Wii U version or Switch version?

Wii U version or Switch version?

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If you don't have a Wii U, Switch
If you have a Wii U, Switch


Wii U. Don't care framerate drops, since Zelda 3D always had shit framerate.

This: The Switch will also have new games, so might as well get it while you're at it.


Switch desu baka senpai

I do plan to get a Switch, just not at the launch day. I would rather wait for at least one year before buying it.

PC version with CEMU

We don't even know if Zelda will be a launch title yet though.

>buying a console at launch

>no new handheld after 3ds.
Switch its pretty much a confirmed buy for me.

Yeah, I know. That's why I said "I would rather wait for at least one year before buying it.".

I can't wait for the Switch to hit store shelves.

I'll pick one up after they have all been unceremoniously dumped in discount bins all across the country for the low, low price of 29.99usd after a few months.

>Zelda 3D always had shit framerate.
twilight princess ran at 30 fps on both wii and gc

>Wii U is the only Nintendo home console to not have console exclusive big Zelda (at the time they were released)

Wii U, I never get a console at launch.

I buy consoles when they have enough games I want to play in them. And the Swich already has more than enough, so I'm buying it right away.

Wii U since it's free

Yeah, shit

Pirate it on Wii U, Nintendo is never seeing my money ever again after what they pulled with Amiibos and the Wii U release schedule.

You're an idiot but whatever

Yes, which 30fps IS a shit framerate. Don't forget OOT and MM ran at 20 too.

It doesn't have a 3D Mario either.
There's a reason Wii U sold so badly. The games were bad.

Why are you so upset, Sonybro? Scared of the Switch?

Pirate Wii U version
Emulate Wii U version on PC
Buy Switch and Switch version if it's somehow any better

It's confirmed to be better already.

>not buying consoles at launch, presumably to see how many good games come out for it
>bought a Wii U


Except 3D World is better than Sunshine and has actual gameplay unlike the gimmicky shit Galaxy had.

Low quality b8

>Except 3D World is better than Sunshine
No it isn't.

I got my Wii U as a gift from a friend.

Not him but Wii U is hacked and has 10 good games, if you get a second hand one it's like $150 and the games are free, that's $15 for each game so it's not a bad deal.

>Zelda 3D always had shit framerate.
>Don't forget OOT and MM ran at 20 too.

I mean, you're not wrong but..

Yeah let's ditch solid platforming for a gimmicky tech showcase!

WTF is up with the dude on the left look at his tongue.

N64 was first significant step into proper console 3D.


I'm not even a big fan of Sunshine or Galaxy, but they're both still better than that piece of shit 3D World.

>pirating from Miyamoto


Does the possibility of the Switch being a product failure cause you any sort of anxiety, user?

That's the third time a Nintendrone mentioned being scared today.

And I am familiar with the psychological theory of projection.

that fucking tongue

what's your IQ user


Will the switch be downwards compatible with the WiiU?

tonguefaggots need to leave

But it's literally 2016.


Are you also familiar with the notion that tripcode users tend to be massive faggots? Clearly you're an expert

>he is believing in a singular iq

But have we even seen the differences between the two yet?

I mean, which one is going to run better? From everything I've seen of the Switch so far, it looks like it's going to be less powerful than the WiiU.

Have there been any comparisons yet?

>he doesn't understand what IQ is
I'm going to guess it's at the African American average of 85 then.

I replayed OoT recently and the frame rate was jaw-droppingly bad. I guess it was acceptable in 1998 since 3D in general was new but it was routinely dropped to single digits even when only a few things were happening on screen.

What makes you say that? Even older versions of the Tegra chip are more powerful than the Wii U.

cartridge based, so no

We know the Switch is more powerful because that version's frame rate doesn't shit itself during explosions. From what we've seen its stable


I don't get why people are hyped for this game, the graphics are atrocious. Everything is fuzzy, blurry and the color scheme is not at all striking.

We all know this game will be goty with metacritic 95+

>Being poor

Has nothing to do with it.

If you don't care about framedrops and they make something interesting with the Gamepad, Wii U.

Rationally speaking though, Switch is the better option.

The PS4 one. I mean, Nintendo ignored our petition for Smash on the Vita, but they surely won't ignore this too...

>All they have is Coca-Cola Zero: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

This is genuinely sad.

Someone post the salty animal crossing screencap NOW!

This is Kass.

from presentations, it looks like the WiiU version cant hold a stable framerate, while the switch can

How can Nintendo be so fucking incompetent? It started development as a Wii U game. They must really hate Wii U owners.

>it was routinely dropped to single digits even when only a few things were happening on screen.

This is not even remotely true. OoT only shits itself when bombs are flying everywhere.

Wii U cuz i cant affort the switch now.

>30 fps
>not shit
Ok bud

I'm okey with you, always wait for 5 games, but the price of a Nintendo home console never drop now, same for the games.