ITT: We show appreciation to Disney for wiping the shitty Star Wars games from the canon

ITT: We show appreciation to Disney for wiping the shitty Star Wars games from the canon.

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Fuck Disney and fuck you shill. Shitting on one of the only bad games in the canon isn't going to work to make us like Disney.


Starkiller may have been a mary sue, but he was at least a better done mary sue than Rey and whoever the fuck that bitch from Rogue One is.

This, agreed.

Starkiller was shit but not offensively bad like Rey and Jyn "Not Jan Ors" Erso.

Fuck Disney.

Christ I cringe everytime I hear the name Jyn Erso it sounds like one of the worst fan fiction names from the EU. Literally Luuuke tier.

Was this even canon to begin with?

It was actually Lucas-canon, which put it on the highest canon-tier, on par with the films. It meant other video-games, books, or comics couldn't override it.

Everything in the EU was canon user.

Still technically is because everything in the legends brand is still canon to other legends brand stuff

Legends canon >>>>>>>> Disney canon

As long as it didn't conflict with the movies then it can be considered canon, one of the reasons why the EU became what it was because every hack could write some shit about Luke having 5000 clones and it would be considered canon.

Also these games were fun to play. Sure, the story was crap at times, but the music and gameplay was awesome to fuck around with, especially when it came to flinging stormtroopers around like fucking rag dolls.

That's actually really fucking stupid. Being a jedi/sith literally made you a god in this game. Kind of a dumb portrayal of the force. I still kinda enjoyed the game though, it was pretty fun to play with the powers.

But everbody is gonna die in rogue one

This game was worth it, because Rahm Kota.

>implying Not Jan Ors is gonna die
I wouldn't count on it.


I bet my ass the chick and the chinese dude will survive, Disney wants to have "tough women" in their movies so god forbids our female protagonists ever have any flaws or sacrifice themselves for a greater cause and they REALLY want to get the gook market with Rogue One after TFA kinda failed to copy the success of their capeshit movies in China.

PS2 version>>>>>>>PS3 version


How and why? What about the PC version?

kill yourself faggot, that has to be most fun star wars game out there

what other game lets me grab stormtroopers and bully them across the room?

fuck you

Disney Star Wars is pretty much a female franchise at this point. Is Rebels or whatever it's called canon? I'd read something about it introducing Thrawn and I'm afraid they're gonna make him into a woman or something. Already know that fucking Ahsoka is still around despite the jedi supposedly having been wiped out.

More levels, content, sabers, costumes and I think powers.
Been a while since I played it on the PS2

>Those storm troopers dynamically trying to cling onto rails when being flung around
>They realistically trip over boxes and stuff
>Environements full of destructable stuff

I thought in a few years, every game would have interactivity and ragdoll physics like that. Flash forward to 2016

>many games don't even have basic ragdoll physics at all anymore. Enemies just collapse, and then become static objects
>Environments are just completely static set pieces

No way. They would be way too old.


About as old as luke

Thrawn is still male, but he is probably going to get a redemption arc and become good. He's basically the #BLM of the Imperials. He is technically on the Empire's side, but he is always bitching about treatment of aliens, and how they should give more aliens a chance and have more diversity in the Imperial forces.

Christ Disney is fucking cancer. I hope these movies ending up bombing so hard in the next few years that they just burry the IP.

>literally babby's first hacknslash

So they turned him into a racial acceptance mouthpiece? Eh, could be worst I guess. Still, Disney is fucking cancer.

The thing is, one of the characters is named Galen; who is the main girls father in Rogue One.

I think it's a small reference to Galen Marek/Starkiller.

>no euphoria

whats the point?

>yfw Kyle Katarn makes a surprise cameo in Rogue One

Galen is a common Star Wars name. There are several Galen's even in the Disney canon.

So,you're finally admitting that it WAS canon right ?

>The Knights of Ren are older than Luke Skywalker
Great theory.

