Why is he such a zelda fag?

why is he such a zelda fag?

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He actually seemed genuine, unlike everyone on this shitty ass site.


pretty much this, he was trying so hard not to pop a boner when playing, really refreshing to see someone who's actually enthusiastic about vidya after all these years of "journalists" being apologetic and shit.

He's selling a product on national tv you ignoramus

I wonder what late night host will play a game next so Sup Forums can have a bunch of threads on them

You're talking like he plays a bunch of video games.

The guy probably plays a few games a year. He's that guy that when you check his gamerscore/trophies, he finished the tutorial and never touched the game again.

well he's not selling it since it's not available yet, and he's a chat show host, guests come on to plug their latest whatever, regardless, he was loving it, and it doesn't matter if he was shilling or not, the guy came when reggie pulled that box off the switch.

Look at his hands and voice shaking. Seemed pretty genuine


>he was loving it
Dude was probably just drunk as fuck like usual.

>well he's not selling it since it's not available yet
I wish I could still be this naive

This. I notices it as well. Id probably be just like him.

That's just withdrawals

Yeah, but actually the exact opposite of this. He couldn't have been more fake about all of that if he'd tried.

Debut for this post

This and the conan shit is s referendum on how gullible and young this place is. If you think you see anything genuine on a major network late night talk show, you're 12 or horribly sheltered. The Nintendo spot was an ad and nothing else

>30 fps
>limited rgba
>horrible ergonomics
>small screen, zero backlight, reflective surface fucked by even basic studio lights
>power drain immediately, have to submerge it in sub-zero mineral oil not to melt

He's a talk show host he is made to sell stuff while passing it off as entertainment.

It's Zelda and Mario though so he probably has some sort of nostalgia for it even if it's the same level as a girl saying she loves Nintendo yet never played more than a few hours of it.

I can't stop watching the guy to his left waggle his tongue as he laughs. It's weird.

How naive are you faggots? Even legit videogame fans wouldn't have an OTT reaction like that, and if you genuinely believe that it was a BIG SURPRISE to Fallon that the Switch would be demoed then you're not only naiive; you're very likely retarded.

Nintendo paid to have their products advertised on Fallon's show. And there's NOTHING wrong with that. Just grow up you fucking morons and stop fooling yourselves that Fallon's excitement was legitimate therefore = Switch is awesome.


It's Zelda not Street Fighter.
>>limited rgba
>>horrible ergonomics
>>small screen, zero backlight, reflective surface fucked by even basic studio lights
>>power drain immediately, have to submerge it in sub-zero mineral oil not to melt

>that guy
Bill Trinen.

conan was genuine

Is he,

dare I say it,



It's Jimmy Fallon. He slaps the desk and bursts into uproarious laughter at literally anything.

>Not liking Zelda

Holy fuck at the level of projection in this post.

>He knew Miyamoto's backstory

>He knew about the switch features

>He knew about Shield sliding

Fallon is a genuine fan, you gotta admire that unlike others like Kimmell who only gave interest for a skit to get views

I'm more referring to the reaction here. And that segment is genuine insofar as conan really doesn't know much about games or how they work. Big reactions and sight cynicism is his bit, even more now after all the Leno stuff. But it's still an act, and was paid for by advertisers

I really hope there aren't people that see these posts and take them seriously.

>talk show hosts aren't prepared on the topics they will discuss for that days show ahead of time


I don't find Jimmy Fallon all that funny, but he looks like he's a great guy to hang out with.

Plus he seems to genuinely enjoy video games, rather than hamming it up for views, even if it does ham it up a little bit just for laughs


Suppose it's cool he is enthusiastic but i can't stand that laughing he does

>What is advertainment?

Fallon was paid. You are naiive as fuck.

That tongue waggle is what he does to Isabelle.

"Oh hey I saw Steve down the street the other day."


*puts his hand thru your glass coffee table before spontaneously exploding with laughter*

No thanks.


This might as well not be edited, he always overreacts.

>standing on stage with the president of NoA.
>creator of some of the biggest game franchises in history watching from the audience
>debuting and playing the first Nintendo mobile game
>demoing BotW on the Switch for the first time
>probably still somewhat of a fan regardless of whether he was simply meant to be advertising

Fuck dude, I'd be pretty damned excited too. He seemed really genuine to me.

to be fair Kimmel was specifically parodying Let's plays and i agree about his consent of how stupid it is

I became one after seeing BotW

Zelda is probably the best series of all time desu

Honestly this.

Even the worst of the series are still objectively good games and the best of the series are 10/10 masterpieces.

No they fucking aren't. Get your shit together.

I disagree with your less than thought provoking rebuttal.

>didn't date Nicole Kidman to play video games
>loves nintendo
>is autistic
Is Jimmy Sup Forums?


Because Zelda is fun.

