There hasn't been a SINGLE (3-2) GOOD PC exclusive released this year.
you can't
There hasn't been a SINGLE (3-2) GOOD PC exclusive released this year
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Hey ruggs, I bought a PS4 recently. Can I add you as friend?
that porn game with the fox girl
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Came out like half a week ago. It's the shit, to be honest, my man.
Name five (5) good games that use DX12 and I will buy Win10 at full price right now.
Hell, name 20 games that use Directx 12. They don't even need to be good ones.
Xcom 2
what happened to that game?
Sup Forums just forgot about it after like a week
>it's a console war thread
Nah, it's a "2016 was shit" thread.
If you want shit added to your steam wishlist you'll have to figure it out for yourself, faggot.
Doom 4 at 60FPS
>he """"upgraded"""" to win10 only to realize it's shit
Stay on 7 or 8 and don't give ownership of your computer to Microsoft. Or install Windows Server 2016
There's actually 16. More than I thought there was.
>he spent 1000$ on a gaming machine with no games
>4k 120fps silky smooth of early access
Shenzhen I/O
>reading comprehension
Even Seismic calls it a movie on the intro
Many faps were had
17 if you count Star Citizen
stardew valley
Shadow Warrior 2 if we're counting timed exclusives. Also Planet Coaster.
Sorry, just woke up...
Still, don't buy to be the product. If you really want DX12 get Server 2016.
My point was that you can't name 5 good games that use DX12.
Total War Warhammer
Unreal Tournament
Grim Dawn
Civilisation 6
What do i win?
dumb animu poster
>if we're counting timed exclusives
fucking lmao
He said a single game, retardo
I can name one: The new Hitman.
Gonna need 4 more there, champ.
And you are correct.
I'd say Civ 6 and Total War Warhammer, but you'll just reply with a smug anime face and say those games are shit.
Trillion God of Destruction.
>implying anyone but the 2 autists in Sup Forums own a Vita
I own a Vita
Planet coaster
I was going to say Free Cities as a joke but apparently it first started in 2015. Still a pretty great game.
This I can definitely agree with.
I'm struggling to even think of a game I played that released this year, I played the new doom and dishonored 2 at a friends house, they were pretty shit.
He said "ONE (3-2)". That's the new fun way for insufferable memers to clarify a statement, like saying "daughter (male)" to imply somebody is actually transsexual or stuff like that.
>he doesn't know
So, is this Company of Heroes that you can HIRE A SAMURAI?
Name one that came out on Playstation
No, it's Samurai + Ninja Commandos
It's the god damn shit
What's it called
To be fair PC isn't really about exclusives. It's more about mods and being able to play at different graphics settings if you have a high-end build. Most of the games I play on PC are multiplats anyway, and I don't give a fuck because I play games to play them, not brag about them being exclusives to a certain console.
More like Desperados with samurais
LOL at these PCucks
And you guys make fun of ps4 for not having exclusives even though you don't have a single good exclusive. Ps4 is gonna rock 2017
I looked a list of them on wikipedia and didn't find more. The new Deus Ex is as close as it gets but I thought it was mediocre at best.
I just wanted to give the new Hitman its due. It's a great game.
Fuck off newfags.
Have the fuckers at Frontier optimized the thing yet? Dont want to play at 3fps with a gtx770m
I use my pc for things other than gaming, so no
Oh shit, that's right, Planet Coaster is a PC exclusive.
Consolecucks BTFO, there's two great exclusives that came out this past month alone.
Why didn't you reply to ????
Why do Sony fanboys fail to understand the only value of their console is its exclusives?
Why would I buy a PS4 brick to play Naruto games when my PC can already play them?
I don't disagree with that sentiment, but OP clearly started this thread solely to perpetuate the stupid fucking platform war because without it his life lacks any sort of meaning or purpose.
Why do you give a fuck about what someone's preferred console of choice is as long as they aren't being assholes about it? Why does it matter?
You use your pc for searching up Ps4 prices on best buy?
>the only value of their console is its exclusives
That's every game console ever made.
I love it. MUGEN-SAMA OP.
Yep, you got me.
We're in a weird situation now though where exclusives no longer sell consoles. The PS4 honestly had one of the worst launches in vidya history besides the Saturn and fortunately for them the Xbone and it still sold a fuckton. Games don't matter anymore. Console simply sell because people feel obligated to buy the new one.
waifu sex simulator
Fanboyism is a dangerous road to take.
Vita is a dead console nobody owns anymore. Not to mention it has game-breaking bugs while the Steam version does not.
these games don't count because i never heard of them
Total Warhammer is better than any console exclusive this year
In itself fanboys are saving gaming by making sure consoles don't need exclusives anymore.
I thought the reason PS4 sold so well at launch was because of the XBone fiasco where they shot themselves in the foot with their used games policy.
house of the dying sun
And also making sure they don't provide the high-quality gameplay they used to be associated with. I sure don't remember my SNES slowing down to a crawl like that.
That probably had to do with it.
is nothing sacred?
I can't think of any.
All the good games from this year that I can think of, and there aren't many, were released on all platforms.
>Being a fanboy of a gaming platform in the first place
You people are pathetic.
>5 good games that use DX12
Civilization VI
Battlefield 1
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Total War: Warhammer
Yes, the Xbone did alienate a lot of people with their stupid policies and the Kinect gimmick. But what I'm saying is the PS4 didn't offer people with 7th gen consoles a good reason to upgrade either. The PS4 was a better choice than the Xbone, but that didn't make it a wise purchase in 2013. And yet people bought it anyway. I'm just wondering why console sales are so high when 8th gen has been a complete failure.
It was a good try, though.
This whole "exclusives" mindset is a very console mindset.
PC isn't about exclusives, it's about performance and input options. You can play the game how you prefer to play it, not how the developer of your closed console dictates you play.
>why console sales are so high when 8th gen has been a complete failure
The same reason iPhones sell more and more units every year.
This desu
You can change it to Forza Motorsport 6, then.
You'll have to do better than that. mankind Divided wasn't great, either.
>I only know FIFA, 10 fps multi-plats, cinematic games (movies), weebshit JRPGs and cowadoody. Other games don't count.
Deathwing will be released before the end of the year
>never heard of TW
2016 Sup Forums everybody
Who cares about exclusivity? I game on PC because it's high quality and cheap.
PC "gaming" is literally MOBA/FPS/WRPG/pixelshit/F2P shovelware central. It's the worst platform by far, but PCniggers think that muh graphics is the only thing that counts.
Not the same user here, but I didn't know. It's pretty cool that the ps4 community will get to play that marvelous game.
Total War: Warhamner
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Ballistic NG
Planet Coaster
Cossacks 3
Grim Dawn
Civilization 6
As a fan of strategy + simulation games who also used to be into Wipeout I've fucking loved this year. There's been plenty of good multiplats too.
Rance VI/5D are just around the corner.
Now post lewd Haruhi
Those games are all shit, though.
Eh. It was too vanilla for me but I appreciate the work he put into it.
>high quality
Pick one and only one. You're not going to have a high quality experience playing on a shit-tier graphics card and a Core 2 Duo.
Those genres have more fans than the entire console userbase x10
you point being?
You can make every excuse you want. You just chickened out. LOL
I said name 5 good games. You got 3.