So this is all? this is hell...

so this is all? this is hell? this looks horrible and nothing at all like hell what they had in doom 3 was the only good thing in that game why OH why isnt this anything like that?

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Do you have any images of what hell looked like in D3?

all they would have to do to make it like hell in doom 3 is to make it darker

I like the new Doom game.

now if you mean that it doesnt have the spooky atmosphere of hell in doom 3 youre playing the wrong game

doom 4 is a shooter focused on action like doom 1 and 2



nice try shill :^)

>tfw this game used to look amazing

That one screenshot looks pretty shit to be honest. This game looked slick as fuck on release cause of bump mapping and BEEG textures. I remember seeing a demo on some store when I was a kid and being blown away thinking it was CG.

well it had colunms of souls rising from the ground and entire walls that moved to reveal new areas floating platforms over bottomless pits dangerous crushers this is just some war-torn landscape barely looks like hell at all

>thinking it was CG.
It IS computer graphics. What are you even trying to say?

I meant pre-rendered CG, my bad.

really makes you think

just give it about 5 years and D44M will look horrible

>implying games will look any different at all

fucking top kek lad, not with consoles they won't

upscaled resolutions is the most you'll get and that will work on D44M just as well as on any new AAA turd

I don't know, the difference between current and last gen is unnoticeable. I think we might have peaked.

>the difference between current and last gen is unnoticeable

maybe if you are blind or only play on consoles

are you the motherfucker who made the thread complaining about the main menu layout?

Tbh consoles are currently leaps and bounds ahead of what PCs have, I don't think there is a single game on PC that looks better than the new Killzone or Order 1886 and those games came out years ago.

We have peaked, there will never be another PS1 to PS2 leap in tech, it's just minor under the hood tweaks.


Why is the gun in the middle of the screen?

and another

and another...

I have a lot of these it seems

these fucking kids today.

You're wrong OP, it looks a thousand times better in Doom than in Doom 3. Graphically, art style, everything. I'm sorry that you're a jaded 20 something who thinks he has to find something to hate about everything but you're just wrong.

They added classic Doom weapon positioning.

I can't see shit.


Neither could I and this is normal lighting. Carmack had the game designed to make all of the special lighting effects from the creatures stand out more. That's why the Imp is the most common enemy in the game and this boss is designed around creatures with lights hunting you

Doom 3/10


>that area in the Necropolis where you find the Icon of Sin looks a lot like the Void in Doom 64

While I think I might prefer the new Doom Hell overall, one thing I find incredibly interesting is how the sky in Doom 3's Hell looks like the cosmos. Considering all the ancient aliens-esq lore in the game, what the fuck does THIS imply? Is "Hell" a real, physical place.

I thought D44M was visually boring as fuck.

I can't even put my finger on it, technically impressive but the visuals were just drab.

If you can't explain it then you're wrong.

That's fair, but I personally really enjoyed it's new aesthetic.

I liked all the medieval architecture and sculptures in Hell in the original games It's a relatively non-traditional depiction of hell, it implied that the demons had some sort of culture

Doomguy looked more like Haloman. That's the best way I can describe my general feelings on this game's look.

I like how hell looks in Doom.
so essentially every shorty christfag version of hell that isn't the ninth circle I got you senpaitachi.

Well considering Haloman ripped off Doomguy's design where does that leave us?

>Well considering Haloman ripped off Doomguy's design where does that leave us?

A very sad place if you ask me.

The worst part is that the new design is actually pretty solid, and would look like a great update if they just made the helmet gray and have the arms open. Maybe if they added some "battle damage" thing where the suit would get fucked up as the game progressed, and the arms\ab window would come out.

doom 4 is a reboot and ignores most or all of everything in doom 3.

the hell sections were among my favorite bits in doom , especially later on in the game. each to his own I suppose.

>doom 4 is a reboot
No it's not, it's a sequel to Doom 64 which was a sequel to 2.

Welcome to Doom 3.

Void-themed levels fucking when? That level had some great atmosphere in Doom 64.

Having the arms exposed doesn't make sense for armor though. It really feels like you're trying very hard to find something to dislike about it.

>I don't think there is a single game on PC that looks better than the new Killzone or Order 1886
That's because you're fucking blind, m8

I started out by saying I liked the new armor. The open arms would just be a fun nod to the original Doomguy sprite.

WOW hell looks pretty cumfy.

Unlike but not as cumfy as this place

It's probably the closest thing we'll get to a games workshop ip with lars von tier in charge of visuals and effects.

not that I'm debating but I think the proportions on the new model give a nod to the old. The torso, neck, and shoulders are much larger than the arms. I think this is a more subtle nod.

skip to 9:50 for fun happy building times.

I see what you're getting at, but I don't necessarily disagree when people complain about it looking to similar to Master Cheif's set. To the uninitiated, they probably would. Still a good space marine design, but I'm always going to be a sucker for the original.
Agony looks like a pretty poor game, at the moment. For a horror game, I shouldn't be thinking how metal everything looks.

Ever since I saw Constantine, I've seen it as one of the best settings for hell. As if in the middle of a constant nuclear blast.


>Denuvo gone
>Arcade mode
>center-screen weapon positions
>All free
Game just keeps getting better.

Nothing wrong with center weapons

He literally just said it was a good thing.

I never implied there was.
I wish it was default from day one. It would make the game unmistakably Doom, and set the game further apart from its competition.

>center view
>equip pistol
>Doomguy holds it in his right hand

Honestly I always thought the bare arms were dumb

They are, but it does fit the campy "manly man METAL" thing Doom goes for.