Nintendo is making a product everyone wants to talk about.

We back at Wii levels boys

>have 10/10 actress at your house wanting to fuck you
>drop your spaghetti and go play vidya

Jimmy is /our/ guy


>Video games


>That fucking TrinenToungeā„¢

Fallon used to play a bunch of games before he got super famous and had a family

>He actually seemed genuine, unlike everyone on this shitty ass site.
Go suck on a pacifier, faggot

He voted Trump

man i don't like zelda games at all and i always feel bad because everyone seems to get really excited about them.

everyone wants to put on and off the joy cons
it's hypnotizing

Why do you feel bad for something someone else likes? That's just silly..

pretty sure he feels bad for not being able to enjoy it

Oh... That makes much more sense. I'm dumb as bricks.

>people thinking Jimmy Fallon of all people is genuine
>the guy can stop and start laughing on command
>he's clearly faking it
>people thinking he actually likes video game when he was clearly spouting random facts that you can easily find on any vidya website

He's not a genuine person, how the fuck he is famous I'll never understand.

That said I'm still excited about Switch and BotW.

My nigga trill bill

>implying most famous people are genuine

That woman is Nicole Kidman? And Jimmy is with her? Wow Jimbo fucked up. She looks like idk but she just seems so harsh. Her features. Rip

>Jimmy Fallon is so genuine hahaha
>Sup Forums

sm h farm

dumb linkposter

Plastic surgery

OK, this is obviously DOA, can we stop talking about it? There are already what? 2 or 3 Nintendo related threads? I just want my good ol' Sup Forums back

>can we stop talking about a super hyped upcoming console/game?

I'm going to go with a big "no"

I'd be pretty fucking excited if I had the (albeit short) ability to play a new console and game that's far from being released that seems interesting.

He is clearly a fan of video games but you're a retard if you think he wasn't overacting for the purposes of marketing a product

He is a fag for everything and everyone if you pay himnenough shekels.

Everything is a big commercial in yankland.

>Miyamoto comes up to you and lets you play their biggest game ever on their newest, unreleased, console.
>implying you wouldn't cream yourself

It honestly isn't. Mostly people here are just being ironically cynical to seem cool to random strangers on the internet. Sup Forums is a shithole.

the cynical people are always the louded

>Sup Forums is a shithole because they aren't hyped about the latest overhyped Nintendo gimmick!!


Could you be any more of a shitfucking fanboy shillmeister?

>implying Sup Forums isn't a shithole regardless of the reasons I gave

In any case I wasn't even referring specifically to the switch/zelda, but thanks for outing yourself as part of the problem.

See? You literally cannot say anything positive here without being called a fanboy, shill or both.

I wonder if you're just shitposting or you unironically can't enjoy things and have to try this hard to be elitist over a hobby to feel less shit

this is sonygaf, everything is ok when sony does it and wrong when nintendo does it

Just accept the shitposting for what it is. Better than plebbit where everything that's even slightly critical of nintendo gets shat on with downvotes.

Delete this right now

>cmon guys please love nintendo, remember f-zero and metroid? They're so good, haha
literally u right now

You are a fucking tool m8.

Jimmy Fallon is like a dumb dude-bro guy. I'd imagine he'd play CoD, that's assuming IF he even played video games at all.


This thread proves just how butthurt Sonyggers are that non of their games are able to produce this much happiness and excitement.

They just announced their 'big' games and Zelda is STILL able to take the wind out of their sales. I'll wait for a video of someone looking as genuinely as happy Fallon was and how it was unscripted like when he was telling Reggie he knew how to do everything so he could just focus on the game. Or how he wanted to mess with the switch but clearly erred on the side of caution by just pulling out the stand since he didn't know if the unit could disconnect the controllers

>No true scotsman analogy.

>cmon guys please hate nintendo, remember censored anime tiddies and shutting down ripoffs? They're so bad, haha
literally u right now

F-Zero and Metroid are really good games user. BotW is probably going to be one of the best ever. Everything I've seen thus far makes me feel like it will be a masterpiece.

It's okay to like things. It's okay to be excited for something.

We're in a Switch thread, what do you expect the discussion would be about.

I think BotW looks fine, I'll probably get it for Wii U. But I think The Switch is another overhyped pos, and I can't wait for it to be out and flop already so you retards will shut up about it.

I can enjoy things just fine. I'm just a not a mouthbreathing fanboy who orgasms over anything Nintendo.

Are you saying those things aren't bad? Need to quit drinking that Koolaid son, i'll pray for u.

>This is SonyGAF
Like hell it is. Badmouthing Nintendo gets you banned.

>first conan
>now jimmy


He actually shitposts here to maintain his positive outlook
HE releases the negative energy here

> I can't wait for it to be out and flop already
This is something I can't understand. Why would you want something to do poorly? That's just needlessly hateful.