Why is tobjorn so fucking trashy?

I could go on a 500 word rant on why trashborn sucks dick, but every single thing I mention pales in comparison to the fucktards who use him.

Take this game for example. We were on Hanamura defending and this redneck trash chose tolbetrash. I told him to switch to something usable like Reinhardt, and he told me to fuck off. The game starts and he has that fucking deadlock trash skin. My bet is that he had to sell his fucking house to buy that shitty skin. So we get to the area in between point A and the spawn, and that dumbfuck rushes up to their spawn and puts a fucking turret there and starts teabagging. I tell him to move the fucking turret, and he goes up to me and starts teabagging again. What a faggot. So the match starts and he was camping right in front of his turret, and he gets BTFO by a reaper. He starts complaining and I tell him to shut the fuck up and switch to reinhardt. He calls me a "salty Hanzo main". I am not a salty Hanzo main, you dumbfuck I just think that you are inbred trash that needs to be sterilized right fucking now, but I didn't tell him because I have class. So they fucking wreck us at point A and I had to ult to just contest it. He builds a turret right in the middle of the point and he gets killed and his turret dies. That inbred fucker didn't complain this time, so I guess he learned his lesson. I am trying to kill the d.VA but this tracer keeps shooting at me and I tell the trashbjorn to get the tracer off my dick. Now this shit is really gonna suprise you. He literally told me "why would you want a tracer off your dick and how did you get it there?". i start fucking laughing at this point. I tell him to walk up to that tracer and kiss her. Do you know what that fucker did? He kept chasing the tracer around the map and typing "come here love". It was so sad to see them capture the point in 1 minute because THAT TRASHBITCH SUCKED DICK but it had to happen, and I literally left at this point. I couldn't take it.


He's right though, you should kill yourself

>394 words
You were so close to something halfway clever.

I swear I hate this trashy fuck with my entire soul

"We need a Reinhardt. But I'm not going to switch to Reinhardt because I'm playing Hanzo."
"We lost and it's everyone's fault but me"
Sounds about right.



We would never have lost if it wasn't for that shitty fucker.

kys yourself honestly snepai

OP, what's your SR?

>taking babby's first """competitive""" game this seriously

>go torb attack
>team bitches
>team is basically running into the enemy wall without accomplishing anything, somehow end up with 4 gold having 2 elims
I'll never understand this. If your attack torb beats you in cap time you've done something wrong.

You are far more trash than him.

>I'm low silver but I'd be higher if it wasn't for my teammates

>Why is tobjorn so fucking trashy

Because he's swedish.

just remember, if the only reason you're low SR is because of shit teammates, either queue up with a pizza party of friendly redditors or git fucking good

I have been riding bikes for a long time and I'm not a violent guy but I got in my first real knock down drag out fight with a cager.

Yesterday, I took my Aprilia to run a few errands, but it was a big mistake. On the Sam Rayburn Tollway heading east in stop and go traffic. There were 3 lanes and I was in the far left lane on the left side of the lane. I sort of think the driver in front of me can see me better and if something happens I have an out by riding onto the shoulder of the road.

Well it was stop and go traffic (really more stop than go) when this guy in a big ass 1990's Lincoln towncar just starts to merge into my lane. I honk my (whimpy) horn and this guy looks right at me and then looks straight ahead like I'm not there and he continues to merge me out of my lane at like 10 mph. I look to the left and there's all this crap on the shoulder from a previous car crash and that leaves me little or no room to get out of this guys way. Finally he's like 2 ft from me and my beloved Ape so I kicked out with my right foot and dented his door.

This guy went ballistic, if it weren't for the car in front of me he would of run me over. Finally I get a little room on the shoulder and I pull over jump off my bike, get my helmet off. I'm wearing Alpinestars leather with chest, elbow and back protectors, I have on gauntlet gloves and I am going to plant one on the side of this guy head. Sure enough he puts the Lincoln in park and gets out. Man I'm soooo pissed that I'm ready for just about any thing except this (and this is where it gets weird).

The guy gets out of the car and he's a dwarf, I mean like 4ft tall with heels on. I think it over and I back away from the edge. I can't beat on this guy no matter how big of an ass he was. So he looks at his door which has a small dent and a fairly good scratch on it and he walks over to me and shouts up at me "I'M NOT HAPPY" so I looked at him and said " THEN which ONE are you?" and that's how the fight started.

I think Torb needs a slight buff somehow, not sure in what department, but something is in order.

His gun is fucking rad as shit though.

He needs a lost Vikings Skin so badly

got 60 hrs on trashbjorn and playing only him this season currently 3200 i love it when u little bitches cry in voice/text chat and ask enemy team to report me esp when im the guy with 4 gold medals

buffs needed

1. lvl 1 turrets should upgrade to lvl 3 when ulted
2. lvl 1 turret should build up instantly
3. increase range and dmg on turret
4. fix the fucking bug when you cant shoot during molten core sometimes, i know 3 other guys who main torb and they all experience it. so many wasted ults / eliminations on enemies cuz of this shitty bug

I think his hammer should do more melee damage too, but that's just me. I fucking love his visual design so much because Dorfs are fucking awesome and mechanic Dorfs are even better.

Sound like you ended up being the one who got buttpained by all that.

Haha, very funny, sir.

Upvoted, my friend.

