/dev/ general

Discuss making video games.

What parts about it do you like the least?
I pesonally have no fun whatsoever drawing things and I'm also not talented there. Programming can be fun though.

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> pencil + mouse + html = game
> this is was first year webdev students actually believe

>first year webdev

People need more than a year to learn web development?

Well if all you're aiming for seems to be a shoddy mario clone I guess that might not be too far off

i really recommend reading this.
it's about a dev and how the development of their first game has changed his life.

It's not 1998 anymore user

Can I have tl;dr?

Guy looks like a cool dude and the game looks interesting.

What went wrong?

>calling it a general


Now enjoy getting spammed to death by people telling you to go back to /vg/

If I want to make a game like Stardew Valley what language is the best for something of that nature, rpgs etc, C#?

We had 3 terms of it
> first term was html/css/xhtml/js/DOM/xml/
> 2nd term php/mysql/xsd/xstl/jquery/bootstrap
> 3rd was ruby/fullstack

>spend 5 years making game with two friends
>decide against kickstarter or any other form of crowdfunding to stay independent
>game is released and completely overlooked by everyone despite it being actually good with nice gameplay and graphics
>barely make any money back
>only thing he got are bad health conditions

they should have went with a kickstarter campaign and send out review copies to youtubers like superbunnyhop and totalbiscuit imo

it's really a shame because the is really good. you often see webms of it posted and reviews on steam are good as well. but noone seems to buy it.



>3 years to learn that

wow you must enjoy wasting your money

>flat design
into recycle bin it goes

Why not make a kickstarter after all and do some final tweaking before sending it out a second time

Nothing to lose right

the game seems to do well though
many positive reviews
maybe in the long run they'll get it back

i really hope so. those guys deserve it.
morale of the story for any dev is that even you spend years working, pouring your heart and soul into a project, get positive reviews and up with a well made product, you can still fail financially.

forgot a few words here and there. oh well, time for another coffee i guess

Some sad stuff, user.

Unfortunately, it just makes me wonder if I should just stick to shit like Unity so I can pop out games in months instead of years

Show of hands, does anyone actually script in Unity using Javascript?

Why would anyone do that when you can use an objectively superior language

Unfortunately your friends did not seem to understand the market or business in general. Making a good game is not enough, you need to devote a large portion of your budget to marketing or as you found out, nobody will know about it. They seem to have completely misunderstood the point of Kickstarter, which is to generate hype and build up an audience in anticipation of your product so that when it launches you already have a guaranteed player base who can help spread the word.