Is Emily Kaldwin the best female protagonist since Lara Croft?
Also, how did you like Dishonored 2?
Is Emily Kaldwin the best female protagonist since Lara Croft?
Also, how did you like Dishonored 2?
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Better than the first game
>bought Collector's Edition
>still haven't even touched it
That engineer's exams are killing me
>If I had eight arms I could jerk off 8 guys
Cannon slut confirmed
I have yet to play it. Kind of want to buy it, but am waiting for a price drop. It'll be interesting playing as a grown up Emily.
is she romancable?
Well, I know for sure she is fucking with her lover, or she was before story started
you play as her and you cant romance yourself
>talking about about getting eaten out by a guy hiding under her desk while she is listening to an official report and giving commands
my kind of gal
She fucks some guy named Wyman, But also she fucks pretty much everyone else, so mean. Yeah she's a fucking slut.
Don't forget her nights with daddy
Corvo is still the better protagonist.
She wanted to marry her daddy in the first game.
Wyman can be a guy or a girl, and she isn't fucking with anyone else. There's only one slut and this is you.
>discussing a dead game that has been debunked countless times
Have fun playing your budget "stealth" with hl2 graphics that cant do 60fps on a titan x
>playing as slut
Dreams come true
Can't wait for space slut is PREY
Why everyone looks so strange in this game? They look fairly human yet are either too skinny with unnaturally long limbs, or look bulk-ish like gorillas.
>There's only one slut and this is you
You just blew my mind. You're right, I'm playing her and can make her do or think whatever the fuck I want.
Are you me ?
Can't blame her for that, he is hot
Whaaaaat? I've been playing this game for six hours now and never came across this.
They call it "art style".
its a shit game plain and simple
why expect even simple things like humans looking like humans in a game with botched stealth and 1994 graphics
>that combover
is she balding?
it's called a french twist, user
You fucking idiot.
I like how she talks about killing Delilah so much in high chaos.
And then killing Ashworth in front of Delilah and emily just tells her she's going to kill everything single thing she loves
Just fuck yeah
Stupid too, you could do twice that amount at once with eight arms
>finished ghost non lethal Emily playthrough last night
>started again as Corvo, going full lethal assault
Holy fuck I'm having fun messing with enemies.
Jumping in, slitting a guys throat then chopping off a leg and blinking away while the rest scramble around trying to figure out what happened is just too good.
DH1 or DH2 Corvo?
Pick up Blink Assault ASAP, most fun thing in the entire game. Just blink into guards and punt them into the abyss.
>french twist
Sorry user, I cannot take your word for it.
she has long hair, she just twist it up and tuck in some regal hairdo her mother also sported.
DH2 by far. He was barely even a character in the first game.
I did see that but I went straight for rune crafting before anything else this time.
Gonna be my next upgrade, along with fast sprint.
post that cosplayer twink already
No, you don't understand, it's the best shit ever. And it's only one rune!
The definitive rank of powers
>Shadow Walk
Sometimes can be useful
Is that the same Russian chick who cosplayed as Merrill from Dragon Age 2?
yeahh, him
I would Royal Protect that ass if you get my meaning...
>far reach shit tier
I still prefer Blink for getting around but it is so fun spider man swinging around the map at fast speeds.
she looks alright but in the artwork it just looks wierd to me. Probably the only reason I would play the game desu...though I think I need to watch some gameplay first.
>when the cosplayer looks better than the original character
Why'd they just copy Vanessa
maybe you shoud head back to your filename and discuss your shitty sjw game there fagtard
it's a girl you wanker
>game is a massive flop
>shills trying to sexualize their feminist icon here to get some sales
>implying you wouldn't
i would go lesbian for her
actually also for emily kaldwin
What about her mother?
post her feminine penis then
Having the busking couple show up throughout the game singing songs about the story events and characters was so god damn perfect holy shit.
you have something against my waifu?
I had the biggest crush on her as a kid. You bet your ass I would!
is that the same tumblr artist that made the undertale fanart?
Are all the characters drunks? They all have big red noses
she's qt too but a little too naive and dead to me
i like my girl with a bit of edge to them
i agree, i wish they let her have untied hair and maybe allow players to change clothes to some assassns garbs. she is walking everywhere with the 'i'm a rich aristocrat!' outfit and hairstyle, it's wonder why she never got caught
>her first and only men was Corvo
>she had her eyes on him since 12
Would talk to her Heart every night for 15 years /10
You have a terrible eye for artstyle
Outsider/Emily romance dlc when??
11/10, would become an empress consort for
I need all the art you have of this pairing
I've been in love with her ever since I saw this photo
sorry for insulting your favorite tumblr artist who makes silly big red noses
no im not being sarcastic im sorry for offending you i didnt realise i was on tumblr dont reblog me in some hate campaign now, please i was just making a joke
>Is she...
