PS4 has no good ga-
PS4 has no good ga-
Sorry, had to clear my throat there. Yes, the PS4 has no good games.
I can play almost all of those games on my PC or Xbox One.
no you can't
All day bro
no you can't
wew lad
everything is multi plat at this point
>b-b-but muh PC runs it better!
literally who gives a fuck if you can run a shit game at a higher framerate it's just a more polished turd.
Guys is a ps4 slim worth getting if it comes in a bundle with 3 games?
i got one during the cyber monday sale and id say it is. what games btw?
All the good games are multiplats which are better on PC anyways.
>Let it Die
>mostly inferior versions of the PC version
Nice library you got there OP
If you want to attack some low hanging fruit then just go after the Vita.
It truly does have no good ga-
>runs better on a ps4
feel the power! this is for the players!
>runs better on pc
who cares if it runs a better framerate!
its ok when sony does it
Vita is a weeb's handheld
user pls
>runs better on a ps4
But that never happened.
arkham knight did
hahaha le candlejack i haven't seen this meme in ag
It's a twitter meme you dip.
uncharted.No man's sky and BloodBorne. sorry for the late reply. I been putting off getting in the current console gen cause of the high price of games.
>Ace Combat 7
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
>Death Stranding
>The Last Guardian
>Yakuza 6
>Yakuza 0
>God of War
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us 2
>Grand Turismo Sport
>Read Dead Redemption 2
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Dragon Quest XI
>It's another Sonygger circlejerk thread
What's the third game from the right in the upper row? Looks familar.
uncharted and bloodborne are really good games, no man sky isnt though. id trade that in for credit if you are able to. looks nice a nice bundle still, how much is it? prices are getting pretty high yea but some of these sales were to good to pass up for me.
best threads desu
precisely, and thats because the game was ported by a no name studio, 4 months after when they re-released the game it was fine and dandy, stable 60 fps, gorgeous graphics.
350 euro? It's the same price for a standard console.
>games that aren't out yet
>Read Dead Redemption 2
this is bait right
>Of the hundreds of games in the pic he can only point to 3, 1 of which is one the xbone.
do you have any other games that you are interested in buying? does the future releases shown look interesting to you?
>remastered Last of Us and part 2
I got it for the PS3 but i remember playing ps3 was a mess to navigate. So i never feel i got to enjoy it with the limitations at the time in hardware.
>Skyrim remastered
>Until Dawn
>Horror games in general
>Bioshock remastered
those are off the top of my head. I missed out entirely on current gen games so I would have some things to catch up on i think. I still playing on my xbox 360 but i can firmly say I did get around to owning all i needed to play on it.
90% of those are multiplats.
i say go for it then dude. it sounds like we have a similar situation. i also have a 360 but i never owned a ps3 so i missed out on some exclusives. i have been playing the hell out of the god of war 3 remastered version and my uncharted collection just came in the mail an hour ago. bloodborne, uncharted 4, ratchet and clank i still have to play and im interested in many of the upcoming releases and a few others games i haven't been able to play on 360.
What are these then?
Checkmate Nintendildos
>Has PS4
>Doesn't have Uncharted 4
Hang yourself, now.
If i buy a new console in the store it also says i get a percentage off another game. So have you played fallout 4?
>Has PS4
>Doesn't have Uncharted 4
I'm gonna wait until the price is right.
nah man i havent played it yet.
>putty squad
>just dance
>devil may cry devil may cry
i'm so jealous
bloodborne and FF15 are crap
let it die is okay but not worth a PS4 for
it's got games for your type too, see? angry birds and call of duty are right there in the picture.
>If you're not a weeb then you're a normie!
This is what weebs actually think.
>NISA games
>ubisoft games
>three copies of soul sacrifice
>danganronpa games sorted by localization names
>This is what weebs actually think.
This is what normalfags actually think.
PS4 is not for autistic PCucks
i might be be wrong, but it looks like Bloodborne. can anyone confirm?
