Why is there no game that we can experience the racism?
Why is there no game that we can experience the racism?
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Crack when?
Or is the game worth its price?
3 months or so
It's just the first game in a shiny new skin
Mafia 3: Kill Whitey edition. The game is absolute dogshite though.
Every game has sexism and racism and patriarchy in it. You always ezperience this :)) haha lol I am poor me
Because racism doesn't actually exist, you got memed
People just don't like assholes, which niggers happen to be
I'm sure it'll be happening soon. The SJWs are sperging out over Trump's win. There's really no telling what sort of shameless propaganda they're going to try and pull.
I only hate hate racial breeding with niggers,anything else I don't mind.
What the fuck is that circle implanted in the sidewalk?
It's for chaining your bike. How have you never seen one?
Not him, but not everyone lives in the city. Thank fucking christ.
i'm ok with this
i enjoyed the first one
Deus Ex MD
I've seen bike racks before, just none that looked like that.
Is it as buggy as the first one, though?
the first one had a more loveable protag thought
You really think he leaves the house?
>racism doesn't exist
>but nigger nigger nigger nigger
wtf I love Ruggarell now
maybe, kinda, not really. he was boring and joyless as fuck
This game is actually, a lot better than gta
Not as buggy, it's polished. But driving and gunplay is horseshit and the parkour is responsive but janky like in the AC games.
Definitely not worth $60. Maybe $30 at most.
The new protag isn't that much better but Aiden was one boring and cringey piece of shit. Tried way too hard to look and seem cool while Marcus is 9fag personified.
Have some screenshots you fucks.
More games need to implement SMAA natively. Shit works amazingly in WD2 and ARMA 3 especially.
>Because racism doesn't actually exist, you got memed
>People just don't like assholes, which niggers happen to be
lmao the delusion in this post is top tier.
It's meh, wait until a sale
he had motivation at least
i would like the ubi marketer to leave
Is this screenshot taken at 60 fps?
Now climb this tower!
>"gameplay" of every Ubi game in existence
>Game is set in the homosexual capital of the world
>Protag is wearing clothes that costs more than my car
>Protag is using a phone that's more expensive than my television
>Protag is somehow anti-establishment
>gotta hack the planet because muh dead niece
his motivation was forced and uninteresting
Not sure about racism but if you pick a woman in Mountain Butter Warband it takes more effort to rise to the top.
Yes, of course.
In an effort to innovate, they took out that entire gameplay mechanic. Now, you climb towers to grab the tshirts and paper bags full of money that people left at the top!
Also, to hack routers people leave in vents for some fucking reason. Also, no climbing towers, regular buildings only you fucks.
Now, have some nigger neighbourhoods. Look at all that oppression.
My friend and I used to play on Slavery RP GMod servers.
You could play as a slave, slave owner or bounty hunter that would track down run away slaves. We used to stage massive outbreaks as slaves and kill the slave masters until they got the whips out.
You should check it out, OP.
>Racism doesn't exist but boy do i hate every single black person for no reason! They have the same colour so they all must act and think the same.
>Homosexual capital of the world
>Can't date another man
How progressive.
Wait, I thought they demolished that double-decker highway in the early 90s.
Maybe they rebuilt it with the power of gays.
that really makes me reconsider my life
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Watch dogs 2 was downgraded. Not very much, but it was. I can tell just because in OP screenshot the white-circular thing on the ground casts a shadow but in game is like the only object that doesnt have a shadow and it drives me nuts
that's supposed to be the bay bridge i think, not embarcadero
The circular bike rack? Really? I never noticed. That would weird as fuck since objects smaller than them like potted plants and shit cast shadows just fine. Fucking Ubi man. Though not really a downgrade, just incompetence.
Yeah, that shit was torn down in 1991. I guess they kept it in this game because of its symbolism. The announcement of its construction was a major starting point of the freeway revolt in San Francisco, so of course an anti-establishment game would see it completed and still around in the future.
That's...actually a really nice touch, come to think of it.
This is Alcatraz, the famous site where a rogue general setup an FOB with his band of soldiers-turned-mercenaries with 3 canisters of VX poison gas, ready to be launched into the city.
>waah you hate them because of dark skin
>not because they have ridiculously high crime rates everywhere in the world
No, dude. That's literally racism. Not your own special snowflake strawman version of racism, but actual racism.
Of course not they don't. About 1% are okay.
>le race is only skin deep
Love this meme
That's funny because I would avoid a smelly raggedy gold chain wearing white male just as much as a black one
But I guess I'm racist of whites too. Oh wait you can't be racist of whites
Oh, you're right. Damn, thought Ubisoft was getting smart on us.
>I would avoid a smelly raggedy gold chain wearing white male just as much as a black one
So is the implication here that every single black person is a smelly raggedy gold chain wearer?
Not really helping your case here.
statistic cant be racist. If every fourth white person was a criminal I would avoid them too
it's too bad, that would've been cool subtle worldbuilding
Phew, that would be disastrous. Still though, I'm interested in this freeway revolt thing. Can anyone give me a short summary of what the fuck that is?
