Are you ready to hunt all the same old monsters, on the same old maps with the same old gear AGAIN?!

Are you ready to hunt all the same old monsters, on the same old maps with the same old gear AGAIN?!

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Capcom does it again. In other games it would be a small content patch, for Capcom it's reason to sell a new game.

>Skipped Generations
>Generations+ soon

Glad I waited.

*For Japan

No word on localization yet.

Yes, and they better add fucking Jumping Jewel 2s back.

I heard Basarios is coming back, is that true?

Shit mon shit armour shit weapons, yes

No shit just like every other monster hunter game

Balfark looks like he belongs in God Eater

>that showcase for the alchemy style

Here's what'll actually happen

>pull out barrel
>Monster averts its attention to and makes a beeline for you

>1 new reskin, 1 new hub, 1 new item.
>Game still full with animu tier crap.

Im glad im hacked my 3DS. Haven't payed for a MH game since Tri.

So what will these variants be called

>Dynamo Astalos
>Foxfire Mizutsune
>Frostbitten Gammoth
>Gee how come Capcom lets you get another variant Glavenus

>just started getting into MonHun
>currently working through both MH4U and Generations
>Generations is goddamn boring compared to 4U
>like 80% of Generations' quests are gathering quests

When will Capcom put Monster Hunter on a real system like the PS4? I'm sick of this series being insulted with underpowered hardware and a 240p screen.

Never, thanks to their japanese playerbase.

I seriously hope none of you is willing to buy this. With the switch coming out next year, MH5 will probably come out for it too

Nobody plays 4U anymore, it's dead as fuck.

Will it be coming out for a good platform this time?

More like never because Capcom doesn't want to invest money on new assets when they can just keep using old PSP assets in the new games

Except I have no trouble getting a full room in MH4U

Pretty soon. They're also making a Hollywood movie, that tells you much also that they're going back to consoles.

>They're also making a Hollywood movie
Which honestly shouldn't exist.

>2016 nearly ends
>Still no HD MH games

I have invested about 400+ hours on MH3U and 800+ hours on MH4U and I've gotta admit, I'm getting tired with the shitty graphics.

I can't get over how retarded that new flagship is. It's literally a fighter jet shooting missile barrages.

It does exist because they want to get the Western market.

And it's by the guy who did the resident evil movies so it's going to be dogshit

>Worried about sales
>Make hollywood movie.

NOBODY asked for this Capcom you fucking fucks.

Is Glavenus the new Rath


This better be on the switch.

>tfw not enough Rath variants in these games


>He cares about graphics

Don't worry f@m the Switch is 1080p, that's where you are gonna play your next MH game.

Glavenus is not nearly as annoying. He needs instant charges with retarded hitboxes and constant tail swipes to compete. The worst part about glavenus is trying to chase him around.

Yeah he should be grateful that Capcom even gives us these games on a 3 inch by 6 inch 240p screen

>he doesn't care about graphics

>another fucking Glav variant
>errybody else in the fantastic 4 gets a variant
but the new kitty moves look cool and it seems like there's a lot more arts that focus on buffing your team or helping them out in some way
hopefully they'll be more useful than the existing support arts

>back to consoles.

Yes the Switch.

I fucking wish. I'd kill for a MH game without a single rath in it.

>Graphics are a good excuse to not play a good game

The better graphics just make everything else that's weird and clunky stand out more. The weird animation, the sudden shifts between animations and the lack of reactions to most hits just look out of place and weird in a more high end look.

Switch version's gonna look like that, feels good.

Did you not read where he had over 1200 hours playing this goadawful series

This is why I don't get people recommending MHGen because it's newer. Like holy fucking shit just trying to go through all the village requests is a fucking hassle, and a high rank game doesn't have as long legs either.

Don't forget that MHO's sound design is somehow even worse.

So like Dark Souls?

I like Generations more than previous entries but fuck me for thinking that right?

Still looking forward to MH5 on the Switch

I fling my opinion at you. I'm an unbiased first timer in the serie playing MHFU as recommended.
What a very annoying game, in it's concept. There is no fun grinding to beat monsters to grind more to beat monsters and masturbate yourself and you should feel bad for enjoying it.
Before you tell me to get good let me say i am good and i have encountered no difficulty just tedium.
Good away with your shit game.

>What a very annoying game, in it's concept. There is no fun grinding to beat monsters to grind more to beat monsters and masturbate yourself and you should feel bad for enjoying it.


Generations is okay but something feels missing. Now I just go back to it for that months dlc and maybe knocking out deviant shit with shitters.

Lol dumbass play an active one one not a dead one.

>masturbate yourself
>not enjoying it

>MH2 jungle

>put 400h+ into MH4U before getting bored of it
>staggering amount of replayability
>countless different kinds of armour combinations

>MHG comes out
>no G rank
>no GQ's
>no artefacts
>weapon styles are fun & interesting though
>because there's no G rank the armour and skills are incredibly limited
>almost nothing has jewel slots
>can only have a very small amount of armour variations
>deviants encourage you to wear full sets
>can hardly mix and match anything
>at most can only have 3 active skills at once
>stopped playing at around 100h, maybe less

I might play XX because the rocket dragon looks dope but ehh, not got my hopes up.

What is Switch?

Oh ok, I'll make sure to play it one a 2 inch screen anymore so I can be even more immersed.

>Pick up Generations
>Literally no point in picking anything other than Striker Lance

wew, fun game. Soloing shit has never been easier.

Pretty sure 3U is still my favorite one.

