Xbox 360 was the best console of last gen. I feel sorry for those that never experienced some of the gems on this

Xbox 360 was the best console of last gen. I feel sorry for those that never experienced some of the gems on this.

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing RDR on PS3

Only Europoors know this feel. Fucking poorfags. What a shit console.

There were a few good console multiplats but what did the 360 get that PS3 didn't, besides halo?

What did I, somebody who owned a PS3, Wii, and at the time up to date PC miss out exactly last gen?

Yup. GTA IV and RDR looked like absolute trash with their decreased resolution on PS3.

Crackdown, Gears of War, Forza/Horizon, a lot of arcade games.

It was the king of indies. So many indies thrived with xbox; braid; limbo; castle crashers; geometry wars, etc

Halo 3 was the best multiplayer experience I've ever had

>inferior hardware and HD DVD
lol u guys know why they call it the 360 right?

>inferior hardware

>there are people in this very thread that will never experience chromehounds multiplayer pre party chat

I pity you poor bastards.

>there are people who only played Bayonetta on the PS3

Should've gone further in that timeline. Even the WiiU drops below 360 performance levels.

360 a best. Damn it feels good to have made the better choice last gen.

the only thing worth playing on xbox was ikugura and bayonetta
you faggot

Yeah I will miss those brown and bloom multiplats

>both multiplat games
I mean Xbox has the cave collection so that's something I guess.

lmao (You)

Chromehounds was a truly wonderful experience that I'm thankful for.

>Party chat
While a good feature, this literally ruined online console gaming.

>Even the WiiU drops below 360 performance levels.

Nah Digital Foundry found that when averaged out the Wii U version has a better framerate than 360. Not by a lot, but it's there.

Also by the means of shitier graphics

This, such a masterpiece

>Also by the means of shitier graphics

Actually, no, they found the Wii U version had superior shadows. The texture coordinates on some objects were found to be set incorrectly but that's a glitch not a downgrade.

Hardwarewise the 360 absolutely destroyed the PS3 in most cases.
>better optimized games
>better controller
>ability to install ALL games, essentially cutting down on power use, noise, heat and wear, let alone load times

Yeah, because that already wasn't on the Dreamcast and GC by then. You're probably thinking Radiant Silvergun, but you mixing them up has already doomed any integrity your opinion had in the first place.

I definitely appreciate the Xbox360. It was winning the generation hands down in early and mid term. Only by the very end PS3 pulled ahead, but that's when the 360 basically already left the race anyway.

>>better controller
That 360 Dpad was a huge step back and you know it. The PS3 controller is light, comfortable and doesn't have a dog shit Dpad.

>those unergonomic L2/R2 triggers

>that's when the 360 basically already left the race anyway.
It's not Sonys fault both Nintendo and Microsoft lacked the stamina to keep up, even before the next gen consoles were announced.

>play 360 game
>press left on D-pad to do thing
>press left
>up is detected

And the DS3 was a step back in terms of reliability, build quality and had horrible triggers. Let alone the whole Six Axis jewry where they tried to convince the industry that rumble was obsolete because they were in the middle of a lawsuit.

>PS3 controller
>comfortable and doesn't have a dog shit Dpad.

>ITT: buyer's remorse and rationalization

Hardly any games were meant to be played solely with the d-pad. It was there for menus and selecting items.

Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia

While true the 360 had a terrible launch which was related to hardware, and by the time it was finally fixed PS3 started getting games.

Most EU I know had a 360

Xbox 360 will never have Ni no Kuni because a 20 GB game couldn't fit on a DVD.

>RDR looked like absolute trash with their decreased resolution on PS3.
I'm currently playing RDR on my new PS3 and it's looking fine.
FPS is a bit janky though.

>It was there for menus and selecting items.

You're not helping its case with this. Picking one item and landing on another is pretty annoying.

I unironically read that as shitposting. No way you have such bad taste

It did get The Last Odyssey that was that size though.

I'm from the US and unfortunately I know this feel. My friend sold me his copy for $10 only a year after it came out, and I didn't even have an Xbox until 2 weeks ago, of course I took it.

Xbox and Xbox 360 were the best consoles of their gens

Hopefully Scorpio is the true successor to both of those
Over half of these games are worth playing.

No way
>Xbox 360
I agree

>tfw the 360 got you obsessed with playing shit games for gamerscore
>tfw still at it ten years on


As someone who looks at consoles at the end of their lifespan, 360 had nothing that would make me get it in retrospect.

>tfw playing 360 after school with friends
>always had a full party of people to play with
>7 years later half of friends don't play games anymore
>everyone is split between pc, xbox, and ps4
>havn't played in a full party of friends since 2012

>tfw got over the gamerscore meme after a year
its still fun to get all achievements or trophies in a game but caring about total score is a meme

it "ruined" it for people who are too autistic to make friends, and would rather spend their time trash talking little kids to make them feel better about their pathetic lives.

I got it a month ago or so and now sit on ten games or so. Collecting is cheap and since I buy my consoles late-gen I get my multiplats on the console where they run the best - the 360 in this case.
In terms of exclusives it's pretty underwhelming, though I am enjoying Forza Horizon and Lost Odyssey.

Get Tales of Vesperia, it's the best Tales game

>Sonypony trying to deflect his shit version

Nice try I see what you're doing.

I've still yet to play Symphonia, but I'm probably getting Deathsmiles next for that sweet shmup action. I should probably get an arcade stick aswell, as I find the 360 controller pretty awful for precise movement.

>dudebros are now on Sup Forums defending their dudebro machine

Now if only some retard says how comfy Oblivion was on 360 I'll lose my shit.

Are you obese or do you have stumps at the end of your arms

He's probably are too new to have actually played Bayo and is just mindlessly shitposting.
It makes me sad that there are Sony fans who never actually got to experience the golden age of Sony during the PS1 and PS2 era.

Think you meant worst

>tfw buying an xbone soon just to get back into achievements since trophies dont do it for me

it is, shame you can't find new 360s in stores anymore

Isnt that game on steam now?

>While a good feature, this literally ruined online console gaming.


>Hi guys!

Pre-party chat:
>Hi guys!
>F4LL3N D3V1L sent you a message: SHUT UP FAGGOT

You should probably lose some weight, rather than bitching about bad designs.