Are arcade wintersport games the most satisfying games to master?
Are arcade wintersport games the most satisfying games to master?
>mastering minmaxing RPG games
>feels empty inside
>mastering trickstyle games
>feels like a god
Man those games were god tier comfy.
I fucking loved SSX and SSX Tricky. I never got around to trying 3 though.
>that fucking track design
Kaori a cute.
Also yes.
Kaori a best girl.
What are some games with comfy snowy areas?
I kinda want a new SSX Tricky but then I remember we live in the age of "services" rather than games, and you can bet SSX would do the same thing and end up with a tarnished name.
Tricky is literally one of my all time favorite games
Was the reboot of SSX good?
Also how was On Tour? I picked up the entire series recently but have only played 1 and Tricky. What I love most about the games is the level design and I don't see how they could replicate it with open world.
Also the reboot looked to be less fantasy style tracks and more realism like Ubisofts new snowboarding game. It's alright I guess but just white snow with an occasional snow covered rock or tree is a bit boring artistically for an entire game. I liked how SSX had colors and each track felt aesthetically different and they had all these crazy shit and lights and paint on the track etc. Made it feel so goddamn comfy and fun.
SSX is seriously one of the most undderated games ever made.
Tricky >>>>>> 3 >> New SSX >> 1 (1 is a bad limited version of Tricky) >> On tour.
For me at least, On tour was the worst of them all. The reboot is fun. Nothing special but fun!
>tfw you love a game but have a bad memory associated with it
How to end it lads?
>tfw every SSX thread dies to quickly
>someone posted a webm of SSX Tricky in a thread
>got exited to talk about the game and that it might get it attention on Sup Forums
>the guys webm is him not doing anything, acting like more of a standard snowboard game and not showing off all the cuhrazy shit and cool level design that SSX is loved for
>get really worried that Sup Forums will shit on one of my most beloved games because of a bad webm that looks like a cherry picked boring moment
>in a moment of bad judgement tell the poster to do something more interesting for his webm's in order to show off the game properly because I really want the games community to grow on Sup Forums
>suddenly entire thread derailed and shitting on me
>no idea why
>eventually figure out people though I was insulting his skill and acting like some youtuber thinking I could do better
>this wasn't my intention at all
>got very upset
>now the memory of that shit thread full of bullies is asociated with the game
I hate this. I love SSX. I remember the thread every time I think about the game. Fucking assholes. Sorry I had to vent.
>1 is a bad version of Tricky
I disagree. While it's slightly less polished. I think 1 has a better version of most of the tracks featured in Tricky. Though the new tracks featured in Tricky are better than the best ones in 1.
I think both are well worth playing, 1 isn't bad just because it lacks a few of the refinements and features of Tricky.
We agree that 1 is worth playing but while I keep going back to Tricky and 3, I never replay 1 since I may asw ell play Tricky. But yeah, it has its own charm.
1. Trickstyle games
Impress all your friends and guests
2. Mobas
Sure you will be famous but also empty inside
3. FPS
Eh I guess thats cool, that's weird tho
4. Grand stategy/tactic games
Gives you inner satisfaction
5. Communicating vessels games (factorio, rimworld, dwarf fortress...)
Same but more a neckbeard thing
Power gap
6. Twitch multitasking games (starcraft, warcraft)
Nobody is actually impressed by that, you may become famous in Korea though
7. Master RPG
Doesn't even give you satisfaction
8. Master Figting/brawler games
You will lose your friends
Are RPG's even masterable? Is grinding to increase stats considering mastering a game?
Why would someone do that? RPG's are easy as fuck anyways.
I held world record on alaska for a brief period, my run recording was used as a template for later records. that's it, that's all I've achieved in life
I guess it's knowing all about the gear/perks combinations, see how fast "good" Path of Exile players get currency/endgame content
Such a fucking good but also mildly frustrating level to explore since lots of areas are so hard to get
>all those cave systems in the ice
>the track is basically 2 different tracks since it splits up to high road and low road for a large part of the coarse
>staying on the high road is hard as fuck without falling off
>all those jumps across the chasms
The other one that has tons of hard a fuck areas to reach is the orange level, I think it's called Mesablanca, getting on top of the mesa's and going through the caves. Fuck me dead it's hard and so many multiple paths to explore too. Such a fun game and unironically some of the best and most satisfying exploration I've ever seen in a vidya.
Shit like Bethesda trash has nothing on the sense of exploration found in SSX games, just finding all the shortcuts and secret areas holy shit so satisfying but hard to reach.
