Games Sup Forums told you were shit that turned out pretty good

Games Sup Forums told you were shit that turned out pretty good.

Nothing, but Witcher 3 is something that I didn't get 30 minutes into.

Who decided to make two different swords for different types of creatures? That ruined the game for me right off the bat.

Does it still run like a piece of unoptimized shit?

No, they improved it quite a lot, also a patch is coming in Q1 2017 that'll bring all the improvements they made to have the game run on consoles onto PC, so it'll probably run even better then.

I think the main problem with Vermintide is that there isn't really much to do once you beat each quest once. You can grind for items that you don't need or a very limited variety of cosmetic gear. You can try to master all the characters, but only one or two ever appeal to me enough to master them.

There's no option for players to organize in guilds and try to get better scores in certain quest chains than other guilds or anything competitive like that. Once you beat the game, it just kind of sits there in your Steam library unless a major content update happens a year later.

For $12, Vermintide's pretty good.

True, though going on harder difficulties gives you better loot and a challange, so even so I still put 100h into it.

For its current price thats a great deal. It should have a lot more content to be an actually good game.

Let me clarify that I think it's definitely worth the price. It's just that the game usually receives a big spike in players after a sale but quickly dies down again pretty quickly. While I really enjoyed the game and would definitely recommend it, I'm pretty bummed out by how quickly I lost interest.

Killing Floor 2 is not as bad as Sup Forums claims.

t. 400+ hours in KF1


Really enjoyed it

Literally every game ever that Sup Forums said was bad.

KF2 went from alright to awful to alright to fucking shit to pretty good in the course of its early access. I'd recommend it nowadays, it's really fun.


Once you've played all the maps once or twice then you just have to grind to get better items to play on harder difficulty and repeat

I really liked the game for like a week, now I'm sick of it


Having microtransactions in an early access game is pretty shitty, though.

Well thats up to each person, I played it on release with friends, we gone through all the maps and some higher difficulties in a month and put it away, then i got it again like a year later and still put that 100h in with randoms.

KF2 isn't bad, its Tripwire that are pieces of shit and severely hindered what the game could have been, they deserved all those refunds and more until they get rid of the CSGO crate cancer at the very least.

I'm having quite a bit of fun with Vermintide right now. Only 8 hrs in desu.
Just have to beat the White Rat on normal rn. Not nearly enough people playing. I also need to beat a mission with Dwarf, Waywatcher, and the Sergeant dude. I forgot his rank.

I think I enjoy the Bright Wizard the most so far though. I love all of the weapon options.

Took them a fucking year but they actually fixed the game.
Really good these days

I really don't care about microtransactions as long as the items are exclusively cosmetic.
But I have to admit that there are some serious flaws such as lack of weapon variety and the 9 mm pistol being useless at any difficulty besides solo on normal.
Oh and that tumblrina.

Dead game
t. ausfag

Almost everything that isn't shitty fucking CS:GO or whatever is dead here in Aus m8. Absolute tragedy.

9mm is great when dual wielded as gunslinger.

After beating the White Rat I was half expecting the game to go to another hub but it just ends very anticlimactically. The core gameplay feels like it lacks any strategic depth to it. Killing rats feels more like flailing around most of the time than playing the game with any meaningful skill.

The simple act of killing the rats over and over lacks impact too since there isn't much of a damage model to them. Sometimes it's fun to just play L4D or KF to just watch the zeds come apart in many different way.

The leveling also feels like you're not really getting anything better for your efforts. Only a weapon once in a while that might have marginally better stats.

There's just something about that game that gets old really fast.

Silver is not as stable as iron, yet has always had reputed supernatural properties, even in our own mythology.

As for who decided that there had to be two swords, that would be the author of the books the games is made after.

>Killing Floor 2 is not as bad as Sup Forums claims.
Out of curiosity, what exactly IS as bad as Sup Forums claims?

Even absolute catastrophes are not as bad as Sup Forums claims, which would be some tale of infanticide and crimes against humanity.

So called Sup Forums shit on any game possible, so yea that happens a lot.
New Doom was so great but Sup Forums still bitch about it.

This was a community that evolved to be the polar opposite of the corporate/publisher hype machine that we see in video games. The moment Sup Forums starts being "fair" is the moment it stops being a "villainous" counterbalance to false expectations and marketing hype.

Honestly, I was pretty shocked that the much of the online community seemed to hate No Man's Sky as much as Sup Forums did (a few hundred screenshots of delusional reviews doesn't drown out the tens of thousands of angry customers). That's a pretty rare moment where the hatred lines up slightly.