No, she's the absolute worst kind of protagonist.
All throughout the game you find evidence of her extreme incompetence, she narrates an unwillingness to put up with the intricacies of being an empress, she constantly narrates herself as being extremely incompetent, why the fuck do I want this character to succeed at becoming the empress?
Okay, so it's about revenge. Great, why the fuck do I care about her revenge specifically? You see dozens of people dying even if you don't kill anyone yourself, their friends, relatives and colleagues might also want revenge so why is Emily's revenge so special? I'd find a character who had her entire family die in those mines try and get revenge a much more interesting story.
Overall Dishonored 2 bored me, the protagonist being boring didn't help but the overall game plays just like Dishonored 1 without any kind of improvements to stealth and gameplay, there's no real new mechanics like sound or light manipulation, so the gameplay is decent but dull, might as well replay DH1.
It's also buggy as shit, I load a save game and a dude I had placed on a balcony is suddenly dead on the streets.
I give it a 6/10, it works, but everything is mediocre, uninspired and boring.
me too
why is she such a qtie ;...
Same, user. Same.
Also, post more high chaos Emily.
At first glance I thought it was a render.
She's so cute.
It's really easy to spot someone who hasn't played either of these games.
If Delilah took control of her is DH1, would Corvo suspect something or he would do anything for his daughter anyway if it was to kill someone for no reason?
>All throughout the game you find evidence of her extreme incompetence, she narrates an unwillingness to put up with the intricacies of being an empress, she constantly narrates herself as being extremely incompetent, why the fuck do I want this character to succeed at becoming the empress?
She is growing, user. She was pretty much sheltered and pampered apart from the time she spent in captivity and when she hanged out with Corvo and the rebels in the Hound Pits Pub. She became the most powerful ruler when she was still a child. No wonder she despises the obligations and duties when she basically never experienced the childhood and young adulthood. If you play low chaos with her, she begins to realize her mistakes and vows to make improvements. She puts the better guy as the ruler of Kernaka, saves the miners, gets rid of the bad guys, saves the good doctor and utilizies the help of loyal and useful allies like meagan and sokolov the best she can. I actually like the fact you start playing as this incompetent, quite done with her life woman who you can shape into an extremely pragmatic, resourceful and savvy ruler.
>I'm in love with a cartoon
Kill yourself, you mentally ill underage little shit.
>Shit people say when they have no comeback
Good show lad, now fuck off.
Why no one has commented on her being a huge pothead? There are three hookahs in her apartment alone and she asked her bf to smuggle weed too!
it's a real person you moron
Too bad Dishonored has no staying power, it recently released and barely anyone talks about it. As much as I like it, it lacks memorable characters and story.
it lacks romances, this is what you meant
look at those biodrones and witcher fans who only give a shit about their waifus and which romance is better
if corvo had like three girls to fuck with, and emily ad a girlfriend, people would talk A LOT about it
>raped in 1st game
>raped + chocked in 2nd
I love her anyway
>ctrl+f "tumblr"
really makes you think huh
and those are only filenames kek
You claim to play this but your only sources are from tumblr blogs?
dead shitty sjw game with 99% shills posting
I was really caught off guard by the enemies actually
1) Looking up and down.
2) Seeing me perfectly well, when I peek from my cover
3) Seeing me from great distance through a hole in my cover
Enemies in Dishonored 1 were blind morons, and they really improved in the sequel. Not that it made the game harder, however - it still was easy in no powers mode. I imagine powers turn the game into a cakewalk.
be my heart
I need a comeback because you embarrassed yourself? That's not how it works, silly.
he would kill her the gentlest way he could and then he'd commit suicide
> muh sjw boogeyman
Just neck yourself already, poorfag. Just because you can't afford this game doesn't mean that everyone else is.
here's one for you lesbian user
You think they gonna go almost half way in the third?
I dunno I kind of went along that line as well but stopped caring when she lobotomizes Jindosh as if that's somehow humanitarian as opposed to murdering him. Just shows that she's literally retarded going off a hollow moral compass, not someone I could ever want to be in a leadership position. Low chaos was just as, if not more evil than high chaos.
It's also staggering how the game starts off with insisting the crown killer is so damn hard to track down, and then you literally just get told where to find it for the first mission and it turns out there's no fucking excuse for her having been so hard to find.
Even at the end of low chaos, Emily has done far more blatantly evil shit than anyone she overthrows, the villains are mainly callous and uncaring, Emily is willfully malicious.
>enemies see open doors and missing items
Got me a few times desu.