Git gud
torbjorn is the best character in game

I could go on a 500 word rant on why Trasher sucks dick, but every single thing I mention pales in comparison to the fucktards who use her

Take this game for example. We were on Hanamura defending and this redneck trash chose Tracertrash. I told her to switch to something usable like Reinhardt, and she told me to fuck off. The game starts and she has that fucking punk trash skin. My bet is that she had to sell her fucking house to buy that shitty skin. So we get to the area in between point A and the spawn, and that dumbfuck rushes up to their spawn, blinks around a few times and starts teabagging. I tell her to move back to point A, and she goes up to me and starts teabagging again. What a whore. So the match starts and she was camping right in front of their spawn, and she gets BTFO by a reaper. She starts complaining and I tell her to shut the fuck up and switch to reinhardt. She calls me a "salty Hanzo main". I am not a salty Hanzo main, you dumbfuck I just think that you are inbred trash that needs to be sterilized right fucking now, but I didn't tell her because I have class. So they fucking wreck us at point A and I had to ult to just contest it. She blinks around right in the middle of the point and she gets killed before using recall. That inbred fucker didn't complain this time, so I guess she learned her lesson. I am trying to kill the d.VA but this torb keeps shooting at me and I tell the Tracertrash to get the Torb off my dick. Now this shit is really gonna suprise you. She literally told me "why would you want a Torb off your dick and how did you get it there?". i start fucking laughing at this point. I tell him to walk up to that Torb and kiss him. Do you know what that fucker did? She kept chasing the Torb around the map and typing "working as intended". It was so sad to see them capture the point in 1 minute because THAT TRASHBITCH SUCKED DICK but it had to happen, and I literally left at this point. I couldn't take it.

Does Torb have any merit on attack maps or is he truly a defense guy only?

I wish there was a way for him to deal out some heals somehow. More than just the armor

ITT: gold players

Stay cuck and unable to organize retards.

>Defending that japanese level
>fail as D.Va for point A
>Go Tjorbjeun for point B
>Deploy Engineer tactics
>Get play of the game
>It's just me hitting the turret with my wrench while I get kill after kill

>because I have class
u have hanzo

he's great on both sides of payload escort, king of the hill and in defending side of capture the point. Wouldn't pick him on capture the point attack though

I want to practice more as the dorf. Though I'm a fucking scrub new player, I've been playing a lot of Reinhardt as of late and I feel really comfortable with him

How do you even play Torb on Attack?



what a shit meme

you're a shit meme my man

Sounds like a salty hanzo main to me
Why didnt you switch to Reinhardt

spotted the sit-behind-turret babby

the changes to his armor pack generation made him more passive and made it less viable to do a looting run for armor packs, after 8 deaths you get like 120 armor instead of the usual 200 and then there's another 80 seconds of regening armor or something to get to the same 200.

In higher rated matches he suffers the same problem the engineer in tf2 kind of had a problem with: it takes a stupid long time to set up that turret in a decent spot only for it to get shitblasted by a pharah/junk in 2 seconds . You can't repair it either because the splash just goes around/through the turret and will kill you.

>complain about tobjorn
>main Hanzo

What the flying fuck, autism battle in one team

Hanzo is good you dipshit

No. We were actually doing very well until that inbred uneducated noob decided to build a fucking turret in front of their spawn. EVERYBODY else was doing absolutely fine.

Where did i said he's bad as character? Just most Hanzo mains players are from era when hanzo could score a hit just by shooting near enemy, also

> team need tank
>asking everyone to switch to tank
> he wont switch himself because he mains hanzo :^)
>complain about loosing

When i play quickplay i dont care but in competetive i pick healer/tank 90% of the times instead of geting favorite characters because most people cant be bothered to be anything more than dps. And if i wont pick tank/healer there goes the eternal toxic rage bantz from autist who expect others to change pick.

I guess that makes sense. Trashits can trash around all they want.

>hanamura defense
>place torbjorn turret behind door opposite the grapple window
>marvel at your 10+ kills because somehow, no one is playing Reinhardt or if they are, they will not spin to arc-fire at the turret to save their teammates from feeding

I will never understand how bad people are at this game. Playing Torbjorn is a mercy I am extending to them.

torb's good. you just have to know how to use him

you go past the objective and try to stop the enemy defender respawns from getting back to contest it. But MonkeyTroubles is better at that strategy, you do it with Torbjorn because it's a very unusual way to play.

Forgot to add
>be me
>play Reinhardt because epic counter to enemy team
>tell my teammates 3x times to jsut stay behind my fucking shield and watchout for reaper or shield breaking
>they keep runing in front of shield, geting killed by heavy fire meant to crash my shield. >Instead, they score 5 kills on fucking retards, leaving me alone
> game lost so fast that i didnt even look at timer
>when hanzo present, there's 70% chance that he'll play him as frontier dps like in day one launch

Really, what is fucking wrong with people. Did big blue box with 2k damage soak is too hard to grasp as a shield that allows you to return fire without being hit?

im not even playing overwatch anymore but even i know this isnt how it works... If your team comp is shit, everyone in your team will be having bad time, gold at 2 elims means absolutely nothing, considering "elims" in this game are assists, damage is meaningless without kills because of healers, and getting obj. time can be done by simply solo rushing and suiciding on it.

also its been how many months since release? and they still havent done a proper scoreboard with KDA?

this kills the toblerone haters.

>If your team comp is shit, everyone in your team will be having bad time
Team comp doesn't fall apart at one mispick.

>gold at 2 elims means absolutely nothing, considering "elims" in this game are assists
It means everyone is doing shit fuck all

>damage is meaningless without kills because of healers
The only argument made against this is that reinhard's shield counts for the full amount of damage dealt and it's mildly easy to do as a torb with right clicks.

>and getting obj. time can be done by simply solo rushing and suiciding on it.
and I'm sure you can easily earn gold in the other ones if you are constantly dead by suiciding the point

>Team comp doesn't fall apart at one mispick.
if your team needs a reinhardt and you instead get a torb, everyone, even you, will be performing way worse than they could. There is no way around this, its very straightforward

>People responding to obvious bait (probably a copypasta too)