Are you baiting?
Vermintide melee has a pretty high skillcap and requires gitting good on harder difficulties.
The enemies respond very differently depending on where and with what you strike.
Leveling is meaningless, its just to show your playtime.

Your uneducated opinions sound like someone who played it for 5 hours.

>Vermintide melee has a pretty high skillcap and requires gitting good on harder difficulties.
I figured it might but I guess I didn't make it that far yet.
>Your uneducated opinions sound like someone who played it for 5 hours.
You got me there. 8 hours to be exact.

Well you do get like extra... trinket slots if you level? Like 15 and 25 respectively a new slot opens up, but yeah you're right. I noticed that Stormvermin will fuck you on normal if you ain't decent at melee. Or targeting. Or target priority, it seems.

Nu-Doom's marketing campaign was so bad it's no wonder everyone was saying it was going to be trash.

>tfw in a few months everyone will flip flop and say it was shit just like with Wolfenstein

I never hear anybody calling Wolfenstein shit though.

I played Wolfenstein TNO for the first time this year and loved it.

The only reason no one talks about it anymore is because it's a linear game with no multiplayer. No matter how good a game is, the discussion over a game like that tends to die down after a few months.

It was shit for the price at the time, not shit in general. Got a bit too repetitive for me and it sucked balls in some of the dimmer lighted areas, but otherwise it was a fine game

It really fucking good, but shame it lacks of map editor or custom maps

were all playing overwatch.

With that you mean some comments on Sup Forums, who desperately need to shit on games? Because the game is liked pretty much everywhere you go

dec 15 actually

last time I checked quests and contracts was for next year?

Q&C has been released like months ago.
december 15th is the new DLC and massive weapon rebalance

That makes sense in game and was 100% in the books. Steel is for humans and beasts while silver is for everything supernatural, pretty simple and the game even draws what sword you need for you if you have the setting enabled, on top of that you never get into any fights where you have to change swords part way through.

Actually there were some encounters like I'm fairly sure there was a werewolf that had some normie wolves around

it was p nice but the grind was real.

You should drop by now, they literally throw exotics from doors and windows at you, and there's a bunch of different ways to get stuff you want. Loot grind has been basically nerfed to nonexistance nowadays.
Only thing that takes time is getting the collectible items (hats and useless red weapons).

Well when you consider it's a left4dead clone it has more to do than left4dead

L4D maps are far longer (A vermintide map is maybe half the size of a campaign) and considerably more randomized, it also has a LOT more gametype options including versus.

>all these lvl 20-30 who join nightmare games and can't even handle a stormvermin 1v1

My kick button is all worn out.

How the hell do you forget to mention mods? Its literally the only real thing L4D has over Vermintide.
The vanilla campaigns are short and Vermintide has much more gameplay in that aspect.
Versus and especially Realism mode I'll give to you, although I dont personally like Versus.

>cant solo the map
Get the fuck out pleb, if you cant carry a couple of shitters then you're the problem.

Last time I tried to play I waited in queue for 20 minutes, found no games and quit

Holy Sigmar! Bless this ravaged body!


>Sup Forums unironicly called this a bad game L you fucking idiot, it opens the lobby menu. Or alternatively host.
The ingame matchmaking is bloody broken, dunno why it even exists.

Orthodox are the madmen of Christianity.

I tried hosting last time as well. No one on.

Fatshark wasted an entire year to port this to console when they could have been working on improving the game and releasing more content instead.

Man, I wish more people played this.

I bought this ages ago and only played 5 or so hours, whats the basics for getting good

Where do you live? In yurop I have games regardless of when I play and when I host Nightmare/Cata the lobbies fill up quite quickly. Especially now when people play mostly the same maps due to Contracts.

Block and side/backstep damage, sticking to your teammates and killing specials. If you get hit it means you fucked up. Also never trust anyone to hold your back you will only get disappointed.

I miss the generals

Rats will always try to backstab you, so constant spacial awareness keeps you healthy.
When in doubt, push. It staggers in a 360 area and hits infinite targets. Literally the most useful thing you can do to control the rats.
Using the dash dodge thingy in melee lets you avoid damage as well, but can require a bit of practice to master.

Because even in basic content, L4D has more.
The loot system started out as a carrot on a stick and is now an irrelevant relic basically because you literally just spend "money" until you have the weapon you want. Not to mention just have many weapons are entirely worthless.