That game used the euphoria engine right, like gta4? Fuck i love that shit, pushing people down flights of stairs still gets me hard

>there will never be a Jedi Knight game with TFU force powers and physics
>EA will just rerelease their own properties with Star Wars skins

Yeah. And honestly the physics were even cooler than GTA4s because of your force powers. When you could fling people around and stuff it really made the physics shine through.

I dunno if its a case of the games never really being anything more than 7/10 by real scoring, or they just aged like forgotten milk, but I found the old games don't seem to hold up that well these days. Could also be due to playing them on PC and having bad ports on some of them, like OP's image

Also, I find it infuriating that lightsabers in most games are just bright pinata sticks.

How is it not canon? Did that new rogue one movie do something?

What are you talking about? The Star Wars IP has had some of the highest quality video games ever made in it that hold up perfectly.

>pinata stick lightsabers

Play Jedi Outcast then.

The EU got tanked back before TFA came out. It got re-classed as 'Legends'. Anything that isn't one of the movies, the Clone Wars or Rebels TV show, or one of the new comics, is no longer canon.

Hence why there was such a big deal about Thrawn showing up in Rebels.

>is no longer canon.

To the new movies.

Legends stuff is canon to itself and that's all that matters.

The new movies are essentially a rebooted universe.

Lucas's six films and the clone wars tv show are the only stuff that are canon in both. Everything else is only canon to one, the current Disney canon, or the now ended Legends canon (which is way fucking better and is the only one you should care about since it's the original Lucas canon).

Due to the recent Steam sale, I played Battlefront II online, a bit of Outcast and Acadamey, tried to get Rogue Squadron to work, and had mixed results with Unleashed. I also dabbled very lightly in TOR, but that's TOR, where a Jedi is wailing on common thugs with a lightsaber and it takes forever to kill them with one of the deadliest weapons in all of fiction

I'm sure with some modding, the games will probably still be great, but the vanilla experiences in 2016 left a lot to be desired.

I really do need to get to modding Outcast and the sequel to it for some widescreen support and figure out how to pull up the cheat menu for dismemberment, since they seemed to be the best of the bunch, next to Rogue Squadron with some weirdness there. For some reason, that one has green jaggies / outlines on stuff like my ship, and the camera can pull away from my ships, which isn't the Rogue Squadron I recall fondly on the N64

The first game only maybe.
The second one was kinda ass

Yes but we likely won't get anything from Legends, which means no new games unless they are set in the new retarded canon.

Can you imagine how bad a XvT style game set in the new one would be? Especially when they completely forgot about things like B-Wings existing, or that upgrading the standard TIE chassis was the way to go instead of using Interceptors or any number of the other EU TIE variants.

This isn't even touching on whether they decide to shove in more of that white supremacist crap.

>The new movies are essentially a rebooted universe.
Not really. Everything original Lucas is canon no matter how much people or Disney bitch about it. The new 3 movies are extras to the story, the first one was okay, honestly, even if its a new hope ripoff, it adds cool stuff to post-Lucas. The other spin off movies however, like rogue one, are nothing more than cashgrabs, shouldnt even bother with canon this or canon that, it just doesnt fit anywhere in the story.

I had the same problem with Rogue Squadron since I bought it last sale too. It was one of the few games I missed out on at launch since I didn't have a N64 at the time.

The rest are fine though, Outcast is Quake 3 Arena engine, you should be able to get it working in widescreen at whatever res you want perfectly easily.

TOR is fucking trash, should not have even bough it. Kotor is good though.

Battlefront 2 is fantastic, sadly online is mainly dead now but Sup Forums has servers every now and then. Play is vanilla first then get all the mods there are tons of complete overhauls out there.

He is not a better mary sue than anyone, he is pure shit. That backwards sword stance just makes it all even worse, he is so cringeworthy holy fuck.
Foce Unleased deserved to have a shit protag though because back then they hyped it up as if it had Jedi Knight style combat when in reality all it was was Star Wars DMC

Well I agree with you actually. I personally don't consider the Disney canon to be the main one. It's a cashgrab capeshit canon.

Legends/Lucas canon is the only true canon to Star Wars.

I don't think Star Wars having a definitive end is a bad thing. I just wish we had more stuff in between 3 and 4. I am fine with Legends being a done thing and with Legends being the one true canon.

Literally like 99& of all the actual good Star Wars material sans the films are in Legends anyways, so Disney canon has a lot to catch up on.

"Two female protagonist is literally feminism propaganda"

Jesus, I can't believe this amount of non sense and fearmongering about star wars getting a female protagonist after having a male one for 6 movies and 90% games.

Girls are people too.

I agree that rey was too much of a mary sue, but we barely know anything about jyn erso

Btw if you use the word "cringe" on your critic, you are literally a meme

fuck disney for retconning kyle, they can go suck a cock

I don't mind it having an end either. More just annoyed about the way it was done.

That being said after seeing the shit show that is being made of the original canon by the new movies, I am glad that the EU is its own separate thing now.

>it's not feminism because look at the past, it only becomes feminism once we reach 50% equality in the gender of protags

KYS you feminist retard shill

>implying a woman will die on disney's watch

I agree again completely. Pisses me off how Disney did it all but man I am glad that all the old shit is preserved under Legends and can't be retconed or changed.

They can import all favorites like Thrawn into their new canon and fag them up all they want, but it never changes their original canon in the Legends canon.

Disney's canon is essentially completely ignorable, and best thing is the Legends canon is so fuckhuge you wont be starved for new Star Wars for a long time most likely.

You know that if you consider all 9 movies plus the two spin offs announced, the ratio still will be 7 male protagonist movies to 4 female ones right.

I don't even want forced 50% representation lol

It means we can never have a game like Tie Fighter or The Force Unleashed again, since that would literally be releasing a game where you play as White Supremacists.

Jedi Academy aged like fine wine. Its fucking great.

You're forgetting Ahsoka, aka "NAH ALL THE JEDI DIDN'T REALLY DIE!" Also every single ad for Star Wars now is focused on girls.

Does it bother anyone else that they used the name "Starkiller" for their Death Star-knockoff?

Kill yourself, in any case babies first HacknSlash is Bayonetta.

That's an way to fulfill the prophecy I guess

Dozens of jedi had survived the purge on EU already, before ahsoka was even created. What are you talking about? Heck, force unleashed itself had a bunch of them.


But this has been in the canon and EU forever. Both Obi Wan and Yoda are film canon, and when you go the expanded Universe, you have Kyle Katarn, all the people Starkiller kills in TFU, and dozens of others. Its stupid to think the Empire killed literally every single Jedi in the whole galaxy in go. Of course some would escape and be hunted down.

Are you talking about Rogue One? Because diversity and female empowerment were mandated for that movie. The writers got on twitter about it.

I was fine with the diversity bullshit but then they had to go and say that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organisation. Which has several layers of issues with it.

>Hell freezes over and we finally get Rebellion 2
>Can only play as the Rebel Alliance

I now have a new nightmare. And not even Tom Kane's soothing voice will save me.

And if downing Rebel shuttles full of rebel scum in my Tie Interceptor is wrong then I don't want to be right.

Who cares, why do you want to have diversity in the first place if you don't care or it doesn't matter.

Leia, Padme, Ahsoka, they were all fine because they weren't forced as fuck

Rey and what we've seen on Jyn in the trailers is forced as fuck and basically says "suck it up nerds we've got a girl in star wars now yeah that's right get triggered shitlord i am womyn here more roar!" and then the female character goes on to be an unbelievable mary sue who's incredibly boring and perfect and can do no wrong and it's just a huge slap in the face.

I fucking hate this shit. The thing is, feminists don't want real female characters. They want female power fantasies and mary sues and they want agenda propagandist pieces.

I've long wanted an RPG where the main character is a sexually liberated but reallistically done woman with flaws but also good traits and is believable and uses her feminine stenghts such as good communication to build up a large party of loyal followers to help her in her quest. Shame it will never happen, because feminists would tear anything about a real woman apart. It's gotta but a bulldyke lesbian with muscles and a half bold head who acts like a fucking tank and swears and is half black half tranny and literally perfect with no flaw and she personally fucks the patriarchy.

