Name a better purple-colored automatic-weapon using FPS character with stealth. Pro tip: you can't
Name a better purple-colored automatic-weapon using FPS character with stealth. Pro tip: you can't
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ITT: Op gets rekt.
You tried OP.
My dick agrees
Is this from paladins? It's a Pretty generic design
i love how the hirez shills are gone. we had threads for days about paladins.
you could tell who was a hirez dev because they literally defended hirez after what they did to Tribes. Anyone actually from here would know that we loved Tribes.
Sup Forums loved Tribes. Everyone else didn't.
>still thinks Sup Forums is a hivemind
>Fird Person Shooter
Try again.
I reinstalled and played Ascend recently. It's still a neat game. Hirez did some reworks classes and weapons acquirement. Suddenly through all that time played on my old account I had everything unlocked without ever paying a penny. Now you mostly buy voice packs and skins so... comestic stuff.
It's plays great. Shame it's hard to find a full game. Most of them are 1/3 up to 2/3 full if you are lucky.
Honestly there are more people who believe that this game is dead than people trying it out post-Out of the Blue because fucking memers keep propagating the "Tribes is ded" meme
Didn't the Watch_Dogs 2 dude jack off to OP's pic?
Yep true that.
oni isn't an fps faggot
Paladins is pretty fun tbqhfamalam
You get bashed alot more for using Skye and Kinessa than you ever could in TF2. When your skill transfers to Paladins, it's quite charming to btfo the haters.
Paladins only saw an uptick in popularity here because of Ying's fat tits. Now the novelty has worn off and Sup Forums has return to superior waifus.
They're not even that hard to play against cause of their lack of mobility.
Ppl just need to git gud
Cassie > Ying >>> Evie > Sky >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kinessa
>Fird Person Shooter
user speaks truth
First person, 3rd person. Same shit. You can zoom out to 3rd person in that game. Literally the first gameplay video I clicked on started in 3rd person like wtf.
Is this bait for (You)s?
No, I mean that it's funnier that your own team will shit on you for using them. I've used skye a few times in comp, and they get salty despite usually get most kills, solos, streaks, etc.
People that do that just kill me, if you go into the game think you're gonna lose or focusing on someone else and not your own gameplay your just gonna be a burden and yet so many people have this mindset.
Does the rejuvenate burn card just work on healing from other teammates or is it just heals in general?
I have noticed the playerbase has way too many with that same mentality. I suppose that's why the general refuses to make groups and prefers solo queue. Seems ELO only gets higher when you go your own way.
>no elves
>make elves
After they nerfed skye I'm stuck at playing tank or support, I really do awful with all the other heroes because I can't aim for shit.
Learn how to bomb king friendo.
That being said, Grover is baller and Pip is basically a flank.
fuck hirez
butthurt redditor detected
still mad about that loss, eh?
time to neck yourself you worthless shitter