Fuck off, you idiot.
Yeah, it was one of the first things i noticed when i started playing. Maybe they'll patch it someday, i hope
>the joke
>your head
>If every fourth white person was a criminal I would avoid them too
We would be if we were profiled by the police more. :^)
With neighbors like Sup Forums, those kinds of comments could easily not be satire.
the car represents uh slavery and the grenade launcher represents the western civilization built entirely by slaves
I feel the same way, but add Abos.
Niggers and Abos genuinely provide not a single thing of value to the human gene pool at large.
Fuck, we could all be one interbreed race and it'd be fine but the problem is that there are so many god damn niggers to pollute it.
You have a shallow understanding of statistics if you think every black person you're going to meet on the streets is equally likely of being a criminal. By attributing this likelihood to race and not to environmental and social factors (which do, ironically, include racism) you are committing the mistake of conflating correlation and causation.
>everyone of a race is this
>Lol racism doesn't exist kek, although I made a completely generalizing statement like that
Off yourself, you unloved reject.
Morrowind. Everyone hates you there.
Is it racist if a black cop arrests a black person who was wrongfully accused of committing a crime done by another black person?
>that fucking beautiful, almost ray-trace tier shadow penumbra scaling from near-far shadow casters
Beautiful. I wish this tech was standard in every game ever. It's so fucking good. Thank you based Nvidia for pushing shit forward while AMD is scrambling just to keep up in performance.
It was a thing in the late 60s/early 70s (but in 1956 for San Francisco) were citizens of cities started getting mad and speaking out against freeways being built all over the place for no good reason, necessitating the demolishing and displacement of neighborhoods. The Embacadero was the most symbolic of the whole freeway culture: a massive double-decker freeway built along most of the historic San Francisco waterfront.
Some cities, like Houston, never experienced a freeway revolt because they actually had a plan for their freeway system and didn't go overboard with it.
not going to take any chances. All the smelly poo poo heads should be deported back to somalia
I dont understand how any american (I assume you are one) of all the people can defend them when they commit like 80% of all crimes
Exactly. The normal and scientific approach would be to draw conclusions from statistics, but Sup Forums just cherrypicks whatever they can to justify their worldviews and hatred.
*but started in 1956 for San Francisco
Seriously, it would have instantly set the tone of the game without needing to say anything if they just had the PC driving along a 21st Century Embacadero in one of the trailers.
just a general backlash against overdevelopment, in sf the embarcadero freeway galvanized a lot of local public opinion against it in the 50s. there were a lot of similar cases across the country in the 60s and 70s as well
Funny thing is, I'm not even using PCSS, just regular shadow set on Ultra, so I imagine it looks the same on AMD shit too.
Why was this a thing? Some massive reform plan for the US transport system/infrastructure?
Well, at least you've dropped the "I'm not racist, BUT..." shtick
>uses bullshit statistics to justify racism
>gets told why their statistics are out of context and misconstrued
Some people took it a little too far and started tearing up too much of the cities they were building them for. Nobody had a problem with the arteries connecting the cities; it was the ones built within the city limits that started to piss people off.
Thank god we get to build societies to live next to these fucking people.
I'd sure hate to be called racist for wishing them all killed.
Thanks for the reading material user, should keep me busy for the night.
for perspective, the freeway would've been literally overshadowing everything in the op screenshot if it still existed
who said Im not? That word doesnt offend me one bit. Im not a Sup Forums activist or anything, just a person who looks at things realistically. The prejudice is well justified.
It's not PCSS. It's HFTS. Check it out here:
Basically, the closest to true ray traced shadows gaming has seen yet. It doesn't look like you're using it in any other shot but that first one. You can see it on the left of the shot, where the far building shadows are super soft and scattered, while the nearby wall casts a sharp and hard shadow. It's an evolution of PCSS which much better results. Just compare it to Ultra:
Shit is fucking Pixar tier.
Why, indeed, good sir, I quite tip my fedora to you.
If you want a book written about a city that did it in a smart way, take a look here too.
It's pretty dry, but it's a well-researched book on city planning. Shit could practically be a primer even.
oh wow the OP picture is literally right on the Embacadero
I'm fucking retarded.
yes play the witcher series
did you think geralt was loved, protipp: you're wrong
>I'm gonna cherrypick some more so you won't think I'm stupid for hating people for their race
Mission failed, Jethro.
Thanks user, but I'm not really going to look into it like it's my job. Just reading about new things that I had no idea were even a thing, that's all.
Yeah, there are separate settings for both PCSS and HFTS in WD2 but I'm not using either of them. I was surprised too when it happened, but apparently only happens during the late evenings like you saw in that pic. Here's another instance it happens, around the same time too though there aren't any sharp shadows to compare it with. It really is fucking nice but the performance hit is way too much.
cool arguments brah. You sure convinced me
Fair enough.