Absolutely horrible list, go throw yourself into a volcano
learnt those build orders I see
oh shit, it's the webm master
The 2012 release of SSX is definitely one of my favourite modern games, though I'd have to re-play the original SSX titles to compare it. It has less flashy colours, but the track variety is excellent(with the various mountain ranges and peaks in the game), and the number of game modes and styles of play are welcomed.
Learning how to speed down the Intrepid Survive It without armor and succeed is a satisfying feeling, and even more so when you get the Gold Medal for trick it as well. Applicable to every mountain range's final challenge as well(save maybe the oxygen one for Mt. Everest).
The game has a ton of personality even if it is more downplayed than previous titles, especially comparing to Steep.
Overall, I'd say SSX is great, with a decent amount of staying power(though less so these days with the online portion far less populated).
Fuck you. I was trying to help. Rude dickheads jumping down my throat.
>hurr the webm threads of today!
>muh old Sup Forums
>fugging millenials think this shit qualifies as a good webm to post on MY Sup Forums!!!!
>i'm trying to help
I never said any that though. I said his webm's were not good quality because they were giving an incorrect impression of the game to Sup Forums. SSX isn't some gay shit like Steep like the webm's in that thread made it seem like. Slowly moving forwards, missing every jump and short, cut, doing no spins or flips or even any fucking tricks at all and not even showing off the track is not a good webm and not a good way to show of the game to Sup Forums.
It's nothing about skill, it's about showing of a niche as fuck and underrated game. Doing literally nothing but coasting along felt like the equivalent of the guy who posts close up zoomed in wall textures. It's cherry picking the worst parts.
They were bad quality uneventful webm's that were boring to watch, and sullied the games image int he minds of Sup Forumsirgins who had never played it and knew about how cuhrazy SSX is with it's level design and trick mechanics. It's not about look at muh skills, but about look what you can do if you play it.
I state this, and an entire thread jumps down my throat shitting on me for pointing out something logical and correct because I insulted some esteemed webm creator.
implying 80% of the webms weren't jrpg cutscenes like they always are, but you chose that one in particular to go full retard over, and you did complain about the state of webm threads today and had a couple hundred word rant about how much better your webms would be if you could even be bothered to post any
This was over a month ago.
I rarely enter webm threads anyways. If they are normally full of shit then glad I don't enter them to often. I only entered the thread since the SSX webm was the OP and I thought it was initially an SSX thread until I had already posted.
I went "full retard" over it because I didn't want people to misjudge SSX as being like the other snowboard game. SSX stood out as an extreme sports title because it truly was extreme and over the top. That webm was the worst representation fo the game I've ever seen.
If you want to play like that, fine, no problems with your taste but if you want to advertise and show a game off for fucks sake leave your autist playstyle to your private sessions. Try to show of the game, the mechanics, the level design so people can get a feel for what the gameplay is like.
>reading comprehension
by "the state of webm threads today" i meant the state of webm threads that get posted lately. also i am not the creator of the webm. if you want an ssx thread then why not just create one instead of acting high and mighty about how you are such a fantastic player and seeing a boring webm of a game you like is the actual end of the world and is causing you physical pain. countless good games get midjudged in webm threads, it really isn't as bad as you're making out.
>Every SSX thread dies to quickly
>Kills an SSX thread
I admitted before that I may have been rude in my initial reply. It was a misstep on my part.
I never said I was a fantastic player though or that my complaints were about any perceived lack of skill shown in the webm. It was about showing off mechanics and the strength of the level design. It only turned into arguments because I got a shitton of very insulting (You)'s. I wanted to make one post then leave, didn't even expect a reply.
>why not create an SSX thread
They always die because the fanbase is too small. Which is why I was worried that low quality webm's would scare off Sup Forums from getting into the series since Sup Forums is picky as fuck over games.
I apologized for being rude. We have no need to be assholes to each other over misunderstandings. Just say sorry and forget about this. I hate having any negative memory associated with a game, especially a great one, and you are evidently a fan of this fantastic series as well. I don't want to argue with you user. I just wanted to vent.
It's a thread about mastering mechanics though in different genres and what feels most satisfying though.
Only slightly related to your thread here OP but I spent a lot of summer time playing Dead or Alive X3 and enjoyed that experience.
Can anyone recommend some comfy snowy games to play over the winter?
shame I can't get tricky to emulate
dolphin crashes
pcsx2 runs but sometimes your character will disappear and mess with the camera and collision