Console gamer

Console gamer.

>I don't mind my game running at sub optimal performance and graphical quality as long as i get to belong to a special club of only people who can play it.

PC gamer/Idort

>I like my games to run and look their best and i want as many people possible to play them.

That's not remotely true. I'm a PC gamer and I don't want the games to look the best they can, I just want them to not look like shit.

fuck australia why does that hellhole even exist

>look their best
This seperates the idort and pc gamer.

>Console Moron
>Accepts an objectively inferior experience and defends it for any valuable reason

>PC Twat
>Brags on the fact he plays on a PC and expects others to follow that because he says so

>Normal gamer
>He plays videogames and enjoys them regardless of plaform

Doesnt 30 fps on console look like 60 fps on PC?
t.never owned console

>i like my games to run and look thier best
>Error: this application has unexpectedly closed.
Also bloodborne never ever lmao

>Error: this application has unexpectedly closed.

Blood borne froze my ps4 a few times whats your point?

You saying an application closing is worse than having to manually restart the entire system.

Probably the dumbest post I've read all week.

You must not have a single clue what FPS is, do you?

Console gamers just get used to it and honestly they're shooting themselves in the foot

(You)'re proving OP's point, well done.

>can't even spell 'video games'

Fuck exclusives. Dumb anti-consumer shit.

>Non-fanboy console gamer
>Plays on his console of choice because he likes the exclusives on that console the most

>Non-fanboy, non-graphics whore PC gamer
Plays on PC because he likes PC exclusives the most

I play GAMES, not SPECS. Grow up.

Console games use motion blood

PC gamer
>I've spent over 500 dollars on my PC to play league of legends/dota all day

Idort master race coming in

>Semi-good PC with Linux for comfy browsing and light video games
>Good PC with Windows for heavy video games
>PS4 for my Bloodborne and weeb
>3DS for my ppokemayns
>PS Vita for my weebshit and commutes

You console war shitters should just give up already. The only true happy video game players are the ones who can play it all.

That being said, there's still no reason to own an Xbone

The fact that you can play games on PC is tertiary to the reasons to own one.

When you eat shit all the time you get used to it and don't expect anything to be better.

It's called motion blur and it's not console-specific.

Also motion blur is shit and should always be turned off in the options menu.

console gamer
>I care more about what others spend their money on instead of enjoying playing video games like those that I make fun of do

>>I like my games to run and look their best and i want as many people possible to play them.

I didn't get it at first, you mean that you want others to play the games too? Are you a cuck? why do you care? all I care about is that I have the most amount of people to play with, so I always end up buying whichever version I know wont die in a few weeks, like fighting games on ps4.

>Bought xenoverse 1 on pc
>dead a couple of week later, full of hackers
>bought xenoverse 2 on ps4
>still find 2vs2 and 3vs3 matches to this day

PC gaming is a meme.

Idort here (aswell).

A friend of mine keeps up bringing the fact that im a "pc master race guy".

I tell him I just prefer to play games at the best quality.

He keeps telling me to kill myself because I "upgrade my parts every year"

I just upgraded my 6 year old graphics card and wont have to do it probably for another 6.

Best part? he owns an alienware laptop and only uses it for browsing facebook

Are you implying that PC owners actually play video games?


As long as they don't look like shit and run well (at 60), It's allright. Not every game needs SUPER REELISTIC GREEPHICS.

why are you friends with him? he seems like a complete fucking idiot lack self-awareness

>literally proving OP's point.

Good job, sonydrone.

Both console gamers and PC gamers are alright people, the source of confusion comes when someone who claims to be an enthusiast settles for the cheaper, but inferior experience. If this trade off is worth it to you you are not an enthusiast and have little to nothing to do on Sup Forums. console+PC is the actual master race though.

I wish I wasn't a pure pc gamer, but consoles are fucking expensive, kept breaking down, and are hard to take with you if you move a lot. I just said fuck it and gave in.

I sure get sick of troubleshooting all the fucking time, it's one downside that Master Race people never seem to want to admit exists. Still, the extra control + options is nice.

been friends with him for years. Its one of those "I love you like a brother but you are retarded" scenarios. I also dont have many friends left, and everyone else around me is PC illiterate and just a degenerate.

I have 1 (one) friend that switched to PC recently and he is enjoying it. He almost bought a game to play with his friends on ps4 but he said fuck that cuz he had to pay for online.