>Striker Lance
>Not Bushido Light bowgun

Is like you didn't like fun.

They are really starting to push their luck with this shit.

>Not thinking fastest clear times are fun

I'm glad Japan always eats this shit up. I don't want Capcom to go away because their other series are good.

>bushido evade a monster for a free reload that powers up the shots
>Full House so you can load everything and cycle through every shot

Using the pierce nakarkos bowgun, whatever it's called was the most fun I ever had in all the monster hunter games. It'll be a real shame if arts and styles get removed for MH5

Now this is rehashing.

Welcome to getting the non-U games in the west. Guess what, regular 4 had no G rank either, and much less content.

Tri was pretty innovative but now they're reaching
I'm pretty sure X and XX are a sign that the series has jumped the shark.
The only options left are Dragonball transformations or outer space.

>There are shitters who pick Striker Lance and just spam the charge while forgetting about everything else completely

It's not far off from IG users in 4U spamming the least useful part of the weapon and getting themselves killed by it

They've been doing this since the first entry in the series. It's not going to stop for as long as Japan continues to support the series.


I'm not seeing how a lack of gem slots has to do with G-Rank. A good number of sets in both 3U/4U high rank had decent sets of skills as-is and a good amount of slots to go with them.

MH4 also had Honed Blade/Razor Sharp/Weakness Exploit possible at its endgame.

That choir is fucking awful

I wasn't talking about gem slots and skills in 4U though, I was talking about Generations

The HR sets in MHG have very low amount of skill levels and gem slots which means the amount of combinations of armour you can make to get good skills is a lot lower than 4U.

Take a standard end game 4U set, it has like what? an average of 5 amazing skills?

You're lucky to have 3 skills in an end game MHG excluding deviant sets.

The PSP games where good as fuck, glad I can play them on muh AMO LED Master Race

Monster Hunter is the Japanese equivalent of COD for the west.

I'm not kidding. Each new game gets another story, a few additions, balance tweaking and what have you, but the overall game remains the same, in the same way COD games do too. You may have one that has a huge leap in gameplay (4U, MHX) but others that don't really do much (MHXX)

>Melee cat

Wasn't this game going to be the only weird one without G rank? WTF happened?

>Mizutsune is now threathening

You were warned from April that this was coming.

>endgame is going to be g rank dreadking, g rank hellblade, and g rank murder blos

I have to pass on this one

I'll buy it.
Brave Style SnS looks fun.

>Bombing style is actually alchemist style
It's shit isnt it?

What's Brave style? Please tell me it's interesting instead of a casual's crutch like the rest.

Do I look like Google to you, faggot?

>wahhh everything is a crutch
stop playing mh fubabby

I've helped people with MH related matters since 2007 and this is my thanks?

Looks like it'll be a pirate instead of a buy then. Sad to see the last franchise with dignity fall prey to the casuals.

It's a style for people who like to """support"""
look forward to a bunch of cucks running Hunting horn, wide range, and alchemy style thinking they're helping more than hitting the fucking monster

Are you for real my man? MH is literally a meme series in japan.

>I've helped people with MH related matters since 2007 and this is my thanks?
This is bait right? There's no way you think you're actually important or that's an impressive feat

So brave style is just Adept 2.0?

The only thing that will redeem this shitfest of a game is if Brave style buffs the shit out of SA Axe mode. Otherwise I'll keep with 4U, because I'd rather have a shit weapon that's fun to use than a strong weapon that is boring to use.

I couldn't even finish gen, stopped when I hit HR and I have 300 hours in 4u.

So fucking sick of handheld MH, they need to do what they did with mh3u

>go to try and get some fulgurbugs off of zinogre's back with net and announce it in chat
>some fag launches me in the air with his axe whenever zinogre gets toppled

>rocket dragon still looks retarded
>prowler mode will still be a joke
>alchemy style takes more time to pull off than the effects are worth
>gammoth and glavenus get frontier brand half-area sized AOE attacks
>astalos gets frontier brand vortex setup
>literally just an updated Hardcore Diablos
>it's okay though because we now have a style more broken than adept to take care of it
>endgame will be more tiresome than X and more cancerous than 4U
at least Mizutsune actually looks like a fun fight now
I'm actually really disappointed that I feel like I won't be missing anything if I skip this game. I really wanted to like X

I'll just import my save and start on G rank

>and announce it in chat
You fucked up

>implying rajang

Generations was a mistake.

Basically. It takes a bunch of good qualities from other weapons and packs them into every weapon
demon gauge that alters your moveset, quicksteps, innate focus, counters. the works
It seems like their logic is that if you can justify making monsters into total bullshit as long as you let hunters be overpowered. And that's exactly how Frontier turned into the clusterfuck it is today
Not a direction i like, but it's a PvE game so whatever.

>missing a chance to hit a critical weakpoint
>for shitty bugs

I'd launch you too faggot

>prowler mode will still be a joke
>prowler mode
>a joke

It's better DPS than at least half of the other weapons, though. Gets consistent mid tier on the relevant endgame speedruns.

I don't mind the rehashing of old stuff.
What I hate is the introduction of styles, it feels like rather than making the monsters balanced around the weapons and nudging you to swap to an alt play style that you dedicate time to learning you just swap to a different style which the designer wanted you to fight that monster in and face roll through content.

tldr game balance was thrown out the window and fights unsatisfying

also, deviants were a mistake they should be considered subspecies and not make you fight bullshit challenges. Some of those final fights are unreasonable to expect somone to solo