Eh, you're probably right. I personally got tired of L4D in about 50 hours, but have been playing Vermintide for 200 so far. I might be insane tho

Kek I literally visited Prague 4 months ago.

>DLC hits the 15th

Think we could try to revive it when the DLC drops? The game has seen a bit of a revival in player amounts lately

I wish you were ale!

all of them

Sup Forums has never not told me a game was shit

Vermintide is friendlier to pugging than L4D.
Playing L4D with randoms is more pain than pleasure, but the mechanics of Vermintide let you be able to carry noobs and they can't do so many stupid things as you can in L4d (hitting alarms, starting events early etc)

L4D was the better game to play with my friends, while Vermintide let me play with randoms more, in the end I have 150-200 hours in both and would love more "l4d clones".


Might be worth trying to make a thread when it comes out

This month? I played i bit at release but then dropped because dice fucked me over every time, it was such grind to get good stuff.

I don't. It made L4D worse.

Yeah, and as far as loot is concerned you might be interested in that they've added a lot of ways to get stuff now, and its easier than ever to get the best gear after they rewamped the loot tables to be much better.

>would love more "l4d clones"
Are you excited for Deathwing then ?

>The End Times
Into the trash it goes

>every survival game is a left for dead clone

Deathwing is not L4D in the slightest mate. And also its a garbage co-op game

Regards preordered and waiting for it

It takes place when Skaven zerg the surface, there is no definite end in the game and is sure as hell doesn't feature the horrible shit fest that is age of Sigmar and everything that is introduced in that.

LFD modding community saved the games and extended its life.
Vermintide stopped being fun way quicker as a result. I lost ALL my friends who were playing this for that exact reason. So just like user earlier said, all i do now is Randoms.

When Deathwing hits tomorrow, im not sure if ill come back to Vermintide. Ill have friends playing Deathwing and if it comes down to severely limited maps/story...ill do Deathwing over it.

Kind of, I'm a bit disheartened after learning that its an SP focused game, despite SP being a series of maps from the multiplayer.

I'll still check it out but theres no chance to get my friends to buy it, and if it gets no multiplayer love from the devs it might not be worth buying to play with randoms either especially if I can play it pirated with my friends

This. I played a handful of maps and found it incredibly slow-moving and unfun. Immediately I found myself asking what the point of the game was with no worthwhile RPG progression and boring-as-fuck combat.

The point is to go above Easy difficulty.

This game needs only one thing, better atmosphere and more focus on players moving forward.

I want to see a few NPC soldiers and civilians for immersion sake and some background fighting to reduce how 'gamey' it feels at the moment.

You move from one fighting arena to the next and the strategies in each dont change, I hate to say it but Left 4 Dead did a much better job of combining king of the hill type defence sequences around a obstacle with frantic dashes to the next checkpoint to make the game have a sense of urgency.

give me a reason to go back to this game, when i stopped literally every game was the black powder mission so people could glitch the main fight and get loot faster

>garbage co-op game

Care to elaborate for us?

I don't think that improves the slow/boring combat.

Deathwing was delayed to the 14th.


solid game somewhat ruined by mental player base that just to rush shit. unless you care about higher difficulties and higher quality gear you ca basically finish everything it has to offer in couple of hours. dlc missions are straight up better, though.

Combat is perfectly alright, easy to learn and hard to master, you just never gave it a chance.

Plus how is it slow? What the fuck are you comparing it to trackmania?

Its just slapped on top of the campaign, but removed many mechanics like dialogue, secrets, cutscenes, hacking and so on.
The co-op has no progression (which I personally dont mind), you start each mission at level 0.

I mean its an okay extra to play once or twice, but its not nearly L4D/Vermintide/KF/Payday which are focused on delivering lasting appeal.

Meh, randoms will at least be doing different maps now for the daily loot quests. However balance is still all over the place.
Remember when bright wizard had the Rape beam staff? They just nerfed it but didnt do much then the Trueflight bow and Bolt staff have become the go to EZ mode. Now in the DLC they are going to nerf both of those, so the next cheese may be single hand swords it seems.
Its just a cycle of whats the new flavor on the same old maps i have played way too many times.

This game desperately needs mod support, if even for just more map variety. It will never happen though. Let it die off.

>t. numale who probably just smashed left mouse button while playing on easy

some people experience vermintide as a melee character standing completely surrounded by all sides auto attacking until their team saves them, they repeat this until they die and quit

myself included

most custom mission maps in l4d is very good

I think they don't really want to do a one-off story mode. They've injected a lot personality and shit depending on your group composition, but it's no substitute for proper campaign.