On Xbox live with a co-worker and some of his buddies

>on Xbox live with a co-worker and some of his buddies
>Coworker plays 3ds, went s to a Pokemon tournament, general game fan
>Talking with him about how Switch looks cool and I'm cautiously optimistic
>Other guy in party starts saying Nintendo is for fags and Xbox has the best games

Why does talking about the Switch or being excited about it trigger so many people. I see a lot of people on Sup Forums are the same way

the switch is gay asf bruh delete this thread lmao

People are right to be salty with Nintendo no matter how petty it may seem mostly because they burned their consumer base with the Wii U.

>because they burned their consumer base with the Wii U

This. People need to buy a console for their to be a consumer base.

Name 10 good non-1st-party games on the Wii U.

Hey, just name 10 good multiplatform games.

Thought so, drone.

because the Wii was wagglan, the Wii U was a mess and Nintendo are miles behind in the multiplayer game?

This guy wasn't a Wii U adopter though.

Lmao fucking faggot who the fuck buys a wiiu to play multiplatform games you fucking cuck

If the new Pokemon game will let me have Pokemon battles with my friends on my huge HD TV then that's already a buy for me

So it's a shit library, then?

>burned their consumer base with the Wii U.


I've had my WiiU since day 1. I preordered it with all the games at launch. I've used it every single day since I bought it.

It's the absolutely BEST Netflix/Youtube/browser for any other videos available on any device when I'm not playing games.

The people who want to play something other than Star Fox this year?

He said pokemon was for fags too

You realize every phone/tablet/pc/tv right now can do the same?

You forgot the Nintendo guy was the son of Bill Gates and the entire party chat started clapping

Well, you and the other guy sound like a couple of fags.

Sup Forums is literally salty

Have you told your parents yet...?

What are you up to for tonight?

I've noticed that most of the people I know have rather absurd views on Nintendo. One guy I know is deeply conflicted about Switch because he thinks Zelda looks great but "it won't have anything good on it besides smash bros." When one of my coworkers and I showed excitement for the new Zelda and how it may actually turn out good for once many of my other coworkers were asking if it finally had blood, gore, and dirty language.

?One of the only companies still focused on local multi

Then fuck it, I'm not playing pokemon since your friend thinks its for fags.

>phone/tablet/pc/tv right now can do the same?

No they can't! Can you plug your phone/tablet/pc into your tv and sit on the couch with a tablet controller to control it? NO

I have a Samsung 4K smart TV and while it has youtube and netflix, it doesn't have the tablet controller and it doesn't have a browser with a user agent switcher built right in.

Typical insecure Xfags tbqh

Because Nintendo should've given up on living roomn hardware a long time ago, but they just can't stop. Neither can they properly succeed. And they keep coming up with some gimmicky "revolutionary" bullshit that gets thrown into a volcano next gen.

If they kept making games for other platforms - no one would care. But as that big old toymaker of 20th century and designers of greatest consoles of 1st and 2nd gen they can't give up. At first it was charming, then sad, now it's annoying, as an old relative slowly loosing it's memory and cognitive functions that everyone has to deal with because he is still alive.

>XFAG calling others out for playing shitty games on shitty consoles
The XBox One would've fared far worse than the WiiU were it not for dudebro "gamers" playing multiplats which are in every way superior on PC and even Piss4. There is zero incentive buying an Xbox when the PS4 exists, it's literally a cheap chinese ripoff without any exclusives or capitalizing on superior hardware. The Xbone is nothing more than a Xbox 360 with marginally better hardware.

been that way for decades

>greatest consoles of 1st and 2nd gen

Looks like someone doesn't know what they're talking about. NES wasn't first gen.

>xbox has best games
Tell me more about this faggot

>what is color splash and tms

"Good" is entirely subjective but I'll name 10 third party games on the Wii U that are well received by either Sup Forums or mainstream press

>Mass Effect 3
>Devils Third
>Batman Arkham City
>Fatal Frame Wii U
>Bayonetta 2
>Lego City Undercover
>CoD Black Ops 2
>Rayman Origins
>Deus Ex HR
>monster hunter tri

SeeMy bad on tagging

Grown men with jobs don't play Nintendo baby systems unless they are giant faggots. Did it ever occur to you that people over 25 have no interest in rehashed kiddy shit?

It's strange how backwards our society's concept of "mature" media is. "Mature" means including things that do nothing more than itch our most primal urges.

Not to weeb out too hard but I feel the way Japan views it is more suiting - pieces of media involving gratuitous violence and swearing are targeted more for young teenagers.

Fucking weebshit console, buy Murrican brand consoles.