Is Ulillillia or pannenkoek2012 or JustinRPG the true king of autisms?
Is Ulillillia or pannenkoek2012 or JustinRPG the true king of autisms?
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Why do you make this thread every day?
But half a square is just a rectangle.
That's just the alchemy exploit. Nothing surprising about that.
based uli
Justin is just some intense autist, pannenkoek is a quite functioning guy with a real spergy hardon for one game, uli goes beyond pannenkoek and combines it with some of justin.
I say uli, although PK2K12 is definitely the most entertaining for me.
>INT that high
why tho
Everybody does that in Morrowind.
his quirky behavior is going to become really creepy as he hurtles into his 40s
JustinRPG without a doubt, Uli comes second and pannenkoek isn't even that autistic
this reminds me that there is not half-a-button press
if you pressed you pressed
Intelligence affects your alchemy. The higher it is the better potions you can make. If you make a potion that increases your intelligence and use it then you can make another potion that increases your intelligence with your now increased intelligence. Very quickly you can raise your intelligence to obscene levels, after which you simply make potions affecting any and all of your other skills.
Everyone does it in Morrowind because it's fun spending 10 minutes making potions to become a god.
at this point just stop eating pizza
>Everyone does it in Morrowind
I feel like I'm not enjoying that game to the maximum potential
Ulillillia is the true king of autism. No one comes close.
Pannenkoek is just a huge nerd, probably doesn't even have autism, he's just interested in the inner workings of video games, I heard that's because he's studying to work as a programmer.
I don't know who JustinRPG is.
They're all kings in their own rite
Each a master of a different branch of the autismo base class
>I don't know who JustinRPG is.
This, also Ulillilia
>has a blog with an immense amount of text detailing all kinds of retarded aspects of his life and personality and fear and dreams
>has been fucked by his sister
>has tweeted about his nocturnal emissions not knowing what it was or why it was happening, unironically
>ate nothing but degreased pizza for years
>has been working on a shitty game for years where 90% of his time went into perfecting the vertical parallax of the stages to the point you can go all teh way up in space with perfect transitions
>has unironically spent hundreds of hours playing Bubsy 3D and enjoyed it
>has spent countless hours playing disgaea just because of the numbers, all the while referring to his units as "this one" and "that one"
The list goes on and on. Ulillillia is the ultimate king of autism.
>>has been fucked by his sister
Go on
>listens to chiptune for countless hours and enjoys changing the speed of the tracks and listening for countless hours again to slowed down or sped up chiptunes
>Has written a full book that is nothing more than a hundreds pages long deranged sonic fanfic complete with a turn based battle system with stats, and colors being described using hex rgb codes
>has been fucked by his sister
Hold up. Isn't it just assumptions based on the "juggs video"?
I actually de-grease many foods in EXACTLY the same way, only I don't record it and make tutorials out of it.
>has described more than 500 of his dreams in minute details, his favourite being "mud dreams" (pic related, drawn and animated by him using Paint)
>has various strange fears including stairs, he does not walk up stairs but crawls up them and has been doing so for decades (not sure if this fear is conquered)
>his other fears include chairs (again he has not sat in a chair for many years, not sure if conquered), ketchup bottles, blue water (conquered?), mirros, and more
>has been afraid of grass because it reminded him of spikes from Sonic games (conquered?)
>Plays games in his mind for countless hours, most of them are either related to mud dreams or consist of him flying up while the parallax scrolls in the background infinitely
There's diminishing returns on the benefits to de-greasing. Just dab dab with a single paper towel and you got enough of it. Use the rest of the time to run a mile around the block to get aerobic with that grease.
Those constant enchants man.
what is uli's job at walmart?
this guy needs to get his ass kicked, everyone with autism does
The world is not pure enough for Uli.
and who the fuck its so autist to know all this shit, like why the fuck would someone care what this guy do
>>has spent countless hours playing disgaea just because of the numbers, all the while referring to his units as "this one" and "that one"
That's everyone who gets heavily invested into Disgaea though.
This kind of shit interests me a lot so I've followed his videos and website a lot. It's so intriguing to read about all his autistic ramblings. Maybe I have a form of autist as well, for starters, I'm kissless handholdless virgin at 28.
I usually do it twice, but actually what he said is true. When it's still hot, it will start sticking to the paper and ruin it.
You just go on his website and find his section on his fears. You can find it quickly because he's organised his site like a well kept library.
>>has various strange fears including stairs
>being good/interested/knowledgable is autism
He forgot to mention that he hates the words "people" and "person" to such an extent that whenever he sees them he'll scribble out the last three letters until they're unrecognisable.
What? I can understand people to some degree, but person?