Always been an idort but this may be my last console gen. "More powerful" consoles releasing two years after the original models with the specs they should have had in the first place? And the best game (BB) isn't going to get a graphical upgrade.

>i get sick of troubleshooting

I dont. I love it. It made me master my google fu.

Dont underestimate how powerful troubleshooting and google fu is.

I know a lot of people my age (23) that still dont know how to properly google something.

If something goes wrong with a computer they literally tell me whats wrong and i tell them what to google.

If a friends computer shown an error while playing a game, theyre too stupid to look it up, even though you could just type "*Game* *error* fix" in Google.

You dont realize how stupid a lot of people are. This is also probably why I get mad all the time and have no friends - because I assume everyone has common sense, but they dont.

everyone is dumb. everyone has to suffer.

just look at how divided our country is. each side thinks if the other candidate wins then the world is doomed.

they're not facing reality. our world is already doomed. we are to blame for this. all of us.

it's no doubt that there's going to be idiots on this earth who are always far behind but we shouldn't stop attempting to persuade them and broaden their view.

I mean that's how I was able to build my own PC. I listened to other people and I trusted them to show me how.

If I could be a stupid idiot and still do all that, then why can't you do the same courtesy to another poor uninformed soul?

Not all console games are bad but we should show others the true value and significance of truly great games of the past and present.

Lack of communication and popularity contents are the only things stopping video games from being great again.

>You have to upgrade every year just to play the latest games its not worth it man trust me
>Console gamers are true gamers!!!>being a "gamer" ever
>unlocks phone to play Flappy Farm.

I completely agree with your opinion, user!


might've meant the 120hz Tru-motion type bullshit, which does make it seem like it is 60fps, except it also increases input lag, and introduces a lot of artifacts and shit on the screen, and is not realy 60fps or 120hz or anything at all, just black frame insertion.

All these years and still petitioning lmao end urselfs

>they will never get to star in their own Indiana Jones like movie

I work on an It Helpdesk and have been PC literate since I was 10.

There is a lot of troubleshooting to do on PC, even for an "expert" like me, its not fun, but its the choice between
>I can troubleshoot and fix this
>I can't do anything about it

I'd rather have the possibility of fixing things - if I want to bother.

No, this is "newfags" explained.
How wanting to fit-in can lead to bad decisions, how peer pressure still exists in internet communities.

A computer is a tool.
If you buy a tool without having a task you want to accomplish (ie play X Y and Z games) then you are a retard who are left with an amazing tool to do nothing with.

Tardass wanted to belong to hardware/PC enthusiast community? Well it takes more than just owning one you fucking shittard, you need to be interested - instead that user was just interested in making Battlestation pictures and supa-cool Speccy shots he can use to show off, so in the end he is satisfied, he just doesn't want to admit it because its very embarrassing and speaks volumes about what a shit person he is.

Walk through and you'll earn one vidya wish.

What is your wish?
Could be anything from destroying one company or replaying an old game for the first time again.

I'd choose to not walk through it.
But since you're really all about the wishes; I'd wish every game that came out in japanese also came out in english, and immediately

I don't like building PCs so I'm not a PC gamer

im actually trying to get a job in IT. I got my A+ and someone told me to go for helpdesk.

why are they looking for 3-5 years of experience for an "entry level" position?

If I ever walked through something like that I think the only reasonable outcome would be to kill myself.

What games are like this?

That's every tech industry now. They do it to try to root out people who are just looking for an easy paycheck.

but that describes most PCgayming types. They only play indie/Valve shit

>falling for obvious bait

lurk more you idiot.

No idea, but I'm in the 3rd world user, all the helpdesks from the west get outsourced to countries like mine so here they are just looking for people who speak english and finished highschool basically.

Even here you don't get in if someone doesn't recommend you though.

i still apply anyway. Ive been working in a small retail store for almost 3 years now. ( im the only employee besides the manager so im always left by myself) so i thought my customer service and multitasking skill would help but everyone still wants a fucking comp sci degree to handle tickets and read off prewritten troubleshooting lists.

That's just the consolefags stereotype. Every person I know who plays on PC, myself included, plays games that needs some good specs if you want "high" graphics and 60 fps.

Most people are bottom feeders in the industry, both in consoles and on PC, doesn't mean they define it all.

Just realize that the people who complain about buying an expensive pc and not getting use out of it did that for the very same reason they are now complaining to you about it - ATTENTION

If your boss cares even a little bit about money you can convince him that you can do the work for a moderate increase in your paycheck.

