of shmups since everybody knows shmups are difficult.

Ys is also decently challenging, which was a pleasant surprise that Sup Forums was actually right about difficulty for once.

Games like Salt & Sanctuary and now Furi have disappointed me because I kept hearing that they're challenging yet all I could think about while playing either of those games is "When is this actually going to get hard then?"

> yet this website says the average
because average =/= fastest possible you dumbfuck

user was calling OP a liar because he beat it in that short amount of time and putting a shitty "average" time for people who beat it as proof, when in fact that doesn't prove shit.

Most people played furi when it was free on psn, that's why the difficult meme. It's quite average as long as good action games go, and it has no levels.
I still liked it alot, and Origins for me was defintely easier except the last guy on the tower, idk why.
I don't play games only for a challenge, but I see now your point.

>good camera

DMC is a great game but its Resident Evil fixcam has always been hot dogshit

What mode did you play Origin on? I'm not asking to be a faggot or anything if you did play it on normal or something, I'm just curious because I don't see any way for Origin to be easier than Furi.
I play all of my games on the highest available difficulty, so Origin had some moments that were definitely decently difficult.

Normal, the axe girl.
Most attacks were quite telegraphed, last boss kept using that ultra death laser on me because lol giant aoe.
The burst last phase was the hardest moment for me in furi, if you want to compare.
Nice Acerola.

Aren't Tohou games like 30 min long each?

Never played on normal so I actually cannot confirm or deny if it felt harder. I'll just take your word that it's easier on that mode though.


Ys games are only worth playing in Nightmare difficulty though (the part in Origin where you had to kill three scorpions as Hugo was some shit though).

I have played literally every Ys game on their respective hardest difficulties on my first try. I've actually never played a single one on any mode below nightmare to be honest.

Comparing normal to normal seems like a reasonable way to go though. How can you compare their difficulties at all if you haven't even played through the equivalent ones? Go compare Furier to Origin's nightmare.
It'll probably still be easier but at least you'll have tried to get a decently representative comparison.

Normal in Ys Origin is piss easy. I hardly ever died on normal while Nightmare had bosses that took me well over an hour to beat and way more time to master because of how much RNG is involved, sometimes bordering on bullshit.

>2 hours
post pic after you finish game

Agreed, except for first-timers in the serie though.
For felghana it's an absolute must.
And talking about "highest difficulty", I didn't felt a real difference between nightmare and inferno for felghana. That was a bit disappointing.

I really enjoyed Furi too, it might not be as difficult as ys but i found it entertaining in both normal and Furier mode.

Fuck salt and sanctuary though

>just spent 2 hours playing it to the end
>I still found the game piss easy.
No you didn't. Nice bait, though.

>he played a game he hated all the way to the end

Well there's not much I can do when the game locks that mode until I've beat the game.

>And talking about "highest difficulty", I didn't felt a real difference between nightmare and inferno for felghana. That was a bit disappointing.
I had the same experience. The game felt much harder on nightmare because I was still learning bosses attacks.

Wew lad, I put in such a little amount of time that I would have been eligible for a fucking steam refund if I had actually bought the thing.

>>Play the game normaly

>Well there's not much I can do when the game locks that mode until I've beat the game.
There is now though, if you actually did beat the game like you said.

It is unlocked now. As well as speedrun mode and what not.
I'm not going to play through again just yet though.