>not being idort
Why the fuck would I play FPS on console?
>PS4 is not for autistic PCucks
>only three games that arent multiplat
yeah, looks like it might be yurop boxart but that's it
Thanks for affirming that it's good that I waited to buy a PS4 until this month.
Just rent it. I Red Boxed it and had a nice weekend with it.
Even if the PS4 did have an insane library of exclusives, the meme will never die. Any console Sony comes up with will be subject to _____ has no games.
what's so good about uncharted? don't see the appeal, got 4 with my PS4 and don't want to play it.
underrated fpbp
>first person shooters
>multiplat first person shooters
>""""remasters""" that just exist because every console is a fag about back compat
>minecraft and terraria without mods
I realize it's just bait, but someone did actually buy these at one point
i can stand unmodded terraria but it's the gamepad controls that kill me
That amount of good games come out on PC every month :^)
>Read Dead Redemption 2
>every ps4 games thread
>no one mentions migu
rhythm games are fun and future tone is getting a west release, why does everyone forget?
It's an easyfun third person shooter with a neat adventure story. 4 is definitely the weakest though, I couldn't imagine enjoying it that much if I haven't played the first 3.
first post best kekpost
because nobody but a niche few care about some shit weeb dance game.
>shit niche weeb game
nigger what system do you think we're talking about?
do you see anyone in this thread talking about it? nobody gives a shit because ill bet people in this thread dont know what the fuck it is. you did ask why no one mentions them in this thread did you not?
>people don't know what vocaloid is
>nobody gives a shit about this niche weeb game, unlike all the other niche weeb games that make up the system's library
If you like pulp-action adventure stuff, like Indiana Jones, than you will like Uncharted. Though U4 is the best in the series (imo), if you don't know the characters and story, you will be left out since it relies on you knowing the character, since it's the big finale game.
asked in another thread that got deleted, but what's pursoner 5 supposed to be about? there's a cat thing, and a girl has an orgasm on a st. andrew's cross but I'm lost beyond that. And are the other 4 required before going in?
Wow these three games I'm not interested in sure justify buying a brick that runs every game worse than my 5 year old computer.
none of the other games are required
schoolkid vigilantes try to fix corrupt people by "taking their heart" and making them no longer evil
How is Ratchet?
Getting a ps4 later this month. I figure TitanFall2, Type-0, FFXV and Bloodborne are some good starter titles plus Persona 5, FFXIIR, and Dissidia or FFVII releasing later on. That should be plenty enough games since I still own my PS3 and have unfinished titles there.
>not multiplat
being so fanatical you didn't even check the competition is pretty pathetic.
Is persona fun animu times or does shit get dark "OH GOD I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS" and start going postal on random characters for drama? and seriously what was with the andrew's cross? these games usually have the sexy time?
>Angry birds star wars
Disappointing. It's an easy and simplified version of the first game, with missing planets and movie stuff jarringly spliced in.
The plot and characters are ruined, and the music sucks too
Oh look, another PCuck that didn't play the game.
You haven't played the first game if think the remake is good.
The only good addition was the jetpack, and it's used extremely little
it's more animu fun times and main characters rarely die in the series (more often main characters' parents because muh daddy issues)
they have odd fanservice things like that but not lots of sexy time
on screen parent death or backstory parent death?
and thanks, sounds fun
The first game was dog shit in controls. They did a service by fixing it. Story turned kid friendly but I didn't play for the story, desu.
>on screen parent death or backstory parent death?
varies by game, sometimes both
I love my PS4, but most of that image is terrible
owning order 18XX = fanboy beyond redemption
those games fucking suck. why even waste all that money on shit he prolly dont even play anymore
Just like a PC list of games, all of those are horrible.
>amazing spider man 2
what the fuck OP
ill give you credit for the usual spiff like bloodborne and LoU, but holy shit is everything else garbage
What if it was on sale for $10? I haven't played it yet, but surely it's as good as the usual steam sale garbage.