I bought a gaming PC back in '13 or so and played a few of those "high end" games before realizing it wasn't worth it. I got meme'd and now just buy consoles when they're cheap. If no games, I just read

imagine walking through that naked

dude i dont even know how much i get paid they dont even give me paystubs, just direct deposit.

literally the only thing i dont have access to is the safe.

i do everything. i advertise. i print/design in photoshop. people with small businesses come to my store to get shit done and im the one that does everything,yet the store gets credit for it.

the store could run without me, but the manager wouldnt be able to not come in on saturdays.

>tfw they leave you in a retail store that is busy during the holidays by yourself

When your job has no benefits, you make some.

what are you talking about? games on ps4 still crash and freeze, and require day 1 5gb updates

PC gaming is expensive, and consoles definetly gives you more video game for your buck.

Name them. Go on, I'll wait.

You were right about both until you sperged about exclusivity.

>be me
>buy pc
>have no exclusives to play

PC has a ton of literally F2P games that are actually graphically impressive and also not utter shit. If you are a casual, playing on PC is way cheaper than having a console, an online sub and buying expensive console games (which are always more expensive than their PC versions).

Also emulators.

If you wanted to save money, its still better to buy a pc.
If you want nothing else but the newest AAA garbage for casual play and then forget about them, then consoles are the choice for you.

It won't be cheaper in the long run - but to have those run well on release, a PC is not the solution.

lel sonybros are the best

>If you wanted to save money, its still better to buy a pc.
Yeah but I'm not about to build that shit myself and pre-builds are too expensive. Back to square one

>Only PC games that came out this year were Civ 6 and X-Com 2, both of which were complete shit compared to their predecessors

Why did I ever fall for the PC meme?

Console gamer
>I do not believe my video game hobby to be worth more than a $299 initial investment. I am content.

PC gamer

You don't really need to lecture me, I'm mostly into PC for the strategy games and shooters with keyboard and mouse.

But yes, my statement was referring to someone who only plays new games.

>it's shit because I am an uniformed consumer and what I bought did not live up to my unfounded expectations
Great thread all around, cheers.

now this is more like it, even without the shitposting

But is it really worth caring about those people?
Because for everyone else, its the worse choice.

dunno mate PC died around 2004.

>not about to build that shit myself

Why? It's as simple as finding the matching hole or prongs. Takes like 30 mins at most

console cuck
>I am poor, off to my next shift at McDonalds I go!

PC video game enjoyer
>I have a stable income and my job is both fun, challenging and lucrative while also greatly contributing to society.
>I can invest as much money as I would like into my hobby, I choose to invest more since it improves the experience and there is no need to save every penny and reap less enjoyment out of my free time

>console gamer
waiting 30 mins staring at an update screen

>PC gamer
wait 30 mins for update playing another game :^)

>lol its just like LEGOs!
fuck off, shitposter

>console "gamer"
watches blu ray

>PC gamer
plays video game

>waiting 30 mins staring at an update screen
>implying I couldn't afford a portable console to play as well since I didn't send the extra hundred or so on a Sup Forums machine

PC has more cinematic experiences, see LiS

PC has more of everything though

>implies moba and indie shit are games

Console gamer
>In glad I bought this console to catch all of the major releases and some exvlusives that wouldn't have happened without the console manufacturer. Oh that's cool, some of these indie games are pretty good.

PC gamer
>Is this coming to PC? What the fuck why only consoles? Fucking japan go die. Sign this petition please! Oh its definitely not coming? It's shit anyway look at that rock texture and it dropped 2fps wow what garbage. Hey PCbros who's up for a game of Stephens Sausage Roll or Shower with your dad simulator?


Atleast we still use words that can be pronounced when insulting you.

>I didn't send the extra hundred or so on a Sup Forums machine
>spent the extra hundred or so for a portable console to play during downloads
are you well user?

>console gamer
>waiting 30 mins staring at an update screen
I never did? Which Xbox does this?

>console gamer
brown skin

>PC gamer
light skin

Anyone else suprised that intead of shitting on australia the retards actually took a console/pc bait?

I can't even tell which posts in this thread are serious and which are satire. What has happened to this place?

console OS updates

sorry for the late response, I've been playing vidya

I just bought a PS4 and bloodborne, can I start goldenlel posting?

what did you play?

>console OS updates
>download in background while playing game or console is in rest mode
>install while not using the console