Nope, because it signals that not only is Starkiller (TFU) not canon anymore, but they also never intend to make him canon again ever.


Have you seen Rouge one or are you just typing bullshit

Two writers wrote shit on twitter, and now you know the whole inner workings of disney executive?

>sacrifice themselves for a greater cause
Like Luke and Hans did?

Didn't he bitch about the treatment of aliens in his trilogy series of books as well?

Kyle Katarn wasn't a jedi until later. Also I'm talking about by the time of Episode 4. Guarantee Ahsoka will be the secret last surviving OG jedi in the end. And I wasn't counting Obi Wan and Yoda, who were the only Jedi that were originally supposed to have been alive by that point obviously.

We've already seen a clip where she melees a whole squad of storm troopers.

Considering Disney execs have banned any writer brought on to work on Star Wars films, games, comics or books from using the slave Leia costume or even referencing the scene since it's sexist, we can be reasonably assured that Disney is hell bent on forcing a feminist agenda.

Their picks for directors are all raging feminists or SJW's too like JJ who wanted to get rid of as much white cast as possible. The writer of TFA wrote Finn as a white guy and JJ changed him to black because "to many white faces is racist".

That's one way to make him drop.

Because I don't care. I see no problems with having 50% female or 100% male or 100% female. Not caring goes both ways.

No but I know that those two fucks decided they needed to inject their own politics into fantasy escapism. And didn't even bother to try and do it subtly.

Ultimately even if that isn't Disney's plan, then they drank some of the SJW cool-aid, and that will cost them.

Literally WHO cares about EU shit or the in-universe ship specifications you wookiepedia autist

Star wars isn't real

That game was never canon in the first place.

People need to stop believing that the old EU was all canon.

Lucas himself said that he didn't really care about the stuff there and only picked for himself what he liked as canon.

Yes and? storm troopers are jobbers. Didn't we see Hans do the same?

No. He rose up in spite of the treatment of aliens. He never tried to raise up other aliens or be some alien-rights advocate. He cared about his own career.

jesus man, rey had one scene where she did something "feminist" and it was played off for laughs

disney isn't cutting off your cock and balls with two humour centric lines in an 2 hour movie

Star Wars is primarily a video game franchise which had some shitty Lucas-directed movies made for it.
If Disney decides to erase the games which defined Star Wars, then the franchise simply stops to exist.

Darth Icky

Not that I can recall. He thought that the Empire's focus on humanity wasn't logical, as proven by the fact he was only a secret Grand Admiral by virtue of being non-human. But he also acknowledged that even if they didn't necessarily like non-humans they were at least willing to acknowledge ability and usefulness as proven by his position.

No. Hans, Luke, and Leia spent almost all of their time running from Stormtroopers.

>this is what the alternative right actually believes

EU shit and ship/gun/vehicle specs >>>>> the story and characters of the OT

>b-but muh classic tropes


>Disney is still fighting to make the Delta-Squad non-canon

Nah, fuck them.

>powerful GURLXD single handidly takes down whole squad
>guy stands there impotent, staring in disbelief
>she stands in the middle of all her defeated foes and makes a quip

People will pay money to see this?

By one scene do you mean the entire film?

There is a point in TFA where they outright say they wished they had bombers. Well funnily enough not only did they have them in the core movies, which were forgotten about, but there was a plethora of options available from the EU.

All I ask is that if people are going to write for an established IP, at least know the IP first.

ahsoka is fucking dead user. Do you even watch rebels or you are just spouting BS?

Better than "Snoke", desu.

Delta Squad is canon and will never be not canon thanks to their cameo in TCW

The only canon Star Wars games are Battlefront, and some mobile shit game

>oh my god he just quotes fact that came from Disney's mouth themselves HE MUST BE ALT RIGHT!!!!!!

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