Whoa....this is a Switch exclusive

Whoa....this is a Switch exclusive......

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*dies* well fuck I guess I gotta go charge it again for the 7th time today

Looks cute. What do we know about it?

oh my god i want mommy to buy me a switch but i just bought another pokeman and this christmas she will finally buy me a wiiu, i lvoe nintendo so much

Did they release the trailer?

Trying too hard

This game looks really good. This scene must be the whole thing.

Which is not a problem because it's not like you're going to use it outside of the house or anything autistic like that, right user?


This is a bullshot

I'm actually looking forward to the switch but come on.

Ehhhh. Is Nintendo actually paying for the exclusivity of this game?
The over world looks fine but the model for the main characters is awful (in these screenshots), almost looking like something out of That Dragon, Cancer. Not to count how uninspired and generic everything feels.

Looks like Last Guardian.

Looks better than Zelda and that is pretty shameful
What is Nintendo doing?

Only good.

A walking simulator? Fuck, after Iwata's death I was expecting them to return to their roots.

It's also some hipster game about an literal aspie and his dog going on a journey or something

Why does his backpack look like Mario's wingcap?


These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

Nintendo is lost.

I'm really getting tired of that meme grass every game uses

>meme grass
what did user mean by this?

I don't care for these types of games but it does look like a good showcase for the Switch's graphical capabilities

If it has the fucking option, why the fuck wouldn't you?


It doesn't even look that great. Those wooden textures on the tree look awful and I'm trying to keep an open mind here. Maybe near at its end will we see some decent looking game on it

Source please?

Yup. It keeps getting worse.
I'm also getting tired of the romanticization of autism in media lately, it's really boring.

>nintendorts this desperate

That's not how this meme works retard.

wish Sup Forums wasn't bundled in the same saturation package as /r/games

pajeet please get another job

How do you know, pathetic drone.

>nintenmanchilds are suddenly talking about graphics after all these years of "gameplay>graphics"

Is your mommy hot?

>sonygger pulling damage control
This wouldn't even be an issue if you all weren't insufferably smug all the time. This is gonna be CTR BTFO all over again

>devs not even having switch dev kits

The kid has assburgers


fuck me, that looks fantastic

aka flop
only even shitter cuz it's for shittendo switch


>It follows the adventures of a young boy Yann who has Aspergers syndrome and his bulldog Ani. The game is up and running on Unreal Engine 4 and you can switch between the two characters. Here’s a description of the game:

>Nina and Ana are the children of the leader of a group of survivors. They learn to work in a new world, remembering every day that arrogance and omnipotence of Man were right … their planet. But her he passes before the end?

>He tells … and this among other young Yann Asperger’s syndrome and his French bulldog Ani, Elise and Tim’s parents, James, Sarah, their son Thomas. Nico Augusto did you then visit the dark and Paradise.

No, the guy at the head of the studio, Nicolas Augusto, is a big fanboy of Nintendo.

>pretty walking simulator #386

*yawns externally


They're called Nu-tendo now.

>that white background
She will be blacked, right?

>someone that posts Tumblr Universe spouts retarded shit


It's actually Nintendo. Since 1889.

Literally amazing. Nintendo literally won this time.
A walking simulator about an assburgers kid.

The absolute madmen did it again, how can Sony compete?

>only seen a few screenshots


Well TLG just came out and it's pretty much the same thing except it too 10 years to make.

>Shitty walking simulator that runs on UE4
>PS4 and Xbone run UE4 even better because they're more powerful
>Nintoddlers still bragging about it like it's some unconceivable feat of video video game graphics that could not have been achieved without Nintendo Magic

Really makes one ponder.

0 percent chance any of that is actually running on switch

Why does it matter if he has Aspergers? Why not just make it a game about a boy and his dog? Fuck this SJW shit.

all those people came in this thread for one reason: shitposting

ignore them completely

>indie walking simulator about aspergers boy and his dog walking around pretty landscapes without having any fun whatsoever, just feels
>UE4 which literally runs better on PS4 and Bone than Switch

Yes, nu-tendo fanboys are that desperate.

Looks really good. I expected nothing less from NVIDIA's modern APUs.

>can't see the grass from here

>meanwhile on the "most powerful console in the world"
Sony should fire everyone that worked on this and tell them all to fuck off with Ueda.

>not the first post from this IP
Sad samefag is sad.

OK, this is obviously DOA, can we stop talking about it? There are already what? 2 or 3 Nintendo related threads? I just want my good ol' Sup Forums back

And why does it matter he has aspergers? Fuckin neckbeard kyd

Right, back in the golden days of 2014 when you first came here right? Fuck off.

he literally played the exact same area from the exact location reggie left it on the screen when he did the tablet. what the fuck are you on? Fallon had it in his hands controlling it.


it doesn't even look good

But this looks much better than that Switch game

No way.

Kinda looks like "generic Unreal engine 4 game"

BTW this runs smoothly on an ancient ipad.

>It's ok when ps4 does it

Because it does not matter at all that he has Aspergers. Its there simply for brownie points and for the developers to feel good about themselves. If anything, that's more offensive because they are a) going to need to hire a voice actor to sound and act like he has aspergers and b) this company will be making money off a social disorder simply to feel good about themselves and to be the next big SJW game.

It adds nothing to the game. It only takes away.

The problem is that it took nine years to put a PS3 quality game on the PS4 when shit like this can be done on it.

Can someone link the trailer?
It not coming up on youtube

is this supposed to be impressive ?

Good lord, just look at that level of detail and grass.

>Studio that, from what I can tell, has never made a game before
> Unreal Atheistic
I'm extremely skeptical.

What happened to all the grass from the trailer?


Next week, apparently.

Congratz, you've reached 10 year old PC gfx in 2016.

Nintendo is the king of bullshots.

On a handheld console

fuck Nintendo

I know that this is bait but - different environment (unbelievable, I know!)


Proof it isn't one? It's about a literal retard kid and his dog of course it's going to be a walking simulator:

they are probably doing some really lame twists to explain some odd shit that you'll encounter in the game with 'it was aspergers vew of world all a long' shit

he was calling the user who posted an autist becuase he plans to autistically play video games all day without 'breaks' as he no doubt thinks of time not spent in another 'reality' (spoilers you are a loser in both) is time wasted. if the batt dies chargeit and do something productive you NEET.

This is the WiiU all over again.
>game comes out and looks like an early PS3 game
>Who cares it will get 9/10s and sell a million units
>game is a 6/10 and sell less than 100k and the dev never touches nintendo again

>ps4 games are launching with single digit FPS after 10 years development
>looks like ps2 games lmao

>switch is running unreal engine 4 at 30 fps stable
>"devs will never touch nintendo again~"""


LITERALLY NO ONE SAID THESE THINGS. cept you user, ill bet you were shitposting then too.

>bullshit followed by bullshit

People did this for every tech demo or screenshot nintendo released

Looks nice but I doubt it'll be fun to play though. I could be wrong but being an adventure game developed by frenchies has me really doubting the quality of the game itself.


30 FPS

Whenever there is a new Nintendo console announced, at least since the GCN, there are a few smaller devs nobody ever heard of before that make some visually impressive games with an interesting premise.
And it nearly always ends like this:
a) They get pushed back a lot
b) They end up being just kinda subpar
c) Or they never get released.

>random no-name indie developer
>having a switch devkit

Pick one.

It is impressive graphics wise. Show me a game as impressive that is a PC exclusive.

You can't.

Whether the user meant it to be impressive or not, it's still far better than TLG that runs at a silky 